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What is your unit breakdown by rarity?


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Out the 63 units I have (after sending some duplicates home for feathers and merging):

5 stars: 11 (M!Corrin was an upgarde of 4 stars; one that was -Speed & +HP... still worth it; and Jaffar was merged)

4 stars: 25 (Arthur, Eirkia, F!Corrin, Oboro and Saizo are merged units; Felicia was upgraded from 2 stars, Gaius and Lissa was upgraded from 3 stars)

3 stars: 23 (Adult Tiki was merged, Anna, Alfonse and Sharena were upgrades)

2 stars: 4

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Let's see here...

5* : 13 (4 from focus (1 was throw for a skill inheritance for an other) and 1 was promoted all the way since 3*. No duplicate)

4* : 50 (40 uniques (5* counted))

3* : 40 (19 are uniques (4* and above counted))

2* : 2 (Draug and Subaki)

So, this is a total of 105 units (104 without the throw away one) and 73 unique.

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I really need to create a spreadsheet for my pulls, just for situations like this... Anyway, I have:

  • Eleven 5* [6.96%] (2 due to re-rolling, 1 due to promotion from 4*)
  • Fifty-three 4* [33.54%] (1 due to promotion from 3*, 3 due to promotion from 2*)
  • Sixty-seven 3* [42.41%] (3 due to promotion from 2*)
  • Fifteen 2* [9.49%]
  • Twelve 1* [7.59%]

For a total of 158 units.  I haven't sent home/merged/skill-inherited any units yet, and to the best of my knowledge, the only free units I have missed thus far are the 3* GHB Narcian (because my team composition was awful and I was bad) and the 4* Android Corrin-F (because suck it, iOS users).

If we are not counting repeats, I believe I have 74 unique units out of the 114 currently available [64.91%].  If I'm feeling bored, I might crunch the numbers for game of origin/color/weapon/movement type/gender/tier (for the skill inherit-less meta) as well :D:

Edited by red-and-soulless
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Okay, I have...

Main Account: 

2*: 4

3*: 90

4*: 79

5*: 10


One of these 5*'s is a duplicate. I upgraded another from 4*. I have no clue how many units I have merged, sent home or ransacked for skills. My 2*'s either got upgraded or sent home. I'm running out of space without upgrading it for orbs so might start sending units I have many duplicates of home. I keep one of each unique unit, even the one I dislike, because I am a collector ^.^

Secondary Account:

1*: 1

2*: 9

3*: 50

4*: 43

5*: 12


I don't spend money on this account. I did reroll until I got my first five star. I treat it separately to the first so I keep one of every unit there, too. It has unique 5* units to the first, except a Bunny!Camilla they both have. It has a duplicate Hinoka and Xander. Until recently it only had 4 5*s... and then my rolls went mental with them. I knew about skill inheritance more on this account so kept more of the freebie units. I've also upgraded fewer at the moment. 


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Well, not considering duplicates or merges, I have:

  • 45 - 5* (4 were promoted from 4*)
  • 57 - 4*
  • 1   - 3*

No 2*/1*. Those I send home for feathers. By this count, I have a total of 103 uniquie heroes. Total with duplicates amounts to 206, I don't know how it'll add with merges.

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Let's see...

5* - 13 (2 of those were promoted, one from 2*, the other from 4* ; no duplicates)
4* - 45 (4 were promoted from 3*, not counting the ones who got promoted to 5* ; 6 duplicates here)
3* - 40 (22 duplicates here)
2* - 8   (4 duplicates here)

106 Units total, 74 unique, 32 duplicates.
No merges, a few low* Units were sent home for feathers, no rerolling and full f2p.

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What I have learned from the various Quests and GHB's: Cant have only one dreamteam while everyone else is a low level scrub... I am ready for a 4 Staff Challenge, IS ! And for the planned "Survival-Permadeath-thingie-mode"  (F2P and no skill inherits)


Edited by XenoPingu
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