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Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back confirmed for PS4 and PC


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14 hours ago, unique said:

i guess miracles really can happen

No, the proper phrase is: "But the miracle never happen(s)"

Also, yeah, it is a shame that Bubsy of all things came back, but Jazz Jackrabbit didn't. Even Earthworm Jim would've been welcome.

We've been around too much on Forces memes that we got sent to the Bad Future(TM).

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Man these comments....

First of all Bubsy like every other brand that requires a mascot, is the one thing that was decent to play. Sure the series as a whole is nowhere on even Sonic levels but it is decent to say the least. 

Secondly, why is this such a bad thing to reveal? If something like this character can show up at a time like this, then its only a good thing for those into it. Heck kids are still hyped about Power Rangers despite them nearly being terrible.

Thirdly...no. Bubsy coming back unlike Metroid and all other gems is plain odd to say considering that those IPs are in hands of good companies that take good care of them rather than those that don't. There is a reason why they are reluctant to using those IPs and we don't know what issues the devs have to make it happen.

And lastly, if you're not going to get yourself into it, then why bother with it in the first place? I mean as much as I have hate towards TMS existing, trolling around with those who like it isn't just doing anything fair to the game so I stopped trolling about it. And the same goes for Heroes as well.


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40 minutes ago, Harvey said:

First of all Bubsy like every other brand that requires a mascot, is the one thing that was decent to play. Sure the series as a whole is nowhere on even Sonic levels but it is decent to say the least.

Um, have you seen this video showing why the previous Bubsy games are terrible?

57 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Secondly, why is this such a bad thing to reveal? If something like this character can show up at a time like this, then its only a good thing for those into it. Heck kids are still hyped about Power Rangers despite them nearly being terrible.

It's not that it's a bad reveal, it's that literally nobody planet Earth actually expected Bubsy to return. We all joked about it but we never expected it to become reality. And it's because Bubsy's games are so terrible that it's achieved meme status. Legit, Bubsy was the 4th most trending thing on Twitter when Woolies Strike Back was announced.

58 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Thirdly...no. Bubsy coming back unlike Metroid and all other gems is plain odd to say considering that those IPs are in hands of good companies that take good care of them rather than those that don't. There is a reason why they are reluctant to using those IPs and we don't know what issues the devs have to make it happen.

I mean, Metroid technically did make a return with Federation Force but we all know how that went (i'm talking about the fan reception, not the quality of the game). But the more likely reasoning is, the companies just want to do other things. I mean, people having been wanting a new Mega Man for years (we were supposed to get Mega Man Legends 3 but then it got canceled), and the only recent Mega Man games we got were just collections. Nothing actually new.

1 hour ago, Harvey said:

And lastly, if you're not going to get yourself into it, then why bother with it in the first place? I mean as much as I have hate towards TMS existing, trolling around with those who like it isn't just doing anything fair to the game so I stopped trolling about it. And the same goes for Heroes as well.


You can't really compare Bubsy to TMS and Heroes. Even if you hate TMS or Heroes, both of them still are still good games that people can get enjoyment out of. But with Bubsy, i have yet to meet anyone who legitimately likes the game.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Um, have you seen this video showing why the previous Bubsy games are terrible?

Yes again, I'm aware of their....receptions but at the same time, they are far better than any shovelware game you can think of or atleast decent. I played the first one and yes there are a lot of terrible things about it but its by no means considered the worst game ever made and all...except the 3D one...ugh.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I mean, Metroid technically did make a return with Federation Force but we all know how that went (i'm talking about the fan reception, not the quality of the game). But the more likely reasoning is, the companies just want to do other things. I mean, people having been wanting a new Mega Man for years (we were supposed to get Mega Man Legends 3 but then it got canceled), and the only recent Mega Man games we got were just collections. Nothing actually new.

If the collection games do well, then there's still hope for a brand new Mega Man game.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You can't really compare Bubsy to TMS and Heroes. Even if you hate TMS or Heroes, both of them still are still good games that people can get enjoyment out of. But with Bubsy, i have yet to meet anyone who legitimately likes the game.

I'm not comparing them. I'm making an example of how bashing games that you think shouldn't be made or exist because of them not being the way it is. There are people who want to play games like Federation Force so trying to get a petition to cancel it is only hurting the ones who want to try that game and honestly, if the game wasn't too focused on multiplayer, I'd buy it.

My point is  just ignore the game if you feel its not worth your time instead of just trying to bash about it. Yeah, I'm a bit surprised that he's back but not to the same level of extreme as what everyone else is. If anything, this just means that those who like Bubsy can try out his latest approach.


