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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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On 5/27/2018 at 4:10 AM, Harvey said:

Again, I'm not sure in this aspect. Many of the games were kind of unbalanced in that part and in other cases, characters have to be alive to unlock other chapters and while that can create an additional challenge, if you're not going to use them, what's the point of the idea?

If you lose Rutger, you'll never beat Henning and it makes the game unwinnable(Its doable in NM but again, if he's solid, why not use him instead of a Cavalier?) unless I'm not mistaken. Getting replacements in New Mystery is almost never going to happen except for the Sable Knights I think?

I wonder if instead of giving hard mode bonuses in FE6 or 7, they just nerf them on higher difficulties so that they don't end up as dominant as they are now..but then again, how else can you beat Henning?

Anyways..as for my unpopular opinion, The final boss in FE6 is well done. People often bash at the final map for it being the worst due to how horribly easy the final boss is requiring little to no effort and yeah, I am not going to dispute that because it is horribly easy...but how else can it be done?

If you want the best ending, you have to use Roy and to make Roy chip heavy damage to Idoun, you need the sword of seals. Even though you have a hammerine staff, you're not going to use it on the SoS unless you somehow manage to beat the notorious chapter 21 without the staff as you will most likely abuse it for the warp and the rescue staves or whatever. Since the legendary weapons have almost low usages, the devs had to make the map and enemies to a less extent to avoid making it unwinnable. For that reason, in my opinion, it is why I think the final map is well done on that part. 



The problem here is that you are including FE6 and 7 in the "FE games used to be like this...".  You can group FE1-5 together in terms of the expectation that it was balanced and meant to be played a certain way. Any game after that was the result of different directors doing their own thing and not always able to imitate the original master.

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I don't get why the fanbase is so obsessed with a man that only made 5 games in the series, which the fanbase only really loves two of (and one of them, not from a gameplay standpoint). It's one thing to have reverences to the creates of one of your favorite franchises, but this fanbase gets pretty weird when it comes to Kaga.

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40 minutes ago, redtutel said:

I don't get why the fanbase is so obsessed with a man that only made 5 games in the series, which the fanbase only really loves two of (and one of them, not from a gameplay standpoint). It's one thing to have reverences to the creates of one of your favorite franchises, but this fanbase gets pretty weird when it comes to Kaga.

I don't think people are obsessed with Kaga. It's just that he was in charge of the first five games and had ideas for the series that were still being fleshed out and when he left IS his ideas left with him. Some have returned, but just not in the way some people like. There is also the scary and likely possibility that the only FE games that were really ambitious after Kaga left, Tellius games, were based on old notes he left behind for futures ideas has people worried that the next console FE isn't going to be up to snuff especially considering concerning trends that the series has taken.

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I don't feel Kaga's departure had much of a negative effect on Fire Emblem. In a lot of series the creator leaving often leads to a decline and eventual downfall of the series but that's not the case with Fire Emblem. The games kept coming out and they kept being really good. Even the most contentious games tend to still remain quality titles that are criticized for things that fall outside of the core gameplay. 

I'm sure Kaga was a very solid developer but I don't get the impression that Fire Emblem really needed his presence. It managed to go on without Kaga and even thrived in his absence. 

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4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I don't feel Kaga's departure had much of a negative effect on Fire Emblem. In a lot of series the creator leaving often leads to a decline and eventual downfall of the series but that's not the case with Fire Emblem. The games kept coming out and they kept being really good. Even the most contentious games tend to still remain quality titles that are criticized for things that fall outside of the core gameplay. 

I'm sure Kaga was a very solid developer but I don't get the impression that Fire Emblem really needed his presence. It managed to go on without Kaga and even thrived in his absence. 

I don’t really know if I could agree with that since all the gba games are technically a step back from the snes games. They had the ability to implement a lot of those old mechanics but just didn’t so I could imagine Japanese fans were probably disappointed going from FE5 to 6,7 and 8. Then you have Path of Radiance, which people suspect was based on old concept notes of Kaga’s being the first game to push the series forward (or at least pick up where it left off).

I don’t think the series needs Kaga to thrive, but I don’t think you can say there wasn’t a notable loss with his departure.

The series is now doing innovativing in different ways and is still trying to find a proper footing and we can only wait for the next game to see how those ideas pan out.

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2 hours ago, Modamy said:

I don’t really know if I could agree with that since all the gba games are technically a step back from the snes games. They had the ability to implement a lot of those old mechanics but just didn’t so I could imagine Japanese fans were probably disappointed going from FE5 to 6,7 and 8. Then you have Path of Radiance, which people suspect was based on old concept notes of Kaga’s being the first game to push the series forward (or at least pick up where it left off).

