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FE Heroes team comp and skills help


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So. Any ideas for team comp? I preferably would like to keep Gordin and Lukas in one team. Lukas is +hp -atk and Gordin is +def -spd


Edited by Tuvy
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If you want to use Gordon and Lukas, I'd add Marth and a green character. Jaffar is a good choice but with 2 colorless characters, you'll get stomped by TA Raven users, especially Male Robin.

Death Blow works well with a Brave Bow and Lukas would probably work with Quick Riposte and Bonfire. The Marth I'm running has Fury/Renewal/Spur Speed, but his starting kit is pretty good.

How many feathers do you have? If you have enough to get at least 1 character to 5*, you might consider Nino or Frederick. Erika/Nino is another popular combo.

Edit: It will cost a lot of feathers but with Gunter/Jagen/Ursula and Odin (for Blarblade), you have the characters to put together a Horse Emblem team.

Edited by NekoKnight
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All the more reason for Fury, if you choose to use him. Dragons and Hector are pretty popular so I would consider using Marth even with a -speed bane.

Your other red options are a bit lackluster. I suppose you could use TA RuorRaven on Henry but I'd rather gift his tome to a better Red mage.

If you have the feathers, Erika and Corrin might be viable as 5* characters.

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