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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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-Manakete is the worst class in the franchise.

-Eirika is the worst lord story and gameplay wise.

-Elincia is the best female character in the series.

-Genealogy's giant maps are awesome.

-I enjoy desert maps.

-Genealogy has the best soundtrack and sprites.

-Nolan is the best character in the Dawn Brigade.

-Petrine is the best villain in the Tellius games.

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Hybrid and double rolls have catered to casuals in the wrong way, promoting bad habits, a lack of risk management, and poor planning which is brutally punished in other computer turn based strategy and tabletop games.  This one thing is even worse at creating the afformentioned consequences than even the introduction of phoenix and casual modes.

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Let’s see....

I think Conquest is the worst of the Fates stories and revelations in the best one

Ike is overrated

I liked a lot of the late game revelation gimmicks

I found a majority of the loli’s is FE to be annoying (Elise, Nino, Nowi, etc, etc)

I think that Fates has the best cast

I feel like people will come at me with pitchforks and torch’s now 

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4 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

@eclipse or @Integrity wouldn't these be considered necroposting since the last post before these three got on was like two months ago?

Technically?  Yes.  But I see a bunch of responses, so I'll keep it open.

This is also technically warnable, since you can just use Report, make a ticket, and not have to ANNOUNCE why I should do stuff.

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18 hours ago, eclipse said:

Technically?  Yes.  But I see a bunch of responses, so I'll keep it open.

This is also technically warnable, since you can just use Report, make a ticket, and not have to ANNOUNCE why I should do stuff.

Oh right, I forgot the Report button exists. My bad, thanks for the reminder!

…And now I suppose I should put something on-Topic so this doesn't get warned either. Hm…ah!

I find Fates to overall be a good thing for the series as a whole, if only for the sake of the devs learning from their mistakes.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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On 2/15/2018 at 1:18 AM, Armagon said:

I suppose another issue with female Lords is that they are never alone; they always have a male Lord beside them. Said male Lord gets way more spotlight than the female Lord (as seen in Radiant Dawn where Ike steals Micaiah's spotlight or in FE7 where Lyn isn't as relevant as Eliwood and Hector). Even in the spin-offs, we see that duality with Alfonse and Sharena and Rowan and Lianna (but at least in those cases, they are presented as equals). Really hoping FE16 is the first FE with a standalone female Lord.

I certainly wouldn't mind the bolded part at all, not least because it would be a refreshing story on my end. Besides, there are actually historical events and achievements involving female rulers/leaders, like Joan of Arc, Maria Theresa, or Catherine the Great.

As for the male lords actually screwing their campaign up in a big way, IS's already done that with Sigurd, so I don't see why IS couldn't do the same thing with Ike or Ephraim. (Though I also have to admit, I loved Ephraim's "I'm not going to choose fights I can't win" scene against Valter in Chapter 9 (I think?)...) I also say that the muscle-bound lord archetype is pretty overrated in itself, considering how historical campaigns were (and still are) decided more on strategies and objectives. I say Roy and/or Marth would probably be the few Lords who really deserves the praise, and that is because they (and the people supporting them) are the closest in practicing the principles of Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Edited by henrymidfields
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I don't hate Faye. She's creepy, yes, but in a misunderstood sense. She doesn't really understand what she's doing that's eerie. She just loves Alm and clings to Alm and doesn't grasp that her love for him is too obsessive. 


I can't stand Ike, I thought he was stupid.

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I really like Shadow Dragon.

Eliwood is the best lord in FE7.

Berkut is the best villain, and I loved him even before I knew who his voice actor was.

Celica is the best female protagonist. She’s not stupid, she was just doing what she thought was the only way to save Mila, and by extension, all of Zofia. She wasn’t just doing it for Alm.

I like Faye.

Tharja is a better character than most fans (or IS) give her credit for (in Awakening, at least. She gets flanderized in everything else)

I love Seliph.

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4 hours ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

Tharja is a better character than most fans (or IS) give her credit for

*opens mouth to speak*

4 hours ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

in Awakening, at least. She gets flanderized in everything else

*closes mouth* 

In all seriousness, I'm glad more and more people are realizing this it seems.

