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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Robin and Aversa's Japanese supports.

For anyone wanting to do a comparison.

Huh. The big differences seem to be Aversa's teasing being more light hearted, Robin doesn't get as angry, they lean into the familial thing more(Aversa actually wanting a sibling relationship from Robin), and Robin initiates the romance while Aversa's the one dumbfounded.

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4 hours ago, Slumber said:

I'm not a fan of Chrom's family being descendants of Marth. A royal dynasty ruling for over three thousand years, with two thousand of them tracing back directly to one guy, is insane.

At least with Walhart, it's not made clear if he's a descendant of Alm and Celica.

It might not have been traced directly back to Marth. The hero Anri that started the lineage with the Falchion tied bloodline isn't Marth's direct decedent (Marth is descended from Anri's brother), so it could have pass onto some other branch of the family after the main branch was wiped out. I will note the Ylisseans claim decent from the First Exalt, not Marth, and the Robin Tiki support even claim Chrom is a "distant relation" to Marth, which hints at something other than a direct descent.

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3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It might not have been traced directly back to Marth. The hero Anri that started the lineage with the Falchion tied bloodline isn't Marth's direct decedent (Marth is descended from Anri's brother), so it could have pass onto some other branch of the family after the main branch was wiped out. I will note the Ylisseans claim decent from the First Exalt, not Marth, and the Robin Tiki support even claim Chrom is a "distant relation" to Marth, which hints at something other than a direct descent.

True, but isn't Marth's family pretty much just down to him and Elice by the end of FE3? Cornelius is described as the sole descendant of the hero at the start of FE1, and he eats it in the opening crawl. This means that it's literally just Marth and his sister carrying the hero's blood.

The candidates of who could be Chrom's direct ancestors are down to those two. Not that it's out of the question that it'd just be Elice, especially since Ylisse is a homonym for her name, but...

Tiki says "distant relation" because it's literally been 2000 years. It's like 50-100 generations between Marth and Chrom. Chrom can still be a direct descendant AND be distantly related to Marth, purely due to how long it's been. Even if it's Elice, being the descendant of Marth's sister wouldn't much more distant than being the descendant of Marth if we go by Tiki.

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16 hours ago, Ottservia said:

The only distasteful part of awakening’s fanservice are Tharja and Nowi and if you REALLY wanna stretch it the beach and hot springs DLC(but those are 100% optional)

Now of the non sexual variety, Priam is really the only one I found intrusive to any capacity. Everything else was either integrated well(Valm) or could be ignored entirely (Erinjar cards and DLC)

So does Aversa gets excluded for villain reasons?

10 hours ago, Slumber said:

I wish FE would do this more. Outside of the odd bandit like Garret or Gonzales, I don't think any other FE besides Thracia goes into why so many people have resorted to banditry.

It's just a bunch of bad people doing bad things.

Which is weird, since pirates are more often presented in a decent light.

I'm not a fan of Chrom's family being descendants of Marth. A royal dynasty ruling for over three thousand years, with two thousand of them tracing back directly to one guy, is insane.

At least with Walhart, it's not made clear if he's a descendant of Alm and Celica.

I think the decision to set Awakening so ridiculously far in the future was a mistake to begin wit. Why two thousand years? That's a hell of a long time. Why not like two hundred? Chrom claiming he's the descendant of Marth is like some one in the modern day claiming they're a decedent of Ceaser. Ultimately Awakening has so little to actually do with Archanea that I wish it was a separate setting entirely. With the possible exception of Tiki, anything it references is just lip service without meaning, or worse so poorly though out it creates a headache.

Edited by Jotari
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21 minutes ago, Slumber said:

True, but isn't Marth's family pretty much just down to him and Elice by the end of FE3? Cornelius is described as the sole descendant of the hero. This means that it's literally just Marth and his sister carrying the hero's blood.

The candidates of who could be Chrom's direct ancestors are pretty down to those two. Not that it's out of the question that it'd just be Elice, especially since Ylisse is a homonym for her name, but...