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Sonic 2006: A game that looks playable, if not fun, when you ignore the glitches and edit out the long load screens.
Bubsy 3D: A game that is actually, completely sh**, on every level (literally and figuratively).

Sonic 06 is the kind of game that almost irreversibly damaged Sonic and Sonic Team's reputations.
Bubsy 3D is the kind of game that can actually kill people... or at least turn new gamers away from the hobby permanently.

The decision to revive Bubsy was made in extremely poor taste. Seeing Jontron's video, I thinks it's safe to say that even the first two Bubsy games were bad. If the new Bubsy game is of even decent quality, it will be the best game in the series. But that wouldn't change the fact that this is the reboot no one asked for.

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Bubsy 3D is seriously like playing a fever dream. It looks and plays like somebody ate a video game and threw it up.

I bought it when I was a kid(Poor, poor 5 year old me), and played it for so long thinking that there must be something more, because the game is so fucking weird and janky. I remember inviting friends over, and getting my dad to try to help me decipher what the fuck was happening.

If anything, I kind of appreciate the game, because it's the first time I ever played a game and felt the need to try to pick it apart to figure out game design. I remember fucking around, and getting launched across the map into some random corner with some platforming stuff and enemies, which then forced me to wonder "Hmmm. Why is this here, and how the fuck am I supposed to get here without a glitch and sheer luck?". I never found out, but damn if I wasn't determined to figure it out.

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On ‎09‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:16 AM, Armagon said:

To be honest, a part of me genuinely hopes this game is at least decent. Because i'm legitamtly interested in playing this even though i don't have a PS4 and my PC kinda sucks.

I also feel like this game will get decent sales because of the meme status surrounding Bubsy. 

They should've saved this reveal for E3 though. Imagine at the end, after the Nintendo E3 Direct and whatever Sony and Microsoft do, at the very end, we see the Bubsy: Woolies Strike Back trailer. Just imagine the surprise and shock and memes.

If hey did that, then when would they announce Chrono Break.

...Or BioSlug.

I wouldn't even be surprised at this point...

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38 minutes ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Is it weird that I think this game is going to sell well BECAUSE the series is known for having a bad reputation?

that's probably the main reason people will buy it, and i'm sure the developers are aware of that

1 hour ago, Zera said:

The decision to revive Bubsy was made in extremely poor taste. Seeing Jontron's video, I thinks it's safe to say that even the first two Bubsy games were bad. If the new Bubsy game is of even decent quality, it will be the best game in the series. But that wouldn't change the fact that this is the reboot no one asked for.

what is in "extremely poor taste" about this? it's just a video game, and not even one that's offensive in any way. the people who made it were able to make a game with this character, so they did. i don't see the problem here.

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1 hour ago, Slumber said:

Bubsy 3D is seriously like playing a fever dream. It looks and plays like somebody ate a video game and threw it up.

I bought it when I was a kid(Poor, poor 5 year old me), and played it for so long thinking that there must be something more, because the game is so fucking weird and janky. I remember inviting friends over, and getting my dad to try to help me decipher what the fuck was happening.

If anything, I kind of appreciate the game, because it's the first time I ever played a game, and felt the need to try to pick it apart to figure out game design. I remember fucking around, and getting launched across the map into some random corner with some platforming stuff and enemies, which then forced me to wonder "Hmmm. Why is this here, and how the fuck am I supposed to get here without a glitch and sheer luck?". I never found out, but damn if I wasn't determined to figure it out.

Oh my goodness, that's such an accurate description of the game that I'm dying with laughter.

But seriously, though, Bubsy 3D is the first video game you ever played?  I'm so sorry to hear that...

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

You can't really compare Bubsy to TMS and Heroes. Even if you hate TMS or Heroes, both of them still are still good games that people can get enjoyment out of. But with Bubsy, i have yet to meet anyone who legitimately likes the game.

I legitimately liked the first Bubsy, nice to meet you. And... it didn't have a bad reputation back in the Genesis/SNES days that I recall, in general. (Quick Google search says it got an 8/10 from EGM, for instance.)

Haven't played any of the others, though, and can't say I really care about a reboot at this point.

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1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

But seriously, though, Bubsy 3D is the first video game you ever played?  I'm so sorry to hear that...

No, no. God no. My first game(Well, real game) was Final Fantasy 2/4. But when I got a PS1 in 1995, it was Crash, Jumping Flash, Motor Toon Grand Prix, then Bubsy for like, that first year.

Bubsy was the first game to get me to question game design. Could have worded that better.

