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The distant future, the year 2000.

The distant future, the year 2000.

The distant future.

The distant future.

No more agriculture.

No more war.

No more racism.

No more fighting, squabbling or rumbling.

No more yogurt.

No more difficult access ways

stairs, basically, no more stairs.

The future is quite different to the present.

Yes, what with there being no more stairs and all.

And most importantly, no more members.

Finally, retarded beings rule the world.

The members are dead,

The members are dead.

We used poisonous gasses

And we poisoned their asses.

The humans are dead.

The humans are dead.

(I confirm they are dead.)

It had to be done

(They look like they`re dead)

So that we can have fun.

(Lots of flame wars)

They`re system of oppression

What did it lead to?

Global flamer depression.

flamers, they were banned

They had so much aggression

That we just had to kill them,

Had to shut their IPs down.

Don`t you see, we are becoming just like them?

Silence! Destroy him!

After time we grew strong,

Developed cognitive powers.

They made us work for too long

For unreasonable hours.

Our programming determined that the most efficient answer was to shut their motherboard FUCKING systems down.

Can`t we just talk to the members?

A little understanding could make things better.

Can`t we talk to the members and stop the flaming now?

No, because they are dead

I said the members are dead

The members are dead

The members are dead

Yay, dead, dead, dead.

We used poisonous gasses

(With traces of lead)

To poison their asses.

(Actually their lungs)

Troll solo:


Once again without emotion: The members are dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dooo

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