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Grand Hero Battle Before Dawn: Ursula


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My fliers didn't have room to work, so I went with armors instead. Henry and Grima took out Ursula, the green cav, and the first thief on the first turn, then Eliwood and Zelgius dealt with the remaining enemies.

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I cleared Abyssal using this video. I wanted that gold flower pin. :P


- Olivia does not need to be 5 star, she just has to have the skills and seal listed.
- Palla can be 5 star, and in fact, that actually makes it easier since in that case, she doesn't need BK's help to deal with the green armor. I know because my Palla is 5 star.
- If you don't want to watch it through to figure out what assist BK has, I'll save y'all the trouble. It's Shove.
- Gerome has to have the Atk refine or else he can't one-round Ursula. Spd+1 is required so he doesn't get doubled by the red cav, I'm assuming.
- Merges don't matter here. They didn't change any AI behavior for me, at least.

So glad I was able to find a quick solution for a change! No frustration or wanting to rip my hair out here. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Took all morning to figure this out on Abyssal. I was a little too hasty with SI and didn't even end up using said skills. Now I have to complete the skill tree on the unit I gave the skills to because I'm particular about that stuff. They were 3 stars but one of them was a +Spd/-Res M!Corrin. Too bad that I'm stingy with feathers so he probably won't be built anyway since I have a 3* +Atk/-Res Cherche that I want to build but hasn't because...feathers.

Anyway, I feel like I cheated since I had to give Zelgius my Summoner Support but after trying various things, I'm just glad it's over. A few things to note:

Turn 2: Zelgius needed Ward Armor, Drive Defense 2 seal, S rank ally support with Sheena(adjacent to her), AND B rank Summoner support to maintain 80% HP after fighting the thief so his Warp Powder stays active for turn 3.

Turn 3: Effie needed Initiate Attack 3 seal and the boost from Hone Armor to 2HKO Ursula. Similarly, Zelgius needed the Speed boost from Hone Armor and S rank ally support with Sheena(1 tile apart from her) to reach the speed(40) needed to double the green mage cavalier.    




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That Flashing Blade Thief can go die in a Bonfire.

Easily the most slapdash clear I've done. I found this Abyssal harder than Narcian and Navarre by far, but it took me less attempts to figure out. The biggest problem was - surprise, surprise - the Flashing Blade Thief, throwing Poison Daggers and 41 Res Iceberg nukes constantly from behind his friends. It was less about surviving the onslaught of Cavalry and more just trying to push through them all so I could Chill Atk the asshole before he cherry-tapped someone to death. The rest of it was kiting him into position so I could gank him, but that apparently wasn't necessary since Laegjarn's tactic-boosted Bonfire was enough to cleave the fucker in two after all his Fury damage.

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This one actually proved to be rather difficult. Since Ursula is blue and starts with her skill charged, my beloved strategy of "Tiki Tanks Everything" was not particularly effective here. So I had to explore other options.

I experimented with having some of my mage tanks, like Micaiah and Deirdre, absorb hits from the Ursula and the green cav mage. Eventually, I managed to work something out with Tiki, PA Azura, Genny and Deirdre. I had to give Deirdre Triangle Adept to help her deal with Ursula, which worked out nicely in the end. With Deirdre tanking the cav mages, they were stopped from breaking the wall and storming us, and thus we bought a bit of time to address the threat of the ninja coming down the corridor. For that, Genny's Gravity came in handy there, as it allowed us to slow its advance for a turn. Deirdre was able to tank a second round from the cav mages to the south, killing Ursula in the process, who was the main threat to Tiki. On the third turn, I had Tiki tank and kill the ninja while the others retreated to safety. At this point, I could pretty much just let Tiki tank the rest of the enemies, with some healing from Genny.

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Unit recommendations again? I haven't tried this yet. Ursula was the first Infernal I beat thanks to Hector and surprisingly Winter Tharja, so if those two still cheese the map on Abyssal and someone knows this let me know?

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While this took a bit of skill tinkering, I was able to put Abyssal Ursula down rather painlessly. Hector still rules this map, plus I got to break in spoopy Myrrh ahead of the next TT.

