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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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1 minute ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

That's one of my favorite maps, along with Greith's fortress. I like how it's a forced approach.

You guys wanted unpopular though, so there it is: I love Wolf's fort.

I actually like Grieth's Fortress as well. It's actually one of the best desert maps in the series imo (though to be fair, there's only two other good desert maps in the series, the one in FE7 and the one in FE8). There's also the fact that Greith's Fortress isn't that much desert.

I like what Wolff's Fort was going for, but i think it could've been done better. Archer hell is probably my biggest issue with it.

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1 hour ago, Umbran Darros 3 said:

Is "I'm not interested in heroes" an unpopular opinion? Surely I'm not the only one who doesn't play it but I do feel like I'm on the outside looking in.


I don't really care about my opinion being what it is btw. I'm cool to let other people enjoy things and me not; I just don't know if others are in the same boat as me or not.

I am avoiding Heroes on principle as the gacha/lootbox aspect is pretty much a soft form of gambling (people can argue about whether it is truly gambling, but the system is designed to squeeze large amounts of money out of users by exploiting the same risk-reward feeling that gambling gives). I am also too much of a gaming elitist to even touch mobile games and dislike free-to-play on principle.

-Anyway, I think that Luck is a slightly underrated stat. Sure, the other stats are more important, but Luck is not totally useless as it helps with accuracy and evasion along with reducing the chance of critical hits (which is what I assume Levant Mir Celestia likes about it).

-I think that it might be a good idea to Cavaliers lower growths along with lower caps for the sake of balance.

-Gazzak is the best Beserker in Fates

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22 minutes ago, KoimanZX said:

I am avoiding Heroes on principle as the gacha/lootbox aspect is pretty much a soft form of gambling (people can argue about whether it is truly gambling, but the system is designed to squeeze large amounts of money out of users by exploiting the same risk-reward feeling that gambling gives). I am also too much of a gaming elitist to even touch mobile games and dislike free-to-play on principle.


Well, their little scheme isn't working on me, since I haven't spent a dime on Heroes. As for the gaming elitism, well, suffice to say, I don't agree with that.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I like what Wolff's Fort was going for, but i think it could've been done better. Archer heck is probably my biggest issue with it.

But the Archers were what made it interesting because you couldn't just throw Fliers at the map and have them take care of everything like you sort of can with other desert maps because they'd just get shot down, so you had to either try and bait all the Archers out or else try and hit them with a Mage Ring user.

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49 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

… or else try and hit them with a Mage Ring user.

Do you even get a mage ring by this time? Unless they changed it for E:SoV, I had no mage ring by the time I stormed Wolff’s fort in my current Gaiden playthrough.

I had to brute force it with Valbar, Saber, and Kamui, with the mages Thundering away whenever they were able to.

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52 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

But the Archers were what made it interesting because you couldn't just throw Fliers at the map and have them take care of everything like you sort of can with other desert maps because they'd just get shot down, so you had to either try and bait all the Archers out or else try and hit them with a Mage Ring user.

I can't think of any desert map where you can just "throw" fliers at enemies. 

Desert enemies are almost always Berserkers/Warriors and some kind of mage. Every flier pre-Tellius were primarily Lance users unless they were promoted. Wyverns especially got a double-whammy since they were at a WT disadvantage AND have bad res. 

The only big exception I can think of is FE9's desert map, which is full of Laguz. Regardless of how you approach it, it's not a very difficult map, since you can just pick off the Laguz when they're not transformed. 

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Do you even get a mage ring by this time? Unless they changed it for E:SoV, I had no mage ring by the time I stormed Wolff’s fort in my current Gaiden playthrough.

I had to brute force it with Valbar, Saber, and Kamui, with the mages Thundering away whenever they were able to.

Er…great question. I use the first Astral Temple DLC a bit during my early-game grinding, and SUPER lucked out and found a Mage Ring(0.08% drop rate from Medium Pots only according to this site) on a run and figured what the hey.