The way Elice acts like Marth is the only one who could possibly wield the Falchion makes me think no one was paying attention to female descendants of Anri at the time, so there may be more out there from female branches that have changed family names through marriage. Plus the idea of rulers being able to trace (or at least claim) lines of descent back to more ancients rulers even out to 2,000 years and beyond is not unheard of, the issue is with how difficult it is to rely on historical records from so long ago (not to mention covering so long of a time), and the myths surrounding ancient rulers. As three examples of very ancient claims of descent, the Queen of England claim descent back out 1,500 back to the possibly legendary Cerdric first Saxon king of Wessex, the Japanese emperors trace back to over 2,500 years to a descendant of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu (although it is hard to verify the reigns of the emperors older than 1,481 years ago) and numerous Chinese ruling families have claimed descent from the likely mythical Yellow Emperor even almost 4,000 years after his supposed reign. That Marth is considered mythical feels very appropriate, and everyone had at least two ancestors (probably and hopefully more) from 2,000 years ago, so it doesn't seem massively unreasonable.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Chrom claiming he's the descendant of Marth is like some one in the modern day claiming they're a decedent of Ceaser.

Well its kinda hard to call Chrom a liar on that front with his blue hair and that sword which only Anri's family is able to wield. 

With Caesar that's a bit easier since the only child he ever managed to get predeceased him without furthering the family line. Ergo, direct descendants of Caesar don't exist in this world even if we had records that went back into antiquity to track down exactly who your ancestor is. 

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27 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Well its kinda hard to call Chrom a liar on that front with his blue hair and that sword which only Anri's family is able to wield. 

Speaking of which, does anyone else find the whole, “Only descendants of Anri can use Falchion” thing rather confusing? Anri was a peasant with no important bloodline to speak of, and we find out in New Mystery of the Emblem that he had to pass a bunch of trials to obtain and be deemed worthy of the Falchion. How does being deemed worthy translate to all your distant nephews and nieces being automatically worthy to use it?

I suppose it would make sense if Anri also had to drink Naga Blood and he saved a vial for his brother.

Anri: “Hey, brother. Medeus might return, so I need you to drink this red liquid.”

”Ugh; it smells like dragon blood!”

Anri: ”...That’s a coincidence, and the red is from me adding cherry to make it go down easier.”

”...Alright, brother.”

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2 hours ago, Flere210 said:

Also, Ylisse having a different name than Archanea make me think that Marth's dynasty did not reign for 2000 years straight. It's not unheard of that a royal dynasty end up ruling a different country at some point. 

The way I see it Archenea was destroyed in Grima's first rampage and the last king of Archenea became Ylisse's first Exhalt after sealing Grima. It seems like a perfectly logical transition. 


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2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Speaking of which, does anyone else find the whole, “Only descendants of Anri can use Falchion” thing rather confusing? Anri was a peasant with no important bloodline to speak of, and we find out in New Mystery of the Emblem that he had to pass a bunch of trials to obtain and be deemed worthy of the Falchion. How does being deemed worthy translate to all your distant nephews and nieces being automatically worthy to use it?

I suppose it would make sense if Anri also had to drink Naga Blood and he saved a vial for his brother.

Anri: “Hey, brother. Medeus might return, so I need you to drink this red liquid.”

”Ugh; it smells like dragon blood!”

Anri: ”...That’s a coincidence, and the red is from me adding cherry to make it go down easier.”

”...Alright, brother.”

Someone doing the deed and his/her descendants able to use it is pretty much the MO of blood binds. What Gotoh did to Anri with the Falchion is no different than Naga and the other eleven dragons did with the Jugdrali crusaders, or Duma and Mila did with Rigel and Zofia. For Anri, it was Gotoh the dragon who did the deed.

Now, it's true that it is unusual that in this case, a side-branch of the family got the benefit too despite not being a direct descent from Anri. Way I see it, Gotoh may have done something different to ensure the blood connection also passed to Marcellus... or he went and made a separate blood bind with him, figuring "Eh, he's Anri's brother, might as well".

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4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Well its kinda hard to call Chrom a liar on that front with his blue hair and that sword which only Anri's family is able to wield. 

With Caesar that's a bit easier since the only child he ever managed to get predeceased him without furthering the family line. Ergo, direct descendants of Caesar don't exist in this world even if we had records that went back into antiquity to track down exactly who your ancestor is. 

Well Ceaser's son with Cleopatra did outlive him, but also died childless (as far as we know). My point wasn't to call Chrom a liar, just to give some perspective on how long ago two thousand years is and how meaningless such a claim is. You can throw magic swords and brands into the mix, but that grates hard on my own personal willing suspension of disbelief. Especially in a case like this where there is really no reason at all for it to be such an incredibly long time. They did not make a detailed history of what happened in between those two thousand years to justify such a large time skip imo.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Someone doing the deed and his/her descendants able to use it is pretty much the MO of blood binds. What Gotoh did to Anri with the Falchion is no different than Naga and the other eleven dragons did with the Jugdrali crusaders, or Duma and Mila did with Rigel and Zofia. For Anri, it was Gotoh the dragon who did the deed.