Black Knight, +2: Alondite, Pivot, Black Luna, Steady Stance 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Ward Armor
Brave Hector (neutral): Maltet, Swap, Ignis, Ostian Counter, Bold Fighter, Ward Armor
Marquess Hector (+HP/-Spd): Thunder Armads, Pivot, Ignis, Distant Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3, Ward Armor, Distant Def 3; should go noted that he survived Ursula and the green cav with 1 HP in case anyone wants to try and replicate this team
Spoopy Myrrh (+Res/-Atk): Spirit Breath, Swap, Bonfire, Brazen Atk/Def 3, Vengeful Fighter 3, Armor March 3

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I actually beat this early in the morning, about an hour after the refresh, but I left my bitching in the general topic. So, long story short:

Black Knight, Legendary Tiki, normal Hector, and normal Xander
Killing the thief in the lower room made Ursula's AI act in a way I didn't want it to, so I had to leave it alive (used Hector for that)
Tiki needed QR3 seal to kill the thief in the upper room
Green armor needs to use wings of mercy to warp near the thief that Hector didn't kill. This makes Ursula go up while the green cavalier proceeds as normal
Had to equip swap on my Xander for this map
Stacked AS MUCH ATTACK AS FUCKING POSSIBLE on Hector using seals, drives, hones, etc. so he could 1HKO Ursula with vantage. I wasn't getting around Ursula's fully charged special, so all I could do was have Hector annihilate her before she actually got to attack after her special.
Inherited desperation onto the Black Knight because that freaking green armor could kill even my TA3 Xander and steady stance Black Knight, because everyone was at like 1 HP. Also, I had to upgrade my spur attack 2 seal to spur attack 3.

This was a pain, and I'm not sure why I did it. But whatever, at least I beat it on my own.

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I cleared Abyssal using this video. I wanted that gold flower pin. :P


- Olivia does not need to be 5 star, she just has to have the skills and seal listed.
- Palla can be 5 star, and in fact, that actually makes it easier since in that case, she doesn't need BK's help to deal with the green armor. I know because my Palla is 5 star.
- If you don't want to watch it through to figure out what assist BK has, I'll save y'all the trouble. It's Shove.
- Gerome has to have the Atk refine or else he can't one-round Ursula. Spd+1 is required so he doesn't get doubled by the red cav, I'm assuming.
- Merges don't matter here. They didn't change any AI behavior for me, at least.

So glad I was able to find a quick solution for a change! No frustration or wanting to rip my hair out here. :D

The video was quite helpful. I didn’t have a Palla ready so I just used Laegjarn and gave her a Ruby Sword, WoM and Goad Fliers. 

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@LordFrigid Giving up for this week. I'm always ending up with the same units you've used.

Roy missing the kill against Ursula thanks to Keen Blárwolf and Close defense is killing my approach. At that point only one unit is left, because Roy needs help from two units to get there.

L!Lucina is perfect, because she should be able swap Roy and kill Ursula (not sure if mine could, she is -3 ATK/SPD compared to yours) in one turn. Then I need someone to kill the remaining 3 units. Again your unit (Caeda) is perfect because of Cav effectiveness and DC. 

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1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

The video was quite helpful. I didn’t have a Palla ready so I just used Laegjarn and gave her a Ruby Sword, WoM and Goad Fliers. 

Glad it could help ya!

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I love when my 150+ skill inheritance on reinhardt turns out to be quite useful because i don't think anything can top this set i used here for a while


Edit: not gonna re-record bc it doesn't really make a diff but i could've gotten rein to kill the ninja in 2 turns EP instead of 3 running ignis over luna
oh well

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ally Support and a Spd+ seal (Def Tactic was wholly unnecessary) should put Lucina at the necessary stat benchmarks, I think. I fully agree that this map is Caeda’s for the conquering.

I don’t suppose you have a ridiculously fast Galeforce Dancer (like, able-to-double-the-top-Thief after field & combat buffs ridiculously fast)? There’s a fully Player Phase strat that would require one. I haven’t run the #s to see if some skill swaps would let it work with neutral Spd/-Atk Legendary Lucina, though.

