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Which lord most exemplifies his/her title?


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Basically, which lord in the series is the most lord-like? Nobles are supposed to have a combination of etiquette, strength, charisma, intelligence, leadership skills, etc., so which lord in the series has the best combination of these qualities?

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Basically, which lord in the series is the most lord-like? Nobles are supposed to have a combination of etiquette, strength, charisma, intelligence, leadership skills, etc., so which lord in the series has the best combination of these qualities?

Edit: Not sure why the forum double-posted this, and whenever I try to edit or remove the second post, it edits the entire topic...

Edited by Godhand
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Sigurd, in my opinion. And Marth as well obviously.

Eirikia too I guess, but Ephraim is also kind of lord like too (I mean, he's more like a high commander of an army than a lord, tbh)

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Marth, "I am a prince before I am a son or a brother."

He put his kingdom and his allies before himself, so my vote goes to him.

I think Roy fulfills his duty exceptionally well, considering he was asked to go in his father's place and he does the best that he can.

I'd also like to say Minerva, because while not a lord in the truest sense, she is princess of Macedonia, is humble, and wants to correct things for her kingdom herself. She was also noted as a fine ruler as well.

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Marth - Very princley. Has a very typical prince arc, where he starts off naive and ignorant, eventually becomes more wise and develops a deep love of his people.

Alm - Hotheaded and reckless. Not very lord-like.

Celica - Very proper and lordly. Can't say much beyond this since I have yet to play SoV, and this is really all there is to her character in Gaiden.

Sigurd - Good dude, bit of a free spirit, but still exemplifies a good lord. Drops his duties in a heartbeat to rescue his friends, then takes it upon himself to rid Jugdral of corrupt nobles. However, this ends up biting him in the end.

Seliph - A rougher example, but still a proper lord in many ways. Despite not having his kingdom, still seems very lordly. Basically a less pampered/proper version of Sigurd, while being maybe a bit more considerate.

Leif - Like Seliph, but far scrappier, and far more bitter. Still a commanding leader, and managed to lead his group through probably the most dire situation any FE lord has been through, so that's worth mentioning.

Roy - 's a boy. Of all of the static FE lords, he's the one I've been least convinced could actually recruit his army and lead them through everything. Not a bad kid, but still very much a kid. He's supposed to be clever and cunning, but I've never bought it.

Lyn - Ladylike and polite, but independent. Doesn't seem to care much about being a noble.

Eliwood - The most stereotypically lord-like of the FE7 lords. In the strictest sense, probably the best case of fulfilling his title.

Hector - If you want to go against the grain, Hector might be a better example than Eliwood. Deeply loyal, willing to drop everything to fight for his people, and eventually dies defending his kingdom. But he doesn't have a typical lord-like attitude. Brash and rude.

Eirika - Basically Lyn, just without the explicit independence. Alternatively, like Celica, but with more personality.

Ephraim - Basically Sigurd 2.0, but less convincing.

Ike - Besides Roy, the least lordly lord. Doesn't give a shit about the hoity-toity nonsense that nobles/royals go through, and would rather rough it in the woods with his friends.

Micaiah - As much as I don't buy her ability to just turn the entirety of Daein to her side, she still does it. She's a bit naive and probably too kindhearted for her own good, but she still has many desirable traits of a lord.

Chrom - Lamer version of Sigurd/Hector. About on par with Ephraim. Not really convinced that he'd be a super great leader of a country, but the game presents him as a good leader of an army, so whatever. Loves his friends, yada yada.

Corrin - Awful. Either insanely dumb and easy to trick in his Conquest incarnation, or far too optimistic and naive in his Birthright incarnation. Doesn't really exemplify a good leader in any way.

I'd say Eliwood, Marth, or Eirika, if you go by traditional lord/noble standards. Everyone else either lacks the personality, or are too willing to give up lordly duties to help personal acquaintances.

Edited by Slumber
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4 hours ago, Godhand said:

Basically, which lord in the series is the most lord-like? Nobles are supposed to have a combination of etiquette, strength, charisma, intelligence, leadership skills, etc., so which lord in the series has the best combination of these qualities?