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The voice acting from Tellius is a bit of a laughing stock and when we have 7 year old Ike having the exact same voice as 20 year old Ike or Dheginsea's ''Hold! Hold I say!'' that reputation is kinda deserved.

But there's also plenty of good to be found in the voice acting. Lehran in particular sounds just perfect for the character he's supposed to be and so does Zelgius. The narrator who I believe is supposed to be Greil also does a consistently solid job. 

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I liked Gaiden a lot, even though I know a lot of people don't. It was kind of cool, combining traditional RPG elements with Fire Emblem.


Also, I didn't mind all the DLC and extra missions for Awakening, as it more than doubled the length of the game, and provided a decent challenge. Also, important content was not locked behind it, so if I didn't want to couldn't play mission, I wouldn't miss anything (*glares at Fates in comparison*).

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Absoultely anyone can beat both Judgral games in a week and a half, maximum, and on their first blind runs. 

Thracia 776 can be played with the same big enemy phase oriented gameplay from the GBA games up to about chapter 16 due to awful enemy stats at that part of the game.

The Freege arc in Thracia takes up too much time, un-doing the dramatic build up of Leidric. It's similiar to PoR's focusing on the Black Knight  in favor of Ashnard.

Olwen cripples the pace the  player plays at unless you commit one of the 2 angelic robes to her.

Except for 24, 24x, and 25, Mounted units are still pretty safe and have enough statlines for use  in all indoor maps despite the weapon rank problem. 

Dismounting on outdoor maps can actually be useful. 

Leaf is a good combat unit, and reasonably tanky as well. Without scroll modifiers. 

Judgral Seizure Magic Animations are the worst in the series.

Fatigue buildup is  too generous for (non staff) units.

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-Chrom is a much more interesting lord than Lucina

-Medeus was in the right, humans were mostly scumbags towards manaketes, enslaving and persecuting them.  Despite everything dragons had done for them.  Naga should have never handed the world over to humans, she should have granted knowledge and power onto dolphins or some other intelligent species and let them take command.


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Lucina is Best Female Lord

Hector is best Male Lord

Pegasus Knight is the best Non-lord class (Its fast, normally doubles enemies, have generally good Res, great for mage murdering)

Best Villian has to be Ashnard, because, he atleast got stuff done, look how much he totals Crimea, he might be crazy, but atleast he's competent.

Best healer is Mist, close second is Sakura.

Its not Alvis's Fault,  Manfroy switched out his Fireworks Tome for Falaflame

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5 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Neither of these are unpopular.  /glances at CYL.

Well that depends on which side of the fence your sitting on lol. Popular for some, not so much for others.

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1 minute ago, MyBoyHector said:

Well that depends on which side of the fence your sitting on lol. Popular for some, not so much for others.

Well, obviously all characters have likers and detractors, but having such a large number of likers should qualify it as a popular opinion.

I rarely see any hate for them anyway, I know like one person who really dislikes Hector and like 3 who don't like Lucina.

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1 hour ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Well, obviously all characters have likers and detractors, but having such a large number of likers should qualify it as a popular opinion.

I rarely see any hate for them anyway, I know like one person who really dislikes Hector and like 3 who don't like Lucina.

That's likely because the hate isn't very widespread. But in one specific FE community, well, this may be hearsay, but I know someone who got kicked out a of chat room JUST for stating that they like Lucina.

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9 hours ago, Lewyn said:

-Medeus was in the right, humans were mostly scumbags towards manaketes, enslaving and persecuting them.  Despite everything dragons had done for them.  Naga should have never handed the world over to humans, she should have granted knowledge and power onto dolphins or some other intelligent species and let them take command.

This one is great XD

On 4/6/2018 at 10:01 PM, Shrimperor said:

Archers should never be able to attack/counter at 1 Range. Give extra Range beyond 2 (up to 5 idc really) sure, but 1 Range Archers should be limited to Bosses/hard to come by abilities

Adding onto this, there should also be more weapons that lack 1-range. I can see one magic type being 2-range exclusive as a way to differentiate magic types.

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