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An interesting thought

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Since all the Awakening characters in this game have Nohrian/Hoshidan alternates, I'll say what sets I think they'd have with that rule in place.  I'll base these sets mostly off of their sets from Awakening, since Owain's the only real oddball who would be inclined to try something different from his usual stuff.

  • Brady - Either Dark Mage/Monk, Cavalier/Monk, Troubadour/Monk, or Troubadour/Diviner; the cavalier one may be odd, but I put it there because that was part of his default class set in Awakening
  • Kjelle - Knight/Samurai, Cavalier/Myrmidon, or Knight/Sky Knight; I picked Sky Knight because that's the only rider class on the Hoshidan side, and learning to ride was a big part of her story with Sully
  • Cynthia - Knight/Sky Knight
  • Gerome - Wyvern Rider/Oni Fighter
  • I won't say for Morgan because that's tricky territory; the closest to their regular class aside from the obvious DLC class is Dark Knight, and finding a secondary would be even more of a wild goose chase...
  • Yarne - Unique Class (Taguel)/Outlaw/Oni Savage; unless they worked some real strange magic and turned Yarne into a Kitsune/Wolfskin, or sealed his Taguel form, he'd have to get his own special beast class
  • Laurent - Dark Mage/Diviner
  • Noire - Dark Mage/Archer
  • Nah - Unique Class (Archanean Manakete)/Wyvern Rider/Diviner; Nah is a different kind of Manakete from Corrin/Kana, so she'd also have to have her own class (or have her powers sealed or whatever), though it'd be cool if because she's part human she'd be more inclined to use a weapon in that special class
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