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Maria is one of my favourite Clerics in the series. She has a really simple and cute design, and her little conversation with Minerva after she joins in SD shows how stubborn she can be.

Sometimes I enjoy letting Hawkeye solo maps in Blazing Blade. He has saved my ass numerous times.

Tobin and Python should have had a support. I can just imagine them bonding over archery and Tobin being all shocked about how lazy Python is.

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On 9/23/2017 at 4:16 PM, Florina's #1 Fan said:

I know most people dislike Genealogy and Gaiden's artwork the most (I get Gaiden, but I actually really like Genealogy's art), but Shadow Dragon just takes the cake for me. Their battle sprites kind of look like a weird mix of abstract, smudgy finger-paintings and clay dolls. The portraits just look so... odd to me, and the map sprites, I just really don't like them.

I'm talking about the DS version, btw, if we're talking about Blade of Light, that game is really dated, so the art is unappealing for a totally different reason.

I have mixed feelings about that game's artwork to be honest.


Some characters like Camus, Michalis, and Minerva look AWESOME in their portraits IMO. Then you have examples of like Draug and Marth who really... don't look great IMO (At least Marth looked kinda better in New Mystery) 

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28 minutes ago, carhisalmano said:

The Deeprealms is better than whatever the hell time travel or the Holy war is.

I can understand why someone might prefer it to time travel, since time travel can cause a lot of fridge logic, but I'm really curious why you prefer deeprealms to what FE4 did, which was a simple timeskip.

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33 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I can understand why someone might prefer it to time travel, since time travel can cause a lot of fridge logic

And the Deeprealms don't?

The Deeprealms were essentially child abuse. Tossing your kid(And in most cases, neglecting them while they're in there) into a hostile environment so that you can come back shortly and then make them fight in a war? How do they even survive that when every single time they come to get them they're knee-deep in shit? Why was this even necessary when the kids don't even do anything?

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Just now, Slumber said:

And the Deeprealms don't?

The Deeprealms were essentially child abuse. Tossing your kid(And in most cases, neglecting them while they're in there) into a hostile environment so that you can come back shortly and then make them fight in a war? How do they even survive that when every single time they come to get them they're knee-deep in shit. Why was this even necessary when the kids don't even do anything?

Oh, I don't like the deeprealms, for the exact reasons you stated.  But in general I can see someone picking one source of fridge logic (time travel mechanics) vs another source (Deeprealms).

That's why I was mostly curious about why someone would want Deeprealms over FE4's system, which was free of fridge logic and fridge horror.

I personally rank it as Timeskip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Travel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deeprealms, though.

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1 minute ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Oh, I don't like the deeprealms, for the exact reasons you stated.  But in general I can see someone picking one source of fridge logic (time travel mechanics) vs another source (Deeprealms).

That's why I was mostly curious about why someone would want Deeprealms over FE4's system, which was free of fridge logic and fridge horror.

I personally rank it as Timeskip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Travel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deeprealms, though.

I guess it's a "pick your poison" type of deal.

But yeah, I want to know how somebody could want either over time progressing in a constant, linear fashion.

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2 hours ago, Slumber said:

But yeah, I want to know how somebody could want either over time progressing in a constant, linear fashion.

I don't know why you wouldn't choose normal time progression over the other two options. I mean, at least time travel was relevant to the story, the deeprealms... no. Just no.

It really is just child abuse, tossing your kid in another dimension for safety and then hardly visiting them because every time you show up they've grown a foot and have a deeper dislike for you because you're never there. And the deeprealms, are they even safe? It seems all too easy to escape, and once you have, you're unarmed in a world you know nothing about. It's the equivalent of tossing a newborn baby into a bunker with all the rations they'll need for 18 years and occasionally sending them a postcard.

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I guess my unpopular opinion is that I prefer Time Travel over Time Skip, then. 

I mean, in the time skips, all the parents/old characters seem to die or go missing (FE4, FE6 - I know, FE7 is a prequel it wouldn't have had that in mind, but I'm still gonna mention it), and I really don't like that. I prefer Time Travel so you still get the originals and get the newcomers, too. Plus I liked the interactions between the kid and their default parent in Awakening.

