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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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People who only played the new games are just as much of a fan of the series as those who have played the older games and the other way around.

There is no wrong way to enjoy or play Fire Emblem. 

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2 hours ago, LordOTaco said:
  • Fire Emblem Awakenings story is actually decent and entertaining
  • I actually like Ike
  • I actually like grinding units in Fire Emblem

It is satisfying to train my units from the ground up from little weaklings to killing machines.  This is why I'm not an efficiency player.

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Both Ike and Micaiah are just awful, The former is awful because in his own game (FE9) the story TRIED to make him an important character but not THE important character but back peddled on that damn fast by having almost everyone stroke Ike's metaphorical dick on how much potential he has like Ike is a Shonen hero. In a war setting. In a tactical RPG series that regularly has 'War is hell' as one of it's main themes. This also ruined any tension I was supposed to have with the Black Knight because everyone kept on hyping Ike up to high heaven. In, FE10, he and his group stole the spotlight from the Dawn Brigade like how Kira Yamato stole the spotlight in Gundam SEED Destiny and Ike proceeded to do jack shit with it basically becoming Not-Guts. Even his new weapon, the Ettard look like the Dragonslayer, Guts's iconic sword. Ike in FE10 forgot the most important thing that Guts has: his humanity or his ability to go through any trauma and recover from it whether emotionally or physically. And in FE10, Ike is the Chosen One in but name only because for some reason, he's the one who strikes Ashura down in the end.

Micaiah is bad because doesn't deserve the in-universe hype that she gets other the freedom fighting because she does NOTHING ELSE. She also denies Ashnard's war crimes which is like saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Her pragmatism is the only I like about her. She's also a REALLY shitty unit especially for a Fire Emblem lord. She never got good for me.

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1 hour ago, Fala said:

In, FE10, he and his group stole the spotlight from the Dawn Brigade like how Kira Yamato stole the spotlight in Gundam SEED Destiny and Ike proceeded to do jack shit with it basically becoming Not-Guts.

Don't you mean Jesus Yamato ;)

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In Serenes Forest I feel like the mere fact I have Awakening as my favorite game in the series is an unpopular opinion. :D

But then, Serenes is hardly representative of what goes on in the mainstream, where people do consider Awakening one of the must have games of the decade on Nintendo consoles, and perhaps even of all time.

I'll be honest, Awakening has some serious balancing issues (most obvious being Nosferatanks and Galeforce), and the story isn't perfect by any means, but casual gamers don't care about intricacies, and the things we did get in the game are pretty fun and should be perhaps taken more lightly by the more hardcore fans. The balance itself is actually not so important because there's no competitive community in the game whatsoever, as players can't battle each other in real time, so if it bothers you that the game is unbalanced, then play on a lower difficulty, as higher difficulties and skillful play in any game are the realm of exploits, cheese and abuse.

Edited by Skynstein
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Don't know how many of these are unpopular, but here goes:

-I never understood Lucina, Cordelia, Severa, Lyn, and Oboro's popularity. (I did marry Oboro in Birthright, but I don't really see why she's seen as such a neat character.)

-Eliwood>Hector and Lyn.

-Shadow Dragon was a good game. The only reason I didn't finish it is because I lost one of the orbs to create Starlight, and by extension, Falchion.

-Never understood the villain hate in Awakening. One was sadistic, but with a unique motivation. The second one was quite awesome. The third and forth were literally Manfroy and Loptyr, respectively, albeit without the empire making agenda.

-On a similar topic, Awakenings story was quite good.

-The Camus archtype is the best archtype. Ests are also great, and better than villagers.

-While the story was stupid, the final boss of Revelations was epic in gameplay.

Probably others that I can't think of.

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38 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

-Shadow Dragon was a good game. The only reason I didn't finish it is because I lost one of the orbs to create Starlight, and by extension, Falchion.

You know....


Its possible to gain another (weaker) Falchion by going through CH24x. To gain this, you must both fail to gain Falchion from Gharnef and have Tiki die.


Who you can also revive with the Aum staff, even though her (stronger, more durable) replacement, and the one who gives you the 2nd Falchion is Nagi



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40 minutes ago, Hero_Lucina said:

I agree (mainly because Reinhardt and Xander are just amazing)

Never played Thracia 776 (that's where Reinhardt comes from, right?), though Xander was good


until Elise died.

