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The Future of Nintendo Portables

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One thing we didn't get out of E3 (so far) was a prospectus on the long term console plans of Nintendo. While the 3DS will still be getting some good games this year, and probably a couple next year, nothing has been said of a 3DS portable console successor. Nintendo has said in the past they won't replace the 3DS with the Switch (which is more of home console with some portable hybridity), but what do they then have in mind then? Why haven't they hinted at anything yet? I mean if Pokemon- the Nintendo portable franchise of all franchises, is putting a main title on the Switch, then something is clearly up.

I feel the failure of the Wii U is to blame for the murky situation the future of Nintendo portables find themselves in. Due to the Wii U's poor sales, Nintendo took the time and resources which would've gone into developing a 3DS successor, and funneled them into coming up with a successful Wii U replacement ASAP. As a result, the natural rhythm of new portable, new home console, new portable, new home console, was broken.

If Nintendo gets the Switch to prosper and their home console future secure again, then they could readdress their portable systems. Until that happens, Nintendo portables might enter a severe drought or hiatus- it depends on how long it takes for the Switch to flourish, and how much the 3DS successor has been delayed by the Wii U flop. Yet, Nintendo's choice to make the Switch a hybrid, an interesting decision as it keeps the Switch unique from its Sony, MS, and PC competition and avoids a raw graphics/processing power war Ninty doesn't want to fight, might undermine the future of their portables. Will it really be possible to go back to two separate systems once everything has been relocated onto one system both home console and portable?


I want the division of home console and portable to continue, and hope Nintendo has some solid plan in the works. All I can say for now is that since Ninty has discontinued the original 3DS, developers should make games that push the New 3DS to its limits in 2018- what use are these "Console+"s like the N3DS, the PS4 Pro and Microsoft's XOX if not to prolong a console's lifespan?

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The next portable will be a Switch mini without detachable joy cons or (necessarily) dock compatibility.

But that's a couple years out-- mileage is still being gotten by the 3DS.

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I think the Switch is indicative of Nintendo's switch (pun intended) to making hybrid devices.  They obviously see how much handhelds help them and how much they dominate in it but also realize how the mobile market has bitten in massively into traditional selling of handheld consoles.  So the solution for them was to offer console sized experiences (aka Zelda Breath of the Wild) on the go while still giving the option to play it on the TV like a traditional console.  I think this will be their philosophy going forward.

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Honestly I just assume that Nintendo is just going to go with the Switch and that is that.  I don't think that Nintendo will make a hand held when one of the Switch's selling points is that you can play it on the go and on your TV.  

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The Switch is the 3DS's successor. Moreso than the Wii U's, anyway. The only home console thing it does is stream footage to your television. That's the optional mode of play in terms of design, even if some of us never take the Switch outside of its dock. And I think Nintendo is seeing the viability in having one line of systems to make games for. I wager they lost a ton of potential profits last gen creating and porting the same games for two different systems, to a point where the individual libraries were not unique. 

We've speculated for years that Nintendo would drop home consoles in favor of a handheld that somehow streams footage to a television. And really, home consoles just aren't as viable as they used to be now that Gaming PCs are becoming way cheaper and cost efficient. Making a PC with the same power as an Xbox 360 with 400$ of parts in 2006? Unlikely AND redundant given that PC ports weren't the norm for triple A experiences. Making an Xbox One level machine using 400$ of parts in 2017? Just use google. Steam provides the most recent multi-plats and you can even buy a cheap box that streams the footage to a television with almost no added lag. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

To add on to Gustavos' post, I'd even say the WiiU is Nintendo's Dreamcast. The Switch succeeding the 3DS pretty much indicates that moving forward, Nintendo'll pretty much only make handheld hardware. Nobody sees them going back to competing with Sony & Microsoft in the home console tech/power race in the future.

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