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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Myrmidon and Mercenary aren't the same tho. Myrmidon are speedsters with high avo and low def, and not so good str, while Mercs have more all around stats and are a bit tankier.

Edited by Shrimperor
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On 30/04/2018 at 3:16 PM, Martin said:

Fire Emblem should explore with a more futuristic time period. 

Ohhhhhh love this idea ! FE with a Persona/ Final Fantasy VIII like Highschool like style, would be incredible. Or maybe robots, characters that use flying cars or skateboards as weapons, or X- Men like laser beam eyes etc.

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On 4/30/2018 at 7:04 PM, Shrimperor said:

Myrmidon and Mercenary aren't the same tho. Myrmidon are speedsters with high avo and low def, and not so good str, while Mercs have more all around stats and are a bit tankier.

For the longest time(Until FE6), Myrmidons and Mercenaries WERE the same class. 

Examples like Ogma and Navarre and Chulainn and Ayra still had them differentiate in the stats that you'd expect from each class. 

I do like having them separated, but they really don't need to be. 

Edited by Slumber
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From a strict gameplay perspective, Myrmidons and Mercenaries only "need" differentiation because of their different promotions. The base classes aren't different in any way outside of their stats, and you don't need different classes to realize that. To take a random example and some inspiration from the thread about class-specific promotions, there wouldn't be any difference from FE7's status quo if Guy and Raven both had the Merc class, but promoted into Swordmaster and Hero, respectively.

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8 hours ago, Slumber said:

For the longest time(Until FE6), Myrmidons and Mercenaries WERE the same class. 

Examples like Ogma and Navarre and Chulainn and Ayra still had them differentiate in the stats that you'd expect from each class. 

I do like having them separated, but they really don't need to be. 

Really? I thought FE5 also separated Myrmidons and Mercenaries as well...I could be wrong here mind you.

Anyways, I always prefer Myrmidons because they are reliable to hit and crit( like seriously, FE6 HM is almost impossible without Rutger) and that they are super edgy. The only Mercenary that I would prefer is Raven or Harken but that's about it.


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7 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Really? I thought FE5 also separated Myrmidons and Mercenaries as well...I could be wrong here mind you.

There were no Mercs in FE5, however Myrms promoted to either Swordmaster or Hero (Machua only afaik)

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11 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Really? I thought FE5 also separated Myrmidons and Mercenaries as well...I could be wrong here mind you.

Thracia 776 did separate Mercenaries and Myrmidons, but not in the way you're used to thinking of.

Thracia 776's Mercenaries are basically what we refer to nowadays as Heroes.  You had one playable Myrmidon (and two playable Fighters) who promoted to Mercenary.  Most fan translations refer to Mercenaries as Heroes for the sake of convenience.  (If we're going to do this, I figure we should also refer to Thracia 776 Dark Mages as Sorcerers.)

Edited by Von Ithipathachai
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4 hours ago, Harvey said:

Anyways, I always prefer Myrmidons because they are reliable to hit and crit( like seriously, FE6 HM is almost impossible without Rutger) and that they are super edgy. The only Mercenary that I would prefer is Raven or Harken but that's about it.

I like Myrmidon's Crit rates, too, but some of the Mercenaries have their own merits - I managed to cheese most of the Chapter with Geese and Gonzales by parking Dieck at a relative chokepoint and using him as a dodgetank. Admittedly, dodgetanking is a sketchy tactic at best and probably not recommended for everyone, but Dieck was by far the MVP of my playthrough.

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On 6/25/2017 at 4:28 PM, Slumber said:

A very broad one: Sacred Stones is one of the worst games in the franchise.

A more specific one: While I don't really give a shit about the Dawn Brigade, they have the best chapters in Radiant Dawn.

how dare you

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12 minutes ago, FootwaySublong said:

how dare you

It's true. Aside from raw hacking potential, SS is the only game in the franchise that offers absolutely nothing of substance for me to go back to. A few character support chains are nice, but I don't ever need to replay the game again to experience them.

I'VE messed with stuff like enemy growth rates and changing up character classes to see if any of it makes SS a more bearable experience, but every time I give up about half way through the route splits. The maps are boring, the enemies are boring, the story is boring, most of the characters are boring(Not necessarily bad like Awakening or Fates, but boring), and it's so stupidly easy that even challenge runs manage to be boring. The most interesting units hypothetically are the trainees, but besides Ross, none of them are worth using, and even Ross turns into a pretty average unit at best.

Just about the only thing that does interest me is randomizer runs, at which point the game barely resembles its original self. It's just a boring, boring, joyless game. I don't harbor as many strong negative feelings for it like I do with Awakening and Fates, but I also really have nothing to point to where I can go "Well at least is has this" like I can with those two games.

Unless you're talking about the Dawn Brigade thing, in which case my only rebuttal will be with my fists in the 7-Eleven parking lot at 6 o'clock.

