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Might I ask for suggestions for some FE roleplay characters?


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So I'm attempting my first ever FE roleplay game, taking on the role of two characters for this game. I have the classes of Tactician and Archer. I have little knowledge of the world going in, and yet I need to make backstories and have personalities for these two by Monday. I've been trying to figure out two different accents to make them distinct. I have the stats, know the rules, know what I want to try to do! 


... and I'm coming up blank for who these two are. Usually I have too many ideas, yet now I can't seem to make anything work. I know it's not much to go on; still, I was hoping to get some ideas/feedback from the people who know FE better than anyone, assuming someone has a minute or two. 


Thank you for your time!

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I have a couple of ideas for both classes.  Without any background of the RP, it's a little difficult, but these can be morphed to the RP.  For the Archer:

  • They're a hunter who provides butchers and markets with meat in exchange for money.  They live a fairly simple life and has defended their village on multiple occasions from rogue bandits and thieves.  Generally, they could be a simpleton who gets recruited into the group because they want to defend than more than just their village.
  • My second idea is that they are a survivalist that has been cast out of society and has been living out in nature or the forest in order to survive.  This Archer could be really hostile towards others.  This Archer is so wary of other people that they keep their distance and uses a bow and arrow to maintain that distance.

And for the Tactician:

  • This is playing on the fact that they are a Tactician, so maybe they have been working for a Lord, Leader, whatever that are bad people, but they did offer the Tactician a role in their company/group otherwise they would have killed them; the reason how the Tactician encountered the group could be that the village or town the Tactician was in was being pillaged and destroyed so the Tactician fought and because they fought so well the leader of the group offered to recruit them.  So the Tactician feels kind of indebted to the group, but they hate what the group does so they're morally conflicted with what to do with themselves.  This could be worked into a character that needs to be talked to in order to be recruited.
  • Another idea I have for the Tactician is somewhat based off of Zhuge Liang from Romance of Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors where the Tactician could live in a fairly isolated place, but people know of them and they seek the Tactician's knowledge and expertise.  Anyone who has attempted to recruit them, they would refuse.  The reason why they want to live in isolation is because they do not want to be caught up in war or conflict as it does not suit them and they just want to live peacefully because they have been a part of a large conflict before.  Maybe in order for your RP, the incentive for the Tactician to join the group is that maybe the Tactician's home is being attacked and your RP group helps them.  Or it can go full Zhuge Liang and your RP group has to visit the Tactician 3 times on 3 different days and the Tactician will join, which basically shows the group's dedication.

You can also modify and add whatever to best fit your style and character, but these are just a frame.

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