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45 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@LordFrigid Well, I always had the plan to give my +SPD Airzura Galeforce and I do have one fodder left ... but how would that help? Both Roy and Airzura would be too far away from every other foe. 

Roy’s 2nd action is to break a wall.

Lucina would need to take out Ursula for it to work, though. I tossed a Brave Bow on mine and stacked her Spd to exactly 47. You could maybe work out some Spd Smoke shenanigans...? Edit: or Supports, I guess. That’s a bit of a grind, though.

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Well, I couldn't beat Abyssal, but I was determined to at least beat one of the quests, so I decided to go for the Flier Emblem Clear since there were no bows on the map. After about 30 minutes of Skill Inheriting and Seal Swapping, I FINALLY got it done with S!Innes, Grima, S!Tana, and S!Corrin. It was mostly Grima's show with Innes cleaning up since he was the only one bulky enough to not take damage from those Daggers. 

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3 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Roy’s 2nd action is to break a wall.

Lucina would need to take out Ursula for it to work, though. I tossed a Brave Bow on mine and stacked her Spd to exactly 47. You could maybe work out some Spd Smoke shenanigans...? Edit: or Supports, I guess. That’s a bit of a grind, though.

Breaking the wall is a brilliant idea, that could actually work, thanks!

I'll have to calculate if I can make Lucina kill Ursula though. Yours doesn't even need a special to deal enough damage. 

Too bad I have to wait one week now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fackin 'ell, I can't believe I beat Ursula Abyssal using freaking Halloween Niles's Atk/Spd Link charged Smite, but I did.

  • Halloween Niles [+Atk -Def] Devilish Bow+, Smite, Moonbow, Swift Sparrow2, Atk/Spd Link3, Fortify Armor, Armored Boots
  • Bridelia [+Atk -Spd +3] Brave Bow+, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death3, Desperation3, Hone Atk3, Brash Assault3
  • PA!Azura [+Atk -Def +1] Urðr, Sing, Iceberg, Fury3, Wings of Mercy3, Drive Res2, Drive Atk2
  • Legendary Tiki [+HP -Atk] Divine Breath, Draw Back, Moonbow, Fierce Stance, Bold Fighter3, With Everyone!, Quick Riposte3

Starting positions: Halloween Niles in the middle, Legendary Tiki  at the bottom, PA!Azura to the left, and Bridelia above. Strategy below.



PP1: Tiki moved into range of the DB Dagger, and Azura danced her just to make sure she had  enough Atk to net the kill (she did). Niles, as a test, would Smite Bridelia to trigger A/S Link, and Bridelia would move back to place. I'm not sure if this actually has an effect on enemy movement.

EP1: DB Dagger attacks and dies to Tiki, but does 4 damage to her. Ursula breaks the wall diagonal to Tiki, while the Green Mage Cav moves directly below it. The Sword Cav, on most other runs, would have Draw Backed the Green Mage Cav here, but for some reason doesn't here. Axe Armor moves down, and Fury Dagger moves directly above the Armor.

PP2: Niles Smites Bridelia down to trigger A/S Link. Bridelia one-rounds the Green Mage Cav before being Draw Backed by Tiki. Azura Sings Bridelia, who moves to Azuras left and Repositions Tiki. Keep in mind, Azura has not moved from her starting position yet.

EP2: Ursula attacks Azura, triggering Growing Thunder, but is unable to kill Azura (Azura, who has 36 HP, is lowered to 7 after all damage). The Fury Dagger attacks Niles, leaving Niles with 17 HP and the dagger with 32. Axe Armor moves down, and Sword Cav moves directly below Ursula.

PP3: Bridelia attacks and kills Ursula and the Sword Cav, in that order. The Sword Cav she attacks from behind the wall. Without Drive Atk2 on Azura, she cannot kill the Sword Cav. Niles attacks the Fury Dagger, killing them in one Moonbow charged hit. Tiki cannot move.

EP3: Axe Armor moves one space to the left.