That being said, I wouldn't mind the Time Skip option if the parents were still there and living happily. I know, they're games about war, but I don't like characters dying, particularly not ones I've grown attached to. It's why, along with the large, empty feeling maps, I don't like playing FE4.

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6 hours ago, Slumber said:

The Deeprealms were essentially child abuse. Tossing your kid(And in most cases, neglecting them while they're in there) into a hostile environment so that you can come back shortly and then make them fight in a war? How do they even survive that when every single time they come to get them they're knee-deep in shit? Why was this even necessary when the kids don't even do anything?

I agree completely. The Deeprealms are a travesty!

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While playing Fates, I had no problem with the Deeprealms,but that might be because I hadn't played Awakening at the time, and hadn't dealt with a proper child unit game, like Genealogy. Now though, I see that they are literally just for neglecting your child. I mean, they could have kept them at the My Castle.  Time passes differently there, and everyone in there constantly anyways... 

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8 hours ago, Slumber said:

And the Deeprealms don't?

The Deeprealms were essentially child abuse. Tossing your kid(And in most cases, neglecting them while they're in there) into a hostile environment so that you can come back shortly and then make them fight in a war? How do they even survive that when every single time they come to get them they're knee-deep in shit? Why was this even necessary when the kids don't even do anything?

What was the point of the heroes even having babies? If you're so insecure about their safety the only place you can send them is to a dimension where time flows differently, then what is the point of having kids? It isn't like the populations of Nohr and Hoshido are on the brink of extinction and you need more bodies ASAP.

As I pointed out on the Heroes forum quite recently, I can't help but compare what Fates does to what happens in DQ5.


By which I mean the end of the second arc. Where the Hero goes off to rescue his kidnapped wife, leaving his newborn boy and girl behind. Gets turned to stone, taken by thieves and then sold to a rich man and woman with a little boy of their own.

The Hero watches through his petrified eyes and ears these strangers' kid grow up day after week after month after year, while he is heartbreakingly away from the same experiences with his own children. Then the rich boy gets kidnapped and the Hero can do nothing about it despite being right there.

And then finally, Sancho shows up and restores the Hero to normal, and with him are the Hero's two twins. Last seen as newborns, the children are now 8 years old, eight irreplaceable years have gone by. They can't fix that, all they can do is look forward to good memories together in the future.

Add to this Pankraz's tragic sacrifice and inability to see his son's growing up much earlier in the game. And then add the tragic, long awaited and hard fought for reunion with Mada whom the Hero had been torn from almost the day he was born, which lasts for far far too brief a time for everything that has gone into making it happen.

 What DQ5 treats as a terrible tragedy and is one, Fates brushes off as nothing.

The 1st Gen of Fates does not deserve to be called parents at all, for they parent not at all and do not truly care for parenting. They are surrogates and donors for the children of Outrealm parents, nothing more.


2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I guess my unpopular opinion is that I prefer Time Travel over Time Skip, then. 

I mean, in the time skips, all the parents/old characters seem to die or go missing (FE4, FE6 - I know, FE7 is a prequel it wouldn't have had that in mind, but I'm still gonna mention it), and I really don't like that. I prefer Time Travel so you still get the originals and get the newcomers, too. Plus I liked the interactions between the kid and their default parent in Awakening.

That being said, I wouldn't mind the Time Skip option if the parents were still there and living happily. I know, they're games about war, but I don't like characters dying, particularly not ones I've grown attached to. It's why, along with the large, empty feeling maps, I don't like playing FE4.

I don't think that is unreasonable, you want happiness and interactions, very understandably not everyone wants terrible tragedy in their entertainment. Plus one could add that FE4 throwing a massive reset in halfway is just jarring from a gameplay perspective.

