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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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14 hours ago, Etheus said:

Isn't Niles bisexual, not homosexual?

Regardless, I don't think that Nintendo was attempting to be cruel to gay people. I mean, they even went out of their way to include a decent transgender character with Forrest.

(But I digress. I do not enjoy discussing identity politics. I get the concern, but I sincerely doubt Nintendo meant any insult. And in Rhajat's case, her personality has less to do with her sexuality and more with her being a lazy port of Tharja.)

Eh small nitpick Forrest isn't transgender he's just a Crossdresser. 


Edited by Bankai
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Honestly, Soleil should have been the female gay option, since she is bi. It bugs me that they had the character who was shown to hit on girls not eligible to marry f!Corn. 
Either that or Silas and Azura  for the gay options, as they aren't route exclusive.

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Lunatic+ was on to something.

I actually think the premise of powerful, randomized skills on enemies, several of which are designed to directly combat the most conventional player strategies, would be really, really cool if done with the kind of design philosophy seen in Conquest. The idea of entirely randomized obstacles and entirely randomized waves of oncoming enemies would be awesome in a game where everything else about the mode wasn't complete and utter horseshit. If care was taken to make sure that no unlucky combination of powers would be too ridiculously game-breaking, it would be a hugely interesting way to get replay value out of the game for experienced players and reduce the chance for complacent cheesing strategies getting made.

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Event recap was such an amazing feature in the DS remakes, out of the pure convenience of being able to re watch every event without having to go through the entire game; something that honestly makes most RPGs suffer from having to play through a REALLY long game, just so you can re live that one scene over again (granted, one can exploit this by keeping a spare save, but given the limited saves available I wouldn't recommend. That it never saw the light of day afterwards is a damn shame

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I don't know if this is unpopular or just understated but I find Heritors of Arcadia (SoV's ending song) to be a great song and better than the widely promoted (and repeated) Lost in Thoughts All Alone. I suppose part of it is that Azura/Corrin soured me on the latter but SoV's song is really beautiful and speaks better to the themes of the game.

Edited by NekoKnight
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...I actually liked Awakening's story. I get that the general consensus is that it's rushed and has a lot of unnecessary pandering, but I honestly was able to enjoy it for what it was. To quote Yahtzee Croshaw, "this is the good kind of pander; the kind who gets all the bamboo and has sex once in a while."

Oh, and I actually liked the Valm arc. I just really liked Walhart's character for some reason.

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15 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

SoV's song is really beautiful and speaks better to the themes of the game.

Heritors of Arcadia isn’t shoved in our ears every time someone decides to invoke plot powers. For such a brilliant singersongstress, Azura’s magical repertoire is sure limited.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Heritors of Arcadia isn’t shoved in our ears every time someone decides to invoke plot powers. For such a brilliant singersongstress, Azura’s magical repertoire is sure limited.

She's a one hit wonder. She wrote another piece called "Love in the Crossfire", but her agent told her it was too out of line with what her fans expected of her. 


Edit: To contribute to this topic a little more, I'm not big on Mia. The Rhys support was decent, but the other two are bad. The Ilyana is admittedly funny at the end, but all Mia wants to do is train, and all Ilyana wants to do is eat. Monotrait + Monotrait = 1 boring support. The Largo though- ugh! Mia more or less assaults Largo for no good reason in the B- he has the right to a restraining order. I understand not wanting to be subject to misogynistic stereotyping, but Mia takes it too far in the B. 

Overall, the impression one gets of Mia from everything is train, train, train, train. She has nothing else to her. Her popularity rests on a perky exterior and nice looks, superficiality. It's fine for those who don't take their characters too seriously, which are many. 

But for me, I want some nuance, I want some depth. I'd rather have an ugly old character with the attitude of a donkey if they were multifaceted in return. Rather that than Mia. And Mia doesn't have "charm" for me either, that quality of being able to be appreciated simply and without a need for depth.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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9 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Heritors of Arcadia isn’t shoved in our ears every time someone decides to invoke plot powers. For such a brilliant singersongstress, Azura’s magical repertoire is sure limited.

And while I haven't heard it yet, I'm going to assume that since the rest of the localization job is so fantastic, it doesn't repeatedly commit the egregious musical sin of putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable repeatedly. Seriously, that is a surefire sign that you are dealing with a lazy hack who doesn't care about properly crafting lyrics.

Edited by Alastor15243
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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She wrote another piece called "Love in the Crossfire", but her agent told her it was too out of line with what her fans expected of her. 

Isn't "Love in the Crossfire" from Bravely Default? Is there a joke I'm missing? I apologize if I am.


1 hour ago, Michelaar said:

I like Peri, Tharja, Camilla, and Beruka. I dislike Alm, most jugdral characters with the exception of a few, Lyn, and Ike.

Never have I both agreed and disagreed with someone so vehemently.

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I'm noticing that thinking Sacred