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Team composition niche roles??


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Hello people!

Im new to the Fire Emblem series and am here for some advise.

Reached the chapter where ive obtained Henry, and decided to restart my gameplay. In order to streamline and better build a planned team. Im playing on casual, hard mode. I understand that by no means i need a min-max team to dominate. But its probably an OCD habit of mine. Same goes when im playing Monster Hunter Generations.

Now for my question. 

In team planning, what NICHE ROLES should i have my pairings fill? As far as i know, theres Galeforce builds and nostanks. (i want a team with diverse roles, not one where every pair has similar playstyle. in another words de-homogenising). Also intend to have front charecter stay forward, rear charecter permanently behind(no switching).

All the information on stat modifier on class/inheritance, skill inheritance, when to use second/master seals, pairing for avatar is confusing the hell outta me.

Please help me enjoy the game!

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11 hours ago, Leo said:

All the information on stat modifier on class/inheritance, skill inheritance, when to use second/master seals, pairing for avatar is confusing the hell outta me.

Please help me enjoy the game!

I'm by no means the best person to answer this but I'll try to give some pointers.

Having one character on the front getting all the exp isn't always the best idea for optimal teams. The child inherits the skill last in the parent's skill list. Generally the promoted classes have the best skills. Of course, if you're not interested in min-maxing every single character, you can just throw in some random skills from the parents. The children also inherit classes from their parents. In some cases, for example with Gaius, the father would pass down berserker but if the child is female, he'll pass down pegasus knight instead and therefore the child is able to promote to a dark flier class to get the infamous galeforce, even if she wouldn't normally be able to get it. Each father also has different stat modifiers they pass down (you can find them from the wiki on the main page), so if you want to make, let's say, Cherche's child the best possible tank, you might to pair her up with Frederick for example. All of this information is also on the aforement mentioned wiki.

When it comes to master seals, the optimal time, in my opinion is on level 20. You can really use second seals any time you want to get the skills you want. Some classes also have better growth rates in some stats than other. So, if your unit is lacking on some front, you can re-class them to max out on that stat. The un-promoted classes do have worse stat caps than the promoted ones, so keep that in mind if you want to re-class someone to an un-promoted class. Also, as a tip I didn't know on my first playthrough, once you reach the level 20, you can use a second seal to get you back to level 1 without any stat penalties.

What exactly is confusing you about the pairing for avatar? He/she can marry pretty much any character from the opposite gender, re-class into any class that's for that gender and the child (/children) can also re-class into any class for their gender. The children are going to be op in almost any scenario.

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