I wouldn't mind doing a prolonged war for a narrative, with that justifying the time skip. The 1st Gen is playable until the phase of the war they're in ends with a ceasefire or truce or treaty that lasts for 20-30 years. Then when hostilities break out again between Heroland and Villaintopia, the 1st Gen is largely too old for the frontlines and passes the responsibilities to their kids (though a few vets would remain). Call it Fire Emblem: The Hundred Years' War.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't think that is unreasonable, you want happiness and interactions, very understandably not everyone wants terrible tragedy in their entertainment. Plus one could add that FE4 throwing a massive reset in halfway is just jarring from a gameplay perspective.

I wouldn't mind doing a prolonged war for a narrative, with that justifying the time skip. The 1st Gen is playable until the phase of the war they're in ends with a ceasefire or truce or treaty that lasts for 20-30 years. Then when hostilities break out again between Heroland and Villaintopia, the 1st Gen is largely too old for the frontlines and passes the responsibilities to their kids (though a few vets would remain). Call it Fire Emblem: The Hundred Years' War.

See, I definitely wouldn't mind that :) It would make it more enjoyable for me, at least, and, if they really want kids in it, it would make more sense than Deeprealms and means they don't have to recycle the Time Travel plot. 

That being said, I also don't feel a desperate need for kids in Fire Emblem, so that's more if they feel the need to throw kids into it all again. I do think it would be nice to see characters grow older, happily, I reckon... Though maybe not like the facemelt or whatever poor Eliwood went through (that guy does not age well!).

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12 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Though maybe not like the facemelt or whatever poor Eliwood went through (that guy does not age well!).

His looks got much worse, as did Hector by the time their kids first met. Though surprisingly Hector managed to make a rebound by Binding's start. Stats-wise though, he managed to age fairly gracefully, while Hector's muscles atrophied.


20/20 FE7 Eliwood:

52.4  24.1  24  23.2  24.1  17.4  16.3


FE6 Eliwood:

48  25  20  22  14  24  15


20/20 FE7 Hector:

56.2  29.8  23.1  21.3  14.4  28  14.5


FE6 Hector:

43  18  20  10  15  30  15


And I'll second children should be a special mechanic brought out only once in a while.

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Welp. I got some I guess.

  • Eliwood's best pairing is with Lyn
  • I don't think Lute is that funny
  • I really hope FE4 doesn't get remade
  • The supports in SoV are boring and a complete waste compared to ones in the previous games.
  • The maps in Awakening were just fine
  • I ship Roy with Cecilia
  • Sumia is better than Cordelia in pretty much every way (character, unit, child, looks etc). 
  • Lucina is nothing special. In fact, I find her really boring and lame.
  • The voice acting in Fates wasn't bad as people say it is. Only two characters had questionable dubs in my opinion (Kaze and Laslow). 
  • Berkut's voice makes me cringe (the actual acting is decent though). It just seems too old and unfitting.
  • The roster choices in Warriors doesn't bother me at all
  • Cordelia's (normal) art in Heroes is actually really nice.
  • Anna is awful 90% of the time. I don't like her personality at all and only tolerated her in Heroes, where she has a better attitude (and look :3). Unfortunately they seem to be reverting back the old trope...

Please don't burn me...

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40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

His looks got much worse, as did Hector by the time their kids first met. Though surprisingly Hector managed to make a rebound by Binding's start. Stats-wise though, he managed to age fairly gracefully, while Hector's muscles atrophied.

  Hide contents

20/20 FE7 Eliwood:

52.4  24.1  24  23.2  24.1  17.4  16.3


FE6 Eliwood:

48  25  20  22  14  24  15


20/20 FE7 Hector:

56.2  29.8  23.1  21.3  14.4  28  14.5


FE6 Hector:

43  18  20  10  15  30  15


And I'll second children should be a special mechanic brought out only once in a while.

Wait, why do they even have stats in Binding Blade?

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13 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Wait, why do they even have stats in Binding Blade?

You can unlock a few enemies and NPCs (Narshen, Gale, Hector, Brunya, Eliwood, Murdock, Zephiel, Guinivere) to use on the postgame trial maps by beating the game up to 9 times.

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