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I suppose I ought to introduce myself!

Light Strategist

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Gind Kreetings!

It's been exactly a year since I joined the Forums so I think it's probably best to introduce myself on my 1-Year Anniversary of it. I personally think it's a little poetic to do so anyway.

Well, what can I say to start things off? I personally doubt I'm all that interesting (I mean, I can scratch the back of my head like a dog if the mood strikes me but who really cares, right?) but various people have told me otherwise so there's always that.

A few things I'll say about myself include but aren't limited to:

I'm British (and I do love me a nice cup of tea on occasion)

I can be very lazy (I literally waited a year since joining to make a topic on here for crying out loud!)

I've been a gamer since I was 2, with my first ever game being Sonic 1.

Also when I was 2, I decided it'd be an absolutely brilliant idea to mistake a packet of cigarettes for a candy that looks similar (literally just small sticks of sugar). This fucked up my diet and I don't typically eat as a normal person would, but for whatever reason I still don't hate the candy sticks I mistook the cigarettes for.

As for what got me into Fire Emblem, it's technically Super Smash Bros. Brawl or more specifically, the trophy gallery. My first actual experience with Fire Emblem as a franchise came a week before my 20th birthday where I was getting a 3DS XL as an early birthday present (yay!). My reason for getting one is naturally because of obviously wanting one but more deeply because of Pokémon X and Y releasing later that year. Anyway, I could've got a plain XL in a colour of my choosing or a Special Edition Awakening model which costed a little more but ultimately came with a total of 4 games and the kick-ass pattern on the top screen. At the time, I was a little apprehensive because I really wanted a Pikachu Special Edition model (if you can't tell by now, I'm a big Pokémon fan) but there were sadly none. In the long-term, I let my judgement decide based on the factors of which games looked most appealing, and Fire Emblem's model stood out because of coming bundled with a game that featured "Marth".

I didn't personally feel involved in Awakening until Chapter 9's conclusion, and after a while, I realized that Awakening had something that lots of games I've played up to that point for the past few years didn't really have. Real stakes. For the first time in a good few years, I found a game that actually had a story with a genuinely horrible consequence for failure. I was hooked. Since then I've gone back to a few of the older entries (7 and 9 are particular favourites outside of the 3DS era though I'm very iffy on Fates in general).

So, yeah... aside from information on my profile, this is basically me.

After having to spend an hour rewriting this after it didn't post the first time... or the next few times after that but fortunately kept a backup...

So I'll round this off with a "Hi!"

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