Regardless, I always liked good people who fought for the wrong side due to circumstances. It's one of the reasons Robert E. Lee is one of my favorite military generals of all time.

7 minutes ago, Motendra said:

You know....

  Hide contents

Its possible to gain another (weaker) Falchion by going through CH24x. To gain this, you must both fail to gain Falchion from Gharnef and have Tiki die.

  Hide contents

Who you can also revive with the Aum staff, even though her (stronger, more durable) replacement, and the one who gives you the 2nd Falchion is Nagi



I was aware of that, but I didn't want to kill Tiki and the Aum staff was going to be used to revive Navarre, Jeigan, or someone else (I lost a lot of people in that game...).

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Casual mode does NOT ruin Fire Emblem. You don't NEED to play with Permanent Death on to get a Fire Emblem experience. There are plenty of tactical games that can be challenging without the need of permanent death. Yes Fire Emblem originated with that but I'm glad the series branched out and focused on tackling both sides of the fanbase. I myself play Classic mode since it's good practice for whenever I play the older games but when I replay Awakening and Fates, I play Casual mode. Also saving mid-chapter is a freaking relief and should be in every FE game.

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3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

-Never understood the villain hate in Awakening. One was sadistic, but with a unique motivation. The second one was quite awesome. The third and forth were literally Manfroy and Loptyr, respectively, albeit without the empire making agenda.

Alright, I'm gonna bite, since you bring up the comparison to Manfroy and Loptyr.

1.) I don't think many, even people who think Awakening's villains on the whole suck, dislike Gangrel. In fact, I'd say he's the one who people consistently say should have been the main villain throughout the whole game.

2.) Whatever on Walhart. People like him. I personally think he has no personality, and it's never, ever, ever explained how or why he knows that Grima is a thing and was willing to cull the weak and cause continental was to fight it. It wasn't until SoV that people started filling in blanks that still aren't explicitly clear. On top of this, his arc really serves no purpose in the game, and feels like complete filler compared to Gangrel and the Grimleal.

3.) The Manfroy comparison to Validar doesn't work, because Manfroy worked in the shadows until after his obviously evil cult had gained near-ultimate influence in Jugdral. And even then, the bishops of the Lopto sect were still hiding behind monarchs, dukes, and all kinds of people who held actual power. Manfroy and the Lopt sect were completely successful for 15 years because they didn't come out and go "Yes, good guys, please come work with me, look at how obviously evil we are so you can put a stop to us.". Which is what Validar does, he basically taunts the protagonists with how evil he is when he's trying to get them to work with him. It also doesn't help that Validar and the Grimleal undermine the one good villain Awakening actually had. His design is awful, and him being Robin's father is just stupid, and only detracts from the game.

4.) The Grima comparison to Loptyr also doesn't work, because, once again, like Walhart, it wasn't until SoV that we got a how or why Grima is what he is. FE4 gives us a pretty clear backstory on Loptyr and what his deal is, and why he's such a threat. The game dumps Grima on us out of nowhere in the last 10 chapters of the game, and it doesn't get highlighted until the last 5 or so. He's Loptyr in the sense that he's a big dragon who could destroy the world and is worshiped by a cult. But in terms of origin(Which isn't in Awakening), motivation(Again, not in Awakening), method of revival, presence in the story, etc., it's all different.

And the fact that the game has more or less 4 major villains says a lot. Only one of the 4 actually gets decent development, and even in that one case, that development doesn't come until after the villain's been dealt with in the main story. If you want to find out why Gangrel is so vengeful and hateful towards Ylisse, you have to do optional content(Which admittedly, is at least actually in the game).

Edited by Slumber
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Just gonna keep it quick and simple

- Not a Fan of FE7&8. Both being rather meh to play and their characterisation being not strong enough to keep my interest

- While Kris isn't great he doesn't make FE12 an "Abomination" or terrible game

- I kinda really liked Awakenings cheese-factor, and while not every game should follow that kinda feel I'd like it once in a while

- I still dunno why people are angry or disgusted over Awakening chapter 14. Fire boats are super real and have been used in that way since forever 

- Marth is the best lord

- [Obligatory comment about how Ike and Ephraim are overrated] 

- 4 is terrible but 5 is great

- #TMS is great and Warriors will probs also be really good 

Edited by WyvernLord
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-I actually would prefer that fighters be a mostly male dominated class. I'm not saying it should be gender restricted, but since Fighter has to promote into Berserker, I'd rather not have a flood of female berserkers and their battle bras. And with the reception of Charlotte I doubt other players would appreciate it either. Let's avoid this rpg/mmo trope, yeah?