I don’t think the series needs Kaga to thrive, but I don’t think you can say there wasn’t a notable loss with his departure.

The series is now doing innovativing in different ways and is still trying to find a proper footing and we can only wait for the next game to see how those ideas pan out.

Well technically, FE6 and 7 were trying to play it safe and they are still solid games at that. I will agree that FE5 had and still is the most innovative FE game out there. Also, let's not forget that Awakening practically saved the series..something which Kaga was not involved in at all. Conquest has some of the best maps and game design out there that its on par with the 5 games.

We'll have to wait and see how FE Switch turns out in the end.


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11 hours ago, Harvey said:

Also, let's not forget that Awakening practically saved the series..something which Kaga was not involved in at all.

Not to sound rude, but let's also not forget a fair portion of Awakening's drawn-in audience was Sm4sh players who wanted to find out more about Lucina and Robin. Obviously I don't have exact numbers, but I'd just like it remembered that if those two hadn't been in Sm4sh it's quite possible we may have had a very different story on our hands.

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Ike being in Smash 3 wasn't enough to make the Tellius games best-sellers. And If getting your characters into Smash was enough to rekindle a dying Franchise, Starfox would be major IP atm.

Credit has to be given where credit is do: Awakening was a blockbuster hit because it tapped into something fans (and prospective fans) had been waiting for in ways that previous installments in the series hadn't.

Edited by Shoblongoo
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I got into FE series pretty late like 5 or 6 years ago, started off with New Mystery and it remains as my favorite game so far. I pretty much tried all the FE games barring FE1,3 and echoes. 

I have to say I can't see the appeal of FE4 and 5 compared to the games after them. It's so clunky and boring. The maps are too big. And they are supposed to have good stories?? I played through New Mystery 3 times and read every support but I couldn't get past chapter 2 of FE4. It's exhausting to play. Meanwhile conquest is hard but still fun to play and I love the characters much much more. It's really frustrating that whenever I say that on other forum, people think that my opinion is unworthy and "what is wrong with millennial". If I genuinely want a good story, I would read a book, watch some movie, or straight up watch gaming cutscene video on youtube. I am sorry if I seemed a little angry or spiteful, it's just that I rarely have so called popular opinion in gaming, thus I seldom speak up on forums.




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On 6/1/2018 at 1:29 AM, SoulWeaver said:

Not to sound rude, but let's also not forget a fair portion of Awakening's drawn-in audience was Sm4sh players who wanted to find out more about Lucina and Robin. Obviously I don't have exact numbers, but I'd just like it remembered that if those two hadn't been in Sm4sh it's quite possible we may have had a very different story on our hands.

Smash 4 came out after FE13 was successful though.  Sure, it may have moved some copies later on, but out the gate it was not a factor and most game sales are very front loaded.

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I don't see the point of rating a unit. Because no matter how good a unit is, the unit will always come up with issues. Any unit that is only on foot is mostly considered useless compared to the ones that have a horse. Because of that reason, it stops them from getting a perfect score meaning their utility is almost ignored

Just because Marcus is a god doesn't mean that it's pointless to use other units. Just because Rutger is swordlocked doesn't mean he will have issues in the long run considering he has several other benefits.


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Okay, here we go:

-(not super unpopular) but Lyn is a garbage unit, she's also an incredibly bland and uninteresting character.

-Gaiden/Echoes' map design was not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. Some of them were actually pretty good (Duma Gate, Last Bastion, Rigel Falls).

-Sacred Stones has some of the best characters in the series.

-All of the Voice acting in Echoes was honestly really good with the one exception of Desaix. That performance was just awful.

-We need more Narcian.

On 6/25/2017 at 4:41 PM, unique said:

i am generally not a fan of this kind of thread, and I have avoided it the other 23 times people made it, but this time I have one thing to say

slayde was the best villain in echoes

- Also, Slayde was actually such a good villain, he was such a self-serving scumbag.

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10 hours ago, AndrogynousBasil said:

We need more Narcian.

This is unpopular? I guess people just haven't awakened to their need for he, Narcian, to make a reappearance in their lives. Once Re:Elibe happens, though, all shall understand that what they were missing to make their life complete was truly he, Narcian!

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19 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

This is unpopular? I guess people just haven't awakened to their need for he, Narcian, to make a reappearance in their lives. Once Re:Elibe happens, though, all shall understand that what they were missing to make their life complete was truly he, Narcian!

Plus, IS made a shittier Narcian knock-off two games later, so obviously even they knew we needed more Narcian.