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Mila’s turnwheel should not have been put in Echoes. I resent how it’s a cheat code accessibility feature implemented as though it were a core element of gameplay (what with there being no way to turn it off, upgrades for it as if 3 rewinds in a permadeath game weren’t already broken, and not even one achievement that the turnwheel disqualifies you from getting), I personally feel it’s irresponsible game design to make it the player’s job to decide when they do and don’t deserve to lose, I can’t think of a single occasion in video game history where giving the player mastery over the spacetime continuum was ever the most efficient or elegant solution to any problem ever, and if it does address any fundamental problem with the game’s core design, it’s unacceptable to fix such an issue with a feature half the fanbase isn’t going to ever want to use.

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On 6/26/2017 at 6:41 AM, unique said:

slayde was the best villain in echoes


Honestly, alongside Berkut, Slayde had some of the best voice acting and lines in the game.


As for my other unpopular opinions.

- Charlotte and (archer) Mozu are good units. Their low join levels aren't too bad of a flaw when there are other units in the series that join at low levels even later than them (like Sophia). They eventually grow into total powerhouses too.

 - Birthright is just as fun as Conquest, though I only played BR on lunatic.

- I'm fine with having an Avatar in the games, though Corrin wasn't a very good one since they had existing familial relationships with the Nohrian royals. That said I don't mind games with no Avatars since Lords tend to be decent characters.

- I don't mind FE15's maps since you have modern conveniences like the L button jumping your cursor to free units, automatic commands, and the ability to skip enemy phases.

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55 minutes ago, Lex Luthier said:

Charlotte and (archer) Mozu are good units. Their low join levels aren't too bad of a flaw when there are other units in the series that join at low levels even later than them (like Sophia). They eventually grow into total powerhouses too

Archer!Mozu is pretty useful in Conquest considering you're short on strong Bow users for a while.  I think she's worth the effort.

Charlotte, however, is a bit more iffy.  Much as I love her, her accuracy is ...worrisome.  And fixing it with something like a forged Bronze Axe will end up holding back her offense in the process.

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On 6/25/2017 at 8:22 PM, Glennstavos said:

- I wasn't impressed by dungeons in Echoes. Their only saving grace being just short enough for me not to care overall. If later Fire Emblems have dungeons to explore, they had better be way more nuanced and necessary to the experience.

Holy shit, this. I hate the Duma Temple with a burning fucking passion, fuck the transporters.

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22 hours ago, Slumber said:

It's true. Aside from raw hacking potential, SS is the only game in the franchise that offers absolutely nothing of substance for me to go back to. A few character support chains are nice, but I don't ever need to replay the game again to experience them.

I'VE messed with stuff like enemy growth rates and changing up character classes to see if any of it makes SS a more bearable experience, but every time I give up about half way through the route splits. The maps are boring, the enemies are boring, the story is boring, most of the characters are boring(Not necessarily bad like Awakening or Fates, but boring), and it's so stupidly easy that even challenge runs manage to be boring. The most interesting units hypothetically are the trainees, but besides Ross, none of them are worth using, and even Ross turns into a pretty average unit at best.

Just about the only thing that does interest me is randomizer runs, at which point the game barely resembles its original self. It's just a boring, boring, joyless game. I don't harbor as many strong negative feelings for it like I do with Awakening and Fates, but I also really have nothing to point to where I can go "Well at least is has this" like I can with those two games.


Yup, I was talking about SS. I do admit, I doesn't have a whole lot of replay value, but it's super good at being the "chill" Fire Emblem, at least for me.

I think the map design could be MILES better, but a few maps do manage to stand out. Ghost Ship, Orson's map, Lyon's map (except the Gorgons, fuck those.)

Don't have a whole lot of defense for the characters, say what you will.

Shit, my argument is falling apart.

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7 minutes ago, FootwaySublong said:

Yup, I was talking about SS. I do admit, I doesn't have a whole lot of replay value, but it's super good at being the "chill" Fire Emblem, at least for me.

I think the map design could be MILES better, but a few maps do manage to stand out. Ghost Ship, Orson's map, Lyon's map (except the Gorgons, fuck those.)

Don't have a whole lot of defense for the characters, say what you will.

Shit, my argument is falling apart.

I'm not saying you can't like it. I just don't think it's a very good game.

If you have your reasons, you have your reasons. It's just the white bread of Fire Emblem to me.

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8 minutes ago, Slumber said:

I'm not saying you can't like it. I just don't think it's a very good game.

If you have your reasons, you have your reasons. It's just the white bread of Fire Emblem to me.

I love white bread.

Anyhow, that's a perfectly viable reason for not liking SS.

I'd have the SS copypasta, but I'm lazy.

