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So I'm going to cosplay as an "older" Robin from Awakening, but not sure about something...


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Mainly, I'm not sure what to do about my hair and the fact that im a mid 30's guy. 

Robin for people who know about the game and series mainly identify him and the game from his stock avatar spikey white hair.


Well, that can mostly be fixed with a wig.

But the other big problem is that because I sure as hell don't look young enough to pull off early 20's white hair Robin and I'm not a big fan of how he looks with white hair and older face style


Plus the fact that I didn't use the default avatar when playing the game, I used my real name and chose an avatar that more closely resembles my thin haired buzz cut hair. I can also easily do those side "slashes" with my real hair easy enough using a hair trimmer


But my worry is if I go with my natural hair and uniqe side cuts, will anyone even recognize me even with a full outfit? I have a feeling I'll have to keep telling people who I am and I don't really like wandering around the con with the hood cowl over, then I'll just look like every other anime ninja/weird guy and plus i'll just look like Grima.



Thoughts on this? I really identify with my custom avatar for obvious reasons but I'm worried if I go that route, nobody will have a clue of who I am

Edited by DarkWind
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The whole point with cosplaying avatars is the costume since the hair, eyes and sometimes skin tone are all up to player choice.  As long as you wear Robin's coat anyone who knows about Robin will know who you are.  Have fun with it, at least now people will know who you are.  I dressed up as princess Erika from Sacred Stones one Halloween and no one knew who I was and kept asking if I was a vampire, of course that was 10 years ago when not a whole lot of people knew about FE.

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