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Kiragi or takumi?


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Takumi. Fujin Yumi all the way baby!

As for giving a weapon for Kiragi to use, I'd personally say if your dead set on making him a sniper, experiment with some of the game's lower accuracy weapons (negated by Certain Blow and high skill) like dual yumi, illusory yumi, and harp yumi among others to see if you can't find a cool combination that few other classes can pull off.

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Takumi is ultimately better simply because he's easier to get and has access to the Fujin Yumi.  Kiragi, especially with Oboro as his mother, is more or less a copy of Takumi, but with the added bonus of having access to some extra classes and having some slightly different growths (the most significant being lower HP and higher resistance).

He's good as a backup sniper, but it's hardly a competition when comparing him to his father unless Takumi got RNG screwed in the stats department.  Another thing to note: since Oboro is his mother, he gains access to the Apothecary class (which Takumi can't get, even as the husband of Oboro), and as a Merchant, he can use lances and bows, making both of his parents proud.  And the Apothecary/Merchant classes don't have too terrible growth.  He might get outpaced by Mighty Midori in the hunt for gold bars, but he certainly won't do terrible as a Merchant; he's probably the second or third best potential merchant in the game, all things considered.

Takumi's good with his Fujin Yumi, though giving him some other utility bows (dual yumi, spellbane yumi, etc.) for extra flexibility might not be bad.  Kiragi will probably do well with some forged generic weapons or could also have utility weapons.  Though neither will do well with magic weapons like the shining bow; that's best left in the hands of a character like Sakura.

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Kiragi is notably faster, but the demand for Speedwings isn't that high in BR. Fujin Yumi has terrain utility, but there aren't that many fights where it comes in handy. The Silver Yumi is stronger by 2 anyhow (and a Silver weapon is totally viable for a Sniper). If you wait until C18 or later and Kiragi joins with a Offspring Seal, he can use that and gain a usable naginata rank by going Kinshi even if for just the promotion (you can reclass him to Sniper for cheap), something Takumi has to work for.

Use Takumi early on when he's at his best, you can continue using him along with or dump him for Kiragi later on.

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On 17/5/2017 at 7:48 AM, Ertrick36 said:

as a Merchant, he can use lances and bows, making both of his parents proud.  And the Apothecary/Merchant classes don't have too terrible growth.  

He can go Kinshi for lance and bow + free movement too! (but be aware of bows of course)

Personally, I prefer Kiragi as a Sniper, but I made him a Puppeter anyway and he is doing fine with a bow too. As Sniper you can give him a Killer Bow + Death Blow and see him go the Critkumi way like his dad.

Edited by SniperGYS
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