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Game Trading


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So, I've got a question for you guys. Where/how do you trade games? I understand that not everybody does this, but it seems pretty popular with some people I know. And I would really like to know how I can participate in that whole deal as well.

I've got Conquest, which I don't really care that much for. I would like to try out Shadow Dragon, which seems more to my liking. Both games sell for about the same on Amazon, and I know there are people out there who want Conquest. So what would be the best way to do a trade like that, without blowing a boatload of money on shipping or getting scammed and never seeing my game again?

Is that even something people do anymore? Given the nature of video gaming, is that even legal? Because if it was, I figure somebody would find a way to abuse the crap out of it! 

Anyway, your insights would be appreciated.

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There used to be a site called Goozex for this, but it doesn't exist now, sadly. I think your best bet would be to go to Gamestop or something. You won't be able to make a trade like you described, but it seems like the best option.

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The main thing that comes to my mind is the Trading Post subforums on the Speed Demo Archive Website. 

They have been kind of quiet for the last 2 months. Many other game sites, have similar things, but I don't find them as reputable, although tbf you usually have to wait a longer time for something on sda to go through than a crowded website

I mostly know about this part of the site through its "events" blind nes trades for the win but people also use it for specific requests and modern console games. SDA's boards are open and easy to approach for people with no intention of speedrunning or casual discussions... People really shouldn't feel intimidated into thinking that speedrunners are unapproachable because of the skill deficit ....

I'd offer to trade you myself but I already have both games.

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For two of my friends, they just lent me games I was interested in and didn't expect anything in return. They were pretty nice and lenient about it in terms of the borrowing duration.

There was this one guy from work where we did "trade borrows." The main instance of that was where I borrowed Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker from him and in return he borrowed Yoshi's Woolly World from me. So essentially, it was us borrowing different games from each other temporarily. Since I defeated Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker 100% really quickly (3 stars in all chapters, all record times matched/defeated, you name it), he allowed me to return Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and let me borrow Shovel Knight while he still borrowed Yoshi's Woolly World from me.

I guess that's as much "game trading" as I've done so far. I personally have never done any permanent game trades or selling.

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