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Nice to meet everyone here. I'm Rango, a longtime Fire Emblem fan and an Ike main in Super Smash Bros. I've been an FE fan for a while, but I think I've gotten more in depth with the series than ever before over the last year. I've been formulating new strategies and venturing into the difficult, Japan-exclusive titles, such as Binding Blade. Plus I've found a friendly community in my state (Georgia) that enjoys the series as much as I do. Turns out Georgia's Smash community is heavily into the series. I want to broaden that, so I decided to become a member of the forums.

I also have friends in the state who attend anime cons, such as MomoCon and Anime Weekend Atlanta, who are into the series. Anyway, just broadening my horizons. Hope everyone's having a swell day.

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Hey, another person in Georgia! Nice! (Also, there's a Smash Community in Georgia? Where have I been?! :sweatdrop: )

Anywho, Welcome to the forest friend! If you have any questions, ask if you need to!

Also, mentioned already, but you actually picked the same profile picture as someone else, who is actually a friend of mine on here(she's a big fan of Ike). It's kinda funny since this is the first time I've seen that happen(and consider there are thousands of people on here...it's interesting to say the least)!

It's not too big of an issue, but people might confuse you two if they mainly look at the profile picture to identify you(which a good amount of people do).

Anywho, I hope you enjoy yourself and we get along(and enjoy talking about...well...FE related stuff! As well as other stuff too)! :Joshua:

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Welcome to the Forest, Rando!

Nah, it's okay to share the same Portrait/Avatar. You do not need to change it unless you really want to.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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