Eliwood and in particular Seliph and marth are the best choices: they all are very "lordly", have a great charisma, shows to be quite smarts and, while mah not be completely true for Eliwood, they are good leaders as well.

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I think the question deserves to be asked how much war is a natural part of a lord/king's duties. I mean Louis XIV of France (r. 1643-1715) fought his first war largely out of want of glory and kingly duty. Of course in the modern world, we prefer to imagine rulers as peacemakers and not peace destroyers.

Can't say anything of the Jugdrali lords, but I think Slumber nailed things overall.

Hector is actually fairly decent as a warrior-lord. Despite being brash and emotional, he does understand politics fairly well IIRC.

Chrom on the other hand, in my opinion an attempt to have the rugged Ike and the gentle Marth in one individual, seems too easy to walk on politically. Bond with a him a little, and he probably wouldn't say no to you. And if you can't say no because somebody seems nice, you are just begging for corruption to become widespread.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think the question deserves to be asked how much war is a natural part of a lord/king's duties. I mean Louis XIV of France (r. 1643-1715) fought his first war largely out of want of glory and kingly duty. Of course in the modern world, we prefer to imagine rulers as peacemakers and not peace destroyers.

Can't say anything of the Jugdrali lords, but I think Slumber nailed things overall.

Hector is actually fairly decent as a warrior-lord. Despite being brash and emotional, he does understand politics fairly well IIRC.

Chrom on the other hand, in my opinion an attempt to have the rugged Ike and the gentle Marth in one individual, seems too easy to walk on politically. Bond with a him a little, and he probably wouldn't say no to you. And if you can't say no because somebody seems nice, you are just begging for corruption to become widespread.

The two parts of a lord's job are actually really well shown by Eirika and Ephraim (or alm and Cellica), actually. (the complementarity between the two lords being an important point.)


It depends at which point of their story we're mentionning them, actually.

Leif ends up being a pretty good Lord, but is kinda lacking at the beginning.

Herctor becomes a great Lord after Uther dies (the most lordly figures of Blazing Sword. Strong, smart, charismatic), but at the start he's pretty similar to Alm (his very first appearance have him kill a random mook because he's in the way.).

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20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think the question deserves to be asked how much war is a natural part of a lord/king's duties. I mean Louis XIV of France (r. 1643-1715) fought his first war largely out of want of glory and kingly duty. Of course in the modern world, we prefer to imagine rulers as peacemakers and not peace destroyers.

A lord's skill as a fighter and commander should definitely be taken into consideration. But yes, in the OP I am mostly talking about the standard "chivalrous" lord, so he or she should always promote peace above war, unless his or her country stands to gain a significant amount from a war.

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On ‎01‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 2:33 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think the question deserves to be asked how much war is a natural part of a lord/king's duties. I mean Louis XIV of France (r. 1643-1715) fought his first war largely out of want of glory and kingly duty. Of course in the modern world, we prefer to imagine rulers as peacemakers and not peace destroyers.

Can't say anything of the Jugdrali lords, but I think Slumber nailed things overall.

Hector is actually fairly decent as a warrior-lord. Despite being brash and emotional, he does understand politics fairly well IIRC.

Chrom on the other hand, in my opinion an attempt to have the rugged Ike and the gentle Marth in one individual, seems too easy to walk on politically. Bond with a him a little, and he probably wouldn't say no to you. And if you can't say no because somebody seems nice, you are just begging for corruption to become widespread.

You know... Thinking nack about it, that's one of Radiant Dawn's major point.. On one side, we have Elincia, who is a pacifist, but her good will ends up causing a civil war, because kindness alone isn't enough to rule.We also have Skrimir who thinks that strength is the only thing needed to rule. You also have Pelleas and Sanaki who aren't strong enough to rule.

I think Tibarn may be the best leader (and Caineghis, but he isn't a Lord). He's strong and respected bith by his people and by the others.

Naesalla is also a pretty good leader. He is ready to dirty his hands and betray his own friends for the sake of his people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I mean...Sigurd's official art gives him an entire horse all to himself and also makes him look like a sailor moon villain, so my vote goes to him.

Like, look at him. 


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