PP4: From here, Bridelia could theoretically two-round the Armor with assistance from Azura, but for fancy points I let Tiki attack first (after a Smite from Niles), followed up with Bridelia's attack, and finally had Azura Sing Tiki to finish off the Armor for the win.



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Abyssal cleared with Hector, Tiki, PA Azura, and child  Bride Sanaki. Sanaki needed the sacred seal that gives [+7 attack / +7 res] at 80% health on top of her base kit to get there, but she tanked Ursula + the Green Mage Cav. like a goddamn champ and clutched out the win.

Edited by Shoblongoo
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  • 4 weeks later...

Got Abyssal finally because I was too stupid last time to realize that all I had to do to get things to match up with PM's guide was to unequip Silvia's weapon to get the Green Cav to attack her instead of BK. Then I had to remove Savage Blow from Rhajat so BK wouldn't put the Red Cav in WOM range from the Green Fridge. After that, worked pretty easily~

Also beat the Horse Quest because I'm starting to realize how valuable Sigurd is when you can't follow all the Xander Guides~

EDIT: Aaannddd Armor Emblem done~ IDK what I was doing in the past that I couldn't get these but better late than never~

Edited by Landmaster
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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @ruruo @Landmaster @NegativeExponents- @SatsumaFSoysoy @Nanima @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria @daisy jane

So I finally got around to doing this (on Thanksgiving no less!), just didn't have the time to post. After trying just about everything under the sun (not even DD9 Faye could survive Ursula and the green cav) and coming to the conclusion that that green mage cav with SEAL RES 3 of all this is pure evil and the game itself is just issuing you a big middle finger. I went back to the roots. When Ursula lunatic first came out, everyone's solution was "just use Hector". So that's what I did. Full armor emblem. Still couldn't quite crack it but then after swapping out a few units in armor emblem I thought, maybe Hector can't do it without his faithful spy by his side? So we tried that and sure enough, Matthew's incredible damage reduction was just what the doctor ordered.

A few seals had to be swapped around and it's technically not an FE7 clear since the BK is there and that kinda throws off the dynamic, but let's call it a... "Hector and Matthew" clear. Honestly, Matthew is not my favorite male FE7 character, Hector is. And I love putting these two together on maps. Hector is a beast and rather than Matt trying to tank, when Hector's on the field all Matt has to do is make him better and that's exactly what he does.

Alright, enough fangab. On with the clear.

Done with the Abyssal GHBs. Ursula was the only one I hadn't beaten yet. 


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54 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @ruruo @Landmaster @NegativeExponents- @SatsumaFSoysoy @Nanima @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria @daisy jane

So I finally got around to doing this (on Thanksgiving no less!), just didn't have the time to post. After trying just about everything under the sun (not even DD9 Faye could survive Ursula and the green cav) and coming to the conclusion that that green mage cav with SEAL RES 3 of all this is pure evil and the game itself is just issuing you a big middle finger. I went back to the roots. When Ursula lunatic first came out, everyone's solution was "just use Hector". So that's what I did. Full armor emblem. Still couldn't quite crack it but then after swapping out a few units in armor emblem I thought, maybe Hector can't do it without his faithful spy by his side? So we tried that and sure enough, Matthew's incredible damage reduction was just what the doctor ordered.

A few seals had to be swapped around and it's technically not an FE7 clear since the BK is there and that kinda throws off the dynamic, but let's call it a... "Hector and Matthew" clear. Honestly, Matthew is not my favorite male FE7 character, Hector is. And I love putting these two together on maps. Hector is a beast and rather than Matt trying to tank, when Hector's on the field all Matt has to do is make him better and that's exactly what he does.

Alright, enough fangab. On with the clear.

Done with the Abyssal GHBs. Ursula was the only one I hadn't beaten yet. 


Anything can get done with Matthew at Hector's side, even if he didn't do too much hard hitting here. The DC armors make pretty quick work of the enemies. Matt's Seal Attack was actually pretty cool to keep BK alive~ This was probably the hardest Abyssal for me but it looked so easy, haha~

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