Now, it's true that it is unusual that in this case, a side-branch of the family got the benefit too despite not being a direct descent from Anri. Way I see it, Gotoh may have done something different to ensure the blood connection also passed to Marcellus... or he went and made a separate blood bind with him, figuring "Eh, he's Anri's brother, might as well".

Counter theory, Anri slept with his brother's wife.

Edited by Jotari
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On 2/3/2020 at 9:35 AM, vanguard333 said:

Complexity does not equal depth.

This statement brings joy.


On 2/3/2020 at 9:35 AM, vanguard333 said:

I have played Path of Radiance, and that game had enough: a straightforward, refined and elegant story with plenty of depth here and there. To this day, I think it has easily the best story in Fire Emblem. 

This statement does not bring joy.


Unpopular opinion #1: Thracia 776 is the best game in the franchise because it manages to be incredible despite it's flaws and limitations, and everything about the game works perfectly for itself. Everything in the game fits around the game's central concept of potential. The emphasis on growth boosting based items, the conflicts Lief has to overcome and his progress throughout the story, everything is just fantastic. And at the end of the day I think every character has a purpose in that game. F-ing Ralph stands for the common man's aid in the war effort and rebellion. Kain Alva and Robert are essentially meant to stand in for the common soldiers that join Lief from the people he allies himself with, and their honestly lackuster performance without aid reflects how often in war you aren't given the best support, even from allies. I just love this game so much.


Unpopular opinion #2: As hinted at above, I very much dislike the Tellius games. I think they're bad, the soundtrack is mediocre, the character designs are okay, you don't get information about characters who aren't extremely important or just clearly emphasized for whatever reason. (Jill, Soren, Titania, etc.)

I could talk about why I consider them the worst in the franchise, specifically RD, but for now I won't get too into the negativity.


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55 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Counter theory, Anri slept with his brother's wife.

This makes far more sense than Gotoh looking at Anri, deciding that the poor sop will never reproduce, and sneakily enchanting his married brother as well.

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Just now, eclipse said:

This makes far more sense than Gotoh looking at Anri, deciding that the poor sop will never reproduce, and sneakily enchanting his married brother as well.

While I also think it's plausible, Anri still lived around thirty years more after being unable to be with Artemis, yet never married or anything. So... it's also kinda plausible for Gotoh to conclude he ain't gonna produce a child any time soon.

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25 minutes ago, CH0D said:

you don't get information about characters who aren't extremely important or just clearly emphasized for whatever reason. (Jill, Soren, Titania, etc.)

The rest of your complaints are pretty subjective and can be perfectly valid depending on the person. However this one I don't get. If anything Tellius is the game where you get information on just about everyone in your army.

The brothers aren't all that important but you see them interact plenty and you even get a base conversation specifically all about their family history. Tormod and Muarim aren't very important but aside the true debt behind their story being in an artbook you get plenty of info on them, and Tormod's friendship is expanded upon in the sequel. We get to know Zihark's history with the Laguz, see Brom's village and get a look in Calil's tavern. 

The only one that never really get anything are the Dawn Brigade and that's a minuscule part of the cast.  

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

While I also think it's plausible, Anri still lived around thirty years more after being unable to be with Artemis, yet never married or anything. So... it's also kinda plausible for Gotoh to conclude he ain't gonna produce a child any time soon.

Unless there's a huge age difference between the brothers, it means that Anri was alive during the birth of his nieces/nephews.  Perhaps Gotoh used his dragon thingy on the kids?

Still think that Anri having a one-night stand is a little more believable, albeit scummy.


Just now, Etrurian emperor said:

see Brom's villains

I knew it, Brom was behind everything!

(sorry, the typo was too good to pass up)

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Someone doing the deed and his/her descendants able to use it is pretty much the MO of blood binds. What Gotoh did to Anri with the Falchion is no different than Naga and the other eleven dragons did with the Jugdrali crusaders, or Duma and Mila did with Rigel and Zofia. For Anri, it was Gotoh the dragon who did the deed.