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23 hours ago, Harvey said:

If the collection games do well, then there's still hope for a brand new Mega Man game.

Dumb question, but... How?

I don't see Megaman going anywhere without Inafune (or Castlevania without Iga). He slandered everyone with Mighty No. 9, but he knew how to handle Megaman better than anyone. If I'm not mistaken, he was the one who came up with bulk of the X, Zero and ZX series. If Capcom decides to make a new game, we'll have a new guy on his shoes, who won't see the bigger picture as he did, with the herculean task to make a new profitable game in the series that makes up for the investment. Those collection games are "easy" to make, cost less than an "original" game and turn a profit for a smaller investment. A "Megaman ZX 3" or "Legends 3", on the other hand, is much more risky. If Capcom does take the risk, it will be a sink or swim game because they might as well continue making collections if they give Capcom enough money without much investment anyway.

I think that, at best, we might have a Megaman X Collection. I'd still pay for it, if it gets released on Steam.

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4 hours ago, Rapier said:

Dumb question, but... How?

I don't see Megaman going anywhere without Inafune (or Castlevania without Iga). He slandered everyone with Mighty No. 9, but he knew how to handle Megaman better than anyone. If I'm not mistaken, he was the one who came up with bulk of the X, Zero and ZX series. If Capcom decides to make a new game, we'll have a new guy on his shoes, who won't see the bigger picture as he did, with the herculean task to make a new profitable game in the series that makes up for the investment. Those collection games are "easy" to make, cost less than an "original" game and turn a profit for a smaller investment. A "Megaman ZX 3" or "Legends 3", on the other hand, is much more risky. If Capcom does take the risk, it will be a sink or swim game because they might as well continue making collections if they give Capcom enough money without much investment anyway.

I think that, at best, we might have a Megaman X Collection. I'd still pay for it, if it gets released on Steam.

As the now famous quote goes "Inafune is a business man not a creator". He is falsely attributed to being the core creator of Mega Man when he is not, he is mainly just the Character Designer, he really isn't comparable to Iga. People give this man way too much credit and Mighty Number 9 was proof of that. Megaman can abosolutely exist without him. The only thing stopping it from existing is Capcom's own willingness to do it.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiji_Inafune

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And Iga wasn't around for Castlevania from the beginning either. He only jumped on with Symphony of the Night (I read in an NP interview years ago he played CVIII at a friend's house when he was younger, he wasn't very fond of Alucard at the time). So he's only the master of Metroidvania, if you're a classic fan, he ain't your man.

While leadership is important for both the successes and failures of games, and anything else for that matter, one should also remember that nowadays, there are dozens of employees who work on most titles. While you may not know all their names, they're just as important for a game's development.

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so um can we expect some more randomness this year? Like Mother 3 getting translated or a sudden new MegaMan game coming out, of all things? Could happen. Or maybe not. 


Anyways, the game doesn't look bad. Hopefully it would be better than Bubsy 3D (which was a pure mess). It's quite surprising though, that Bubsy, of all game characters, gets another game. 

I don't like Bubsy, at all, but I didn't find the 2d games for Genesis/Snes too bad (in fact, wasn't the reason for it being such a disappointment was because it was hyped so much?). They're at least better than the 3D one.


Also, anyone remember that cartoon pilot for Bubsy. Yeah, that was also pretty bad. Bubsy really does have bad luck, but will it strike again?

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10 hours ago, ThatOneWeakArcher said:

The Mario/Rabbids rpg is one thing BUT THIS!? I'm literally crying right now. And out of fear, happiness, overload, or sadness I don't know.

I've been hit in the head with a baseball bat, attacked by a dog, fell out of a tree house, had a knife go through my foot completely, and so, so many other confounding things that I didn't know how to digest. 

And this is actually up there. Legit. It's like a week later and I still have no idea how to process this. 

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On 6/10/2017 at 5:01 PM, unique said:

what is in "extremely poor taste" about this? it's just a video game, and not even one that's offensive in any way. the people who made it were able to make a game with this character, so they did. i don't see the problem here.

Allow me to quote Tim Rogers - "There is a problem with the world — simply put, not everyone everywhere is happy — and these games, despite their best efforts, are not succeeding in completely fixing that problem."

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Just now, Zera said:

Allow me to quote Tim Rogers - "There is a problem with the world — simply put, not everyone everywhere is happy — and these games, despite their best efforts, are not succeeding in completely fixing that problem."

so no one should make video games ever unless they're the kind everyone asked for

got it dude i'll make sure no one I know ever tries to make a game

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