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So, for the return of Zephiel, I need to beat him on Lunatic with Sharena and Zephiel.  Since both of them need to defeat him, it'll obviously take two different runs.

My Sharena is level 40 5-star, with Fensalir, Rally Attack, Moonbow, Triangle Adept 3, Poison Strike 1, Hone Spd 2, and a Speed +1 seal.

My Zephiel  is level 38 4-star, with Silver Sword, Pivot, Reprisal, Life and Death 2, and Wary Fighter 3.

I also have a level 36, 4-star Olivia, with Silver Sword, Dance, Knock Back, and Hone Atk 3.  As my only dancer, I'm assuming she'll take the second slot on each team.

So, after Sharena/Zephiel and Olivia, what types of units should I be looking at for the other two slots, and what sort of strategy should I use?  I've been trying to go for the right side first (since the Red Mage can be drawn out by himself, but none of my Blue Tome users can one-shot him when defending, and then Spearman swaps with him and protects him from anyone getting close.  I thought maybe Merric could then take out the Spearman, but he doesn't double and does less than half damage, so even with Olivia's help the Spearman survives.  Any suggestions?

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Most people I have heard just spam attack with Reinhardt combined with Olivia because of Dire Thunder being so broken.

Edited by CatManThree
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This should be either in the relevant GHB thread/ask questions thread, but I'll pitch in because I got through it pretty easily.

I'm curious what other units you have to work with besides, because how you approach it might differ based on that.

I went with both Robins and it worked fine, but it was pretty much reliant on inheritance of stuff like R tomebreaker and hone attack to work as well as it did. Having skills like reposition (Draw back is also an option, Swap can be usable too but probably better with the mages gone) will help, allowing you to move units who attacked out of enemy range and move Zephiel closer if needed.

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...and if I don't have Reinhardt?  Surely they didn't make the map so that it's only possible if you happen to have been given a character with random availability?

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15 minutes ago, Red Shrike said:

Chapter 9 Part 2 has a level 40 Zephiel. You should be able to beat him there so the GHB will get easier.

Ooh, that might help a lot, thanks!  Though I'd still like to try to beat the Lunatic GHB to get the extra copy of him, as well.

My roster is:



Mostly non-SI so far.


EDIT:  I could have used the original GHB:  Zephiel thread, but it had been nearly two months since the last post there, so I wasn't sure if that would be considered threadcromancy.  I thought starting a new, more general topic would be preferable.

Edited by JJ48
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Sharena boosting attack helps FRobin do damage to the Blue mage and if you bring her proc down a bit by having her attack one of the knights and pull her back she can either be ready to proc Ignis during combat with the blue mage or proc it on player phase, which is pretty much certain to kill in total.

Springcina can tank the red mage better than M!Robin would be able to (And boost speed if needed (but she might want a different support skill)) and is capable of doubling without Tomebreaker (in player phase for sure, might need help from an ally otherwise unless she's +Spd), but she'd also be at risk of not finishing the mage without help (or a hone attack boost), and then the knight uses Swap. I'd consider her an option for sure though.

You could also pass on reposition to F!Robin or Springcina if you're using them, though you don't have as many fodder options either. Olivia also makes sense to use considering everything

Of course, Zephiel does have an option in Pivot, so that's helpful.

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17 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

EDIT:  I could have used the original GHB:  Zephiel thread, but it had been nearly two months since the last post there, so I wasn't sure if that would be considered threadcromancy.  I thought starting a new, more general topic would be preferable.

I think it can be argued that a re-run of a Grand Hero Battle is a valid reason to resurrect a Grand Hero Battle thread.

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33 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Sharena boosting attack helps FRobin do damage to the Blue mage and if you bring her proc down a bit by having her attack one of the knights and pull her back she can either be ready to proc Ignis during combat with the blue mage or proc it on player phase, which is pretty much certain to kill in total.

Springcina can tank the red mage better than M!Robin would be able to (And boost speed if needed (but she might want a different support skill)) and is capable of doubling without Tomebreaker (in player phase for sure, might need help from an ally otherwise unless she's +Spd), but she'd also be at risk of not finishing the mage without help (or a hone attack boost), and then the knight uses Swap. I'd consider her an option for sure though.

You could also pass on reposition to F!Robin or Springcina if you're using them, though you don't have as many fodder options either. Olivia also makes sense to use considering everything

Of course, Zephiel does have an option in Pivot, so that's helpful.

THANK YOU!  I finally managed to do it with FRobin (leveled up and promoted an Odin to give her R Tomebreaker 3), SLucina, Olivia, and Barst (with Reposition and Spur Atk 3). I thought that last Green armor would get me, but fortunately FRobin was able to dance out of his range after attacking so whittled him down eventually!

I also had Sharena just off the Zephiel in 9-2, so I got the two freebie Zephiel I was missing (1 from the GHB and one from the quest).  Other than that, not too concerned about trying to get Zephiel through the Lunatic GHB just for a couple orbs.  ^_^ 

EDIT:  I gave the R Tomebreaker 3 to SLucina, not FRobin.  XP

Edited by JJ48
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13 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

I finally managed to do it with FRobin (leveled up and promoted an Odin to give her R Tomebreaker 3)

Not remotely what I expected. Good thing you edited it to clarify. :P. (much as Springcina doubled if she had +Spd. I assume no such luck?)

Still, good job finishing it with what you had. Zephiel can finish himself fine, it's a matter of getting him close and getting him down to... what 10 health for Zephiel to finish?

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Not remotely what I expected. Good thing you edited it to clarify. :P. (much as Springcina doubled if she had +Spd. I assume no such luck?)

Still, good job finishing it with what you had. Zephiel can finish himself fine, it's a matter of getting him close and getting him down to... what 10 health for Zephiel to finish?

My SLucina is +HP/-DEF, sadly.  Not as bad as she could have been, but not great, either.

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