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Is there a counter-term to 'weeaboo'?


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For those who don't know a 'weeaboo' is a person who is willing to forsake their own culture for one of the east asian nations (Japan, Korea, and China mainly). However this comes about not through understanding and knowledge but from an obsession with games, manga, anime, and so-forth and often reaches the point of idolizing said EA-culture well above even their own culture. Often the person does not actually know ANYTHING about the culture that they claim to wish to join beyond what is shown in said medium and will only see their own idealized version of the culture even to the point of outright denying any flaws said culture has. I.E. seeing Japan as a place of progression and forwards-thinking and spurning anyone pointing out it's extremely homogenous culture that is insanely difficult for non-Japanese people to survive in. 

It is possible to like Japanese things and not be a weeaboo and it is possible to enjoy its media, learn about its culture, and even express a desire to join it without being a weeaboo (EX: someone who took a job that required them to move to Japan and opted to stay there and become a citizen in doing so).

The problem is that this term often gets applied to basically anyone who likes anything Japanese regardless of, well, anything. Like Mario Kart and hate Froza? 'Ew! You're such a weeb for liking that Japanese kiddy game!'. Did you like One Piece more than TMNT? 'Of course you'd like that weeb stuff'. So-on and so-forth. So I was wondering if there is a counter-term to apply to people who apply the 'weeb' term so readily and recklessly? Something like 'Westurd' or the like?

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uh i mean i would just use idiot. 

given how a lot of japanese pop culture is explicitly targeted to a western audience and is often in dialogue with western pop culture, there's nothing really stigmatizing about just liking their stuff. 

i guess the issue comes when people fetishize the culture based on taking artifacts out of context. 

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7 minutes ago, eclipse said:
8 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .what the hell is going on in this topic?


We're all showing how hard we try to resist our inner weaboo.

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7 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .what the hell is going on in this topic?

We're giving him counter-terms to "weeaboo"


Edited by Pixelman
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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .so explain to me why I shouldn't warn the vast majority of this topic for spamming/close it outright?

Well, I did give him a counter-term, that being "a normal person"

Sure the comment was in jest, but why wouldn't you be "a normal person" just for liking another country's games, cartoons, etc?

Like, if you are interested in/like certain aspects of Japan, that doesn't automatically make you a weeaboo, or a japanophile, or whatever. That just means you have different tastes in stuff :/

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If it helps, here's a fun fact:

Just as there are weaboos, there are also japanese who are just as obsessed with western culture. It's the reason as for why the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts games exists in the first place.

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8 hours ago, Water Mage said:

If it helps, here's a fun fact:

Just as there are weaboos, there are also japanese who are just as obsessed with western culture. It's the reason as for why the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts games exists in the first place.

Is there a specific term for Japanese who are obsessed with Western culture, or is one yet to be made?

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