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On 6/25/2017 at 4:52 PM, Nobody said:

Radiant Dawn is a mediocre game, and everything outside the Dawn Brigade chapters is just boring. It has some of the worst maps in Fire Emblem.

Shadow Dragon is a great game.

While still good, Shadow of Valencia has the worst soundtrack among the 3ds fire emblem games.

Me too, i also really like SD.

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15 minutes ago, FootwaySublong said:

Me too, i also really like SD.

Unpopular opinion: I appreciate that you're apparently reading through the whole thread.

10 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

I didn't really care for any of the music Fates. Though I've only played Birthright so maybe the other routes aren't better

echoes music is great tho 

Also, I didn't really care for the 3DS soundtracks as a whole, really. Echoes was probably my favorite.

Then again, aside from a few tunes here and there, I think the FE franchise has had pretty unremarkable music as a whole.

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11 minutes ago, Slumber said:

Unpopular opinion: I appreciate that you're apparently reading through the whole thread.

Also, I didn't really care for the 3DS soundtracks as a whole, really. Echoes was probably my favorite.

Then again, aside from a few tunes here and there, I think the FE franchise has had pretty unremarkable music as a whole.

 Kinda agree with you there (aside from echoes). It hasn't really been bad, but there isn't much I'd hum along to from what I've played. Only a few I remember here and there, and those are usually the boss themes 

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On 4/30/2018 at 7:46 PM, SoulWeaver said:

That's definitely not one I've heard before. Out of curiosity, what about the lack of a Class system appeals to you?

Sorry for the late reply, but basically, I just like the freedom it could give the devs. 


Like this character don't HAVE to promote into a sword and axe/bow unit just because he is a mercenary. Instead, he can obtain any weapon his personal skill set allows him to obtain and maybe even get a mount or something. Classes just sort of put a strict limitation on the ways characters could be promoted. It could allow them to keep there style of clothing no matter what weapon they use, that way a dev could make a character's appearance be based on his personality, not his class. Although, this might admittedly be a flaw if it takes time to develop generic units now, but I would not mind if many of them look the same as they already do even with the class system in place. 

Like seriously, did anyone REALLY promote Lissa into a war cleric and was satisfied? I did it because it felt cannon with the way she kept her dress, but her value as a unit had plummeted to nearly zero for me until I just gave in and re-classed her as a  sage. 

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1 hour ago, Martin said:

Sorry for the late reply, but basically, I just like the freedom it could give the devs.

Like this character don't HAVE to promote into a sword and axe/bow unit just because he is a mercenary. Instead, he can obtain any weapon his personal skill set allows him to obtain and maybe even get a mount or something. Classes just sort of put a strict limitation on the ways characters could be promoted. It could allow them to keep there style of clothing no matter what weapon they use, that way a dev could make a character's appearance be based on his personality, not his class. Although, this might admittedly be a flaw if it takes time to develop generic units now, but I would not mind if many of them look the same as they already do even with the class system in place. 

Like seriously, did anyone REALLY promote Lissa into a war cleric and was satisfied? I did it because it felt canon with the way she kept her dress, but her value as a unit had plummeted to nearly zero for me until I just gave in and re-classed her as a  sage. 

You're good, I reply late to stuff like that all the time.

I do wish generic enemies would get a little more variety - are we really supposed to believe every single Plegian Pegasus Knight is a brunette, for example? - and it would be nice to see, as an example, how Corrin's Nohr Prince(ss) color scheme could be transferred over to other Classes, so I gotta say I agree with you there.

To answer that question, I actually really loved War Cleric Lissa because there's almost no reason to have her be just another Tome user when Robin just kind of does all your Tomework for everyone naturally(though I made my main Avatar a Dread Fighter so she was redundant either way haha), not to mention Child Units. I also never had issues with the fact that there's only one Bolt Axe in the whole game and it's Renown-locked as I usually got a bunch of STR growths with her plus had nobody else who really needed Energy Drops, so I'd usually just give her a Short Axe and let her beat stuff up. It is kind of a hard Class to use as an attack Unit, though, seeing as how you have to get blessed with a bunch of STR growths if you don't have the Bolt Axe and almost nobody from Gen 1 who gets the Class can also access Armsthrift so you have to be really careful with the Bolt Axe if you do have it. It's easier to use with Gen 2 Units, of course, but so is every other Class so that's a moot point.

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8 hours ago, Slumber said:

Unpopular opinion: I appreciate that you're apparently reading through the whole thread.

Also, I didn't really care for the 3DS soundtracks as a whole, really. Echoes was probably my favorite.

Then again, aside from a few tunes here and there, I think the FE franchise has had pretty unremarkable music as a whole.

While I personally think the 3DS games have very strong music, I think the Tellius games have a lot of very underrated gems. A shame not all of PoR's music is extended on YouTube.

Genealogy also stands out, though whether in good or bad might depend on the person's tastes.

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