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1 hour ago, Slumber said:

Plus, IS made a shittier Narcian knock-off two games later, so obviously even they knew we needed more Narcian.

Two games later? I can't think of anyone really like him SS. Caellach is a greedy mercenary who never shows himself truly incompetent and gets in hot water for it. Valter is defined as a psychopath, his fighting skills are never questioned. Riev is a terrible Gharnef. Selena is a Camus. Glen just dies. Can't be Lyon either.

Now Petrine in PoR, yes, that is Narcian's copy, bluster with no bite, they even share in use of a magic weapon.

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44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Two games later? I can't think of anyone really like him SS. Caellach is a greedy mercenary who never shows himself truly incompetent and gets in hot water for it. Valter is defined as a psychopath, his fighting skills are never questioned. Riev is a terrible Gharnef. Selena is a Camus. Glen just dies. Can't be Lyon either.

Now Petrine in PoR, yes, that is Narcian's copy, bluster with no bite, they even share in use of a magic weapon.

Narcian and Valter are similar in that they both have not-so-vague rapey overtones, although I think that in Narcian's case, it's only brought up in Clarine's joining chapter, while Valter keeps going on about how he loooooves to hunt Ephraim and especially Eirika. They also both actively hurt their countries' war efforts because of their personal interests - Narcianbecause he wants to keep at first his reputation and later his life, Valter because he wants to draw out the thrill of his hunt.

But I agree that they're not that alike overall. Narcian's dominant personality trait, narcissism, is mostly absent from Valter. Valter is a psychopathic sadist, Narcian is a scheming bastard. Narcian is obsessed with his own renown and standing, Valter is obsessed with Eirika. They do share the role of the big, story-relevant mid-game boss (although Valter co-stars with Caellach), though.

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-Blazing Blade and Awakening aren't that good compared to the other games on their respective systems and are overhyped just because they were the first games most people played. They have the worst fanboys because of the latter.

-Cains > Abels.

-Children should only be brought back in a future game if there is an at least 18 year long gap in the story like what they in GOTHW, instead of forcing children in like Fates did.

-I'm all for a Native Island, Middle Eastern, or another Japan type setting for a future FE game whether it be the main continent or an area of a continent.

-Speaking of future FE games, we need a Jugdral prequel focusing on the origin of the Crusaders.

-Fates has one of the best OSTs of the series.

-Most of the lord characters aren't half as good compared to most of the cast of their games (Ephraim/Eirika, Blazing Blade trio, Chrom)

-Memes aside, Dorcas is one of the best characters of the series.






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16 hours ago, redtutel said:

Personally, I've had the worst experiences with Tellius and Jugdral fanboys

Mmm. I do see Jugdral fanboys sometimes but not as often as GBA and Awakening fanboys but I've heard about how bad they can be. In my experience, I always see Blazing Blade fanboys comparing only the worst aspects of the newer games to the best aspects of GBA era (Especially the Elibe games) and Awakening fanboys who shun or constantly trash the older games. What's your experience been with Tellius and Jugdral fanboys?

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2 hours ago, ByTheGreenHairOfAlm said:

Mmm. I do see Jugdral fanboys sometimes but not as often as GBA and Awakening fanboys but I've heard about how bad they can be. In my experience, I always see Blazing Blade fanboys comparing only the worst aspects of the newer games to the best aspects of GBA era (Especially the Elibe games) and Awakening fanboys who shun or constantly trash the older games. What's your experience been with Tellius and Jugdral fanboys?

Similar issues of focusing too much on the positives of the old and too much on the negative of the new, they run inside jokes to the ground, and people with avatars and/or reddit flairs with those character often come off as more belligerent, and sometimes a bit elitist.

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I don't really see the point of weapon durability in games where you can buy more than iron weapons and basic tomes in between chapters (so basically every game after FE7, excluding the Archanea remakes)

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Fire Emblem has never had an actually good story, they are all either decent or bad, people just suddenly care a lot more about it now, hence the ever-growing complaints.

I never let my expectations get too high, so I'm okay with every FE plot so far, but they're all very flawed.

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20 hours ago, redtutel said:

Similar issues of focusing too much on the positives of the old and too much on the negative of the new, they run inside jokes to the ground, and people with avatars and/or reddit flairs with those character often come off as more belligerent, and sometimes a bit elitist.

Then there’s instances of not just Pre Awakening vs Modern fans but also Kaga era vs Post Kaga fans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For a future title, I would like to see a late-Renaissance/early-Industrial setting with early gunpowder units and weapons. And deconstruct the tropes associated with medieval warfare, as armies try to master the newly invented technology to one-up each other.

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