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Should I keep Seliph?


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I recently pulled a 5* Seliph and was pretty excited because, well, it's a 5* unit. But after looking through his skills/stats as well as seeing plenty of posts talking about inferior he is to other red lords, I've been thinking of sending him home. I already have Lyn and Ryoma for red sword users, and I have Ephraim and Julia in terms of Arena focus characters. I just can't seem to justify using up a slot for him :/ Do you guys think I should send him home? Or do you think there's still worth in keeping him around?

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Train Seliph. or leave him hanging in the barrack.


Why send him home when he can only net you 1K feather. (that's 5% of 20K feathers... I dont see how it is worth it)

Edited by Ryuke
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FWIW I'm running a Lv24 Seliph with 12 speed and even though he has Rally Speed, it's just horrifyingly pathetic to try to run him when he gets doubled by basically anything half-threatening.

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Here's the first rule of gacha gaming:


The meta's bound to shift eventually, and if it leans towards leaving units at half health or less, Seliph is going to wreck face.  You shouldn't be running out of inventory slots at this point, unless you've somehow pulled 40 times already.

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At the very least, don't get rid of him before you do his quest, because great badges are nothing to sneeze at. And yeah, I'd lean towards keep, just because Seliph.

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Just because he isn't as good as some other sword users, it doesn't mean he is bad. You just need to find the best way of using him.


His rally speed can be great for heros who are falling just short of doubling, plus it can give a nice boost in power to heroes like Nino and Odin.


And he can wall out axe users with his incredibly high Def and HP stats regardless if he is getting doubled. Plus his Res is much higher than alot of other swordies.


The more I look at his kit the more I like what he can do. I think he is quite under-rated at the moment.

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I've been keeping and training at least one copy of every unit I get. I'd be plenty happy to get a Seliph, even if only for collectability and potential future use somehow.

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1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

Just because he isn't as good as some other sword users, it doesn't mean he is bad. You just need to find the best way of using him.


His rally speed can be great for heros who are falling just short of doubling, plus it can give a nice boost in power to heroes like Nino and Odin.


And he can wall out axe users with his incredibly high Def and HP stats regardless if he is getting doubled. Plus his Res is much higher than alot of other swordies.


The more I look at his kit the more I like what he can do. I think he is quite under-rated at the moment.

His 'doubled by almost every high tier unit' speed can't mitigate itself, only others. The high res and sky-high attack is nice but as far as sword lords go. Unless you're running a +Spd Seliph yourself, you're looking at a 24spd unit, which gets hammered pretty hard by basically anything ranged in the Arena and almost every enemy that can tank one hit from you in Lunatic Campaign.

Every lord, sans Lucina and Chrom, run Res that's quite a bit higher than Seliph. Seliph has more res than most nonlord Swordies, which gives him a niche if you have no one else to try to tank green mages (Merric, Julia, Nino), but he'll still be doubled by the latter two (for 20ish dmg per hit, assuming no skills or buffs exist on enemy Julias/Ninos).

As far as high incredibly high Def/HP, HP is the highest but he is the absolute slowest SwordLord, and one of the only two to have speeds under 30 aside from -Spd Roy/MCorrin and Chrom. Comparing him to Chrom gives you a unit with no Eff. damage or offensive skills (Falchion is the most OP sword though) and Chrom's personal skill gives him almost point-for-point defense, if not more, than Tyrfing does for Seliph. He's also the only lord who can only offer a statistical benefit to one unit. Heck, three other Sword Lords boost speed, and in their cases, boost up to three units' speed rather than just one. To put it differently:

Seliph has Rally Speed, which grants one unit +4 Spd. You can either do that, or attack.

  • Chrom, being less Res-tanky but faster and more physically bulky and threatening, runs Spur Def to share up to +4 Def with all adjacent units
  • Lyn is an inverted Chrom/Seliph, who's all about Speed, offers up to +4 with Spur Spd (that's three units getting +4 spd, rather than just one)
  • Lucina runs Spur Atk, granting +4 atk to nearby buddies. Aside from a noticeable HP difference (like -12 or so on comparable natures), she's equally as offensively threatening (same Atk modifiers), has Eff v Dragons and has an at-worst 33 spd, which runs safe against common enemies like Takumi and basically anybody with over 30 speed (most magic users that aren't Robin, for instance)
  • Eirika runs Hone Spd, granting adjacent allies at the beginning of your turn with an automatic Rally-Speed. It's more practical for defensive play, but still benefits more units. Her weapon runs Spur Atk 2, granting neighbors +3 Atk, so she has two ways to buff
  • Marth runs Spur Spd, which grants up to +4 spd to adjacents
  • Roy runs Seal Def, which while not impacting units in a super obvious way, lets Roy strike basically any green unit with absolute ease because of Triangle Adept, and drop their Def by up to -7 for the remainder of your turn (or potentially, the rest of their turn + your turn because of how Seal Def works super duper well for Enemy Phase)
    • MCorrin is the only other real SwordLord, and he doesnt offer any form of team stat buffs sadly. He is quite a bit faster and has more res and slightly more def in exchange for -15 HP and -5 atk though

In terms of usability, he's still a Sword Lord which is in the upper echelon of unit types, but the lack of Falchion, (cutting out sustainability in exchange for skill-less burst striking vs non-Dragon units) and a multiple unit buff puts him down the list of reliable and effective SwordLords. 

tl;dr he has a ton of HP and pretty high Atk for a swordie, but thrives on being at low HP and that's a risky position to be in for FE Heroes, especially when his team benefit is a turn-consuming Rally. If instead of Brash Assault, he had Vantage, then he'd be a superstar in his niche, but he's more viable than any other Sword lord sans MCorrin I'd say.

Edited by Elieson
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Keep him. There is no reason to send him home.

Even if you don't know how to use him right now, he might be more useful later on depending of the new characters we'll get.

He is also a *5 unit and you might never get him ever again.

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I got Seliph (+spd -res), but even +spd he is so useless.. You cannot rely on this character at all.
Before I was running my 5* Arena team: Ryoma, Lucina, Azura & F Corrin. Since we had to replace
a hero for the Arena, my 4* Odin was my 1st pick till I lvled up Seliph. I run Ryoma and even F Corrin
next to Seliph granting him +4spd & +4att. Though I kind of feel like replacing Seliph with Odin again.

I pulled Julia today though, so she can probably replace him. :)

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My Seliph is +HP/-SPD.

At first, I thought this is the worst possible build for him to have, but then I remember his speed not being particularly great to begin with; I always pair him with Eirika to somewhat make up for this shortcoming. Even though HP is one of his stronger features, especially with his passive skill, more HP is always nice. I think +DEF would have been better, though.

I'd say keep him. He actually has some niche uses as a support unit. 

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If they made his brash assault skill like shannas where his counter happens before the other unit can attack I think he'd be amazing. Everything will double him and he's fairly tanky so use him to draw out the enemy and he would nuke almost anyone with the consecutive doubles. Add in a dancer and he's practically unbeatable. I pulled a -spd +atk Seliph that I'm really enjoying so far, but I haven't used him in arena yet (he's only level 15) so we'll see how well he turns out. 

Edit: the skill I was referring to was shannas desperation skill, which at level 3 if Shanna is below 75% health her follow up attack occurs immediately after her first one. However unlike what I originally thought it was only when attacking, not defending. 

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