-I think wyverns and the units that ride them have thus far proven much more interesting than pegasi. There are more named wyverns in this series than pegasus knights, despite there being far less playable wyverns. And the few wyvern riders that don't have some deep connection to their mount end up being nuanced characters anyway, like Jill or Beruka.

- I prefer defenseless dancers. And do not care that the first dancers also wielded weapons. It's not like FE3 and 4 are the highest examples of roster balance.


Edited by Gustavos
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On 7/6/2017 at 5:12 PM, Von Ithipathachai said:

It is satisfying to train my units from the ground up from little weaklings to killing machines.  This is why I'm not an efficiency player.

It really is to me.  I mean I know he gets alot of hate but who doesn't love the fact that Donnel can turn from a farmer with a stick (quite literally) into a brave sword hero slaying demon? 

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I don't quite get the comparisons between Marth and Alm, certainly not that Alm was ''Marthified'' in Echoes. I get it in the sense that Alm became more well matured but he's still not very similar to Marth. 

Marth is a prince and he acts like it. He's responsible, dutiful and I wouldn't expect him to make a lot of jokes to his subordinates. The casual Alm is the opposite of that. He's a cheery village boy and a dork with a cheeky attitude. Marth is willing to suppress his personality to a degree for the position he was born in, Alm doesn't seem very interested in doing that for the position he was asked to take. 

I see Alm more like a much less grumpy Ike. 

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I have some more I guess.

-Thracia 776 is better the Genealogy

-Leif is probably the best lord the series has to offer

-Wyvern's with Swords/Lances>Lances/Axes

-I liked how in FE1/3, Peg Knights promoted to Dragon Knights

-I actually like the Griffon Rider class and I would like to see it again in a future title

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  • Azelle and Lex are the only reason someone like me should by Geneology
  • Tobin is actually a great unit 
  • I hated Thracia 776
  • Casual Mode must stay, forever and always
  • The Exploring in Echoes was bad in my experience.
  • Griffin Riders were very nice to use because of their higher Skill and Speed
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I when I really think about it, only Genealogy was justified in having kingdoms specialize in one weapon thanks to only being 110 years old or so. They're young nations being only founded little over a century ago.

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I had a lot of fun playing Birthright, even though Fates might now be my least favorite Fire Emblem, and I think that the Mila's Turnwheel in Shadows of Valentia kinda takes the challenge out of the game if you use it to go back to rewind to the time right before one of your units is killed. I think it's fine when you use it to reset the whole chapter though.

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16 hours ago, Larverto said:

the Mila's Turnwheel in Shadows of Valentia kinda takes the challenge out of the game if you use it to go back to rewind to the time right before one of your units is killed.

Wait, people do that? I only really used it when I was training and someone I didn't want to get the EXP for an enemy accidentally got a Crit so I could go back and not Crit so my training target could get the EXP instead.

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45 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Wait, people do that? I only really used it when I was training and someone I didn't want to get the EXP for an enemy accidentally got a Crit so I could go back and not Crit so my training target could get the EXP instead.

That's one of the intended purposes of the thing, so...

That said, I usually forget it's even there and reset the game anyway.

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I have some more:

-Oversized weapons look stupid (the axe heads should be smaller, for example).

-I think that using reference images for designing armor and weapons would be a good idea.

-Edit- (I was too tired to mention everything).

-I was never bothered by Nono/Nowi or her design (it is pretty much par for the course in modern JRPGs).

-I really do not delve too deeply into character analysis because it is too much work (the characters in Awakening and Fates are nothing but anime tropes and RPG cliches to me, and the characters in the games were often very flat).

-More mechanics and gimmicks do not necessarily mean deeper gameplay (I am looking at you, Fates).

-This applies to any video game, but I would find it interesting if the dialog audio were done in some periphery language like Irish, Basque, or Faroese with said audio used for all versions (even though this would be a bad idea as it would cost too much and drive many away as most people like dubs in their own language).

-I would think it would be interesting if the different countries (or regions within countries) used different languages with characters having to navigate language barriers. It would make diplomatic conversations more interesting while adding some realism.     

Edited by KoimanZX
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