Now, it's true that it is unusual that in this case, a side-branch of the family got the benefit too despite not being a direct descent from Anri. Way I see it, Gotoh may have done something different to ensure the blood connection also passed to Marcellus... or he went and made a separate blood bind with him, figuring "Eh, he's Anri's brother, might as well".

I suppose, although, with Mila and Zofia, it’s implied to be a different sort of blood bond... (as in DNA/lineage)


Slayde: “But, er... doesn’t the king’s bloodline descend from Mila herself?

1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Counter theory, Anri slept with his brother's wife.

Unlikely, given that the reason Anri never married and died childless was that he was in love with Artemis, who was forced to marry that other guy (I can’t remember his name).


24 minutes ago, CH0D said:

This statement brings joy.


27 minutes ago, CH0D said:

This statement brings joy.


This statement does not bring joy.

Unpopular opinion #2: As hinted at above, I very much dislike the Tellius games. I think they're bad, the soundtrack is mediocre, the character designs are okay, you don't get information about characters who aren't extremely important or just clearly emphasized for whatever reason. (Jill, Soren, Titania, etc.)


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that last part is objectively wrong: we get plenty of information about all the characters in Path of Radiance, whether they’re important to the story or not, and we learn lots about them through multiple means; the two biggest ones being support conversations and base conversations.

The only characters we don’t learn too much of are the side characters exclusive to Radiant Dawn due to the support conversations bring pretty much nothing. Even then, there’s still some stuff to learn from their base conversations.

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4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

I suppose, although, with Mila and Zofia, it’s implied to be a different sort of blood bond... (as in DNA/lineage)

Hm? How does Slayde's words imply Mila and Zofia's bond was different? If it was different, since there's no indication it was.

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I dunno how unpopular this opinion but I still hold by the opinion that Kozaki was probably the best character designer in the series with Senri Kita coming in at a very close second. Not to say the character design of the other games are bad but it’s something about the design philosophy of those two that really stand out. Kozaki in particular does really good portrait work.

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hm? How does Slayde's words imply Mila and Zofia's bond was different? If it was different, since there's no indication it was.

Sorry; I misread your statement at first.

At first, I thought you meant a literal blood pact (as in the human character drinking the blood of the dragon character for power, like in Genealogy), and I was trying (very poorly, I'll admit) to say that Slayde's statement implies that the Zofian royal family weren't given blood by Mila, but are of her actual bloodline. Of course, his words could still mean the typical blood thing, but now I understand that that's not what you were talking about. 

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5 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

I suppose, although, with Mila and Zofia, it’s implied to be a different sort of blood bond... (as in DNA/lineage)

Unlikely, given that the reason Anri never married and died childless was that he was in love with Artemis, who was forced to marry that other guy (I can’t remember his name).




Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that last part is objectively wrong: we get plenty of information about all the characters in Path of Radiance, whether they’re important to the story or not, and we learn lots about them through multiple means; the two biggest ones being support conversations and base conversations.

The only characters we don’t learn too much of are the side characters exclusive to Radiant Dawn due to the support conversations bring pretty much nothing. Even then, there’s still some stuff to learn from their base conversations.

Unrequited love isn't the same thing as castration.

6 hours ago, CH0D said:

This statement brings joy.


This statement does not bring joy.


Unpopular opinion #1: Thracia 776 is the best game in the franchise because it manages to be incredible despite it's flaws and limitations, and everything about the game works perfectly for itself. Everything in the game fits around the game's central concept of potential. The emphasis on growth boosting based items, the conflicts Lief has to overcome and his progress throughout the story, everything is just fantastic. And at the end of the day I think every character has a purpose in that game. F-ing Ralph stands for the common man's aid in the war effort and rebellion. Kain Alva and Robert are essentially meant to stand in for the common soldiers that join Lief from the people he allies himself with, and their honestly lackuster performance without aid reflects how often in war you aren't given the best support, even from allies. I just love this game so much.


Unpopular opinion #2: As hinted at above, I very much dislike the Tellius games. I think they're bad, the soundtrack is mediocre, the character designs are okay, you don't get information about characters who aren't extremely important or just clearly emphasized for whatever reason. (Jill, Soren, Titania, etc.)

I could talk about why I consider them the worst in the franchise, specifically RD, but for now I won't get too into the negativity.


Jill isnt important. She just seems like she is because she's a very, very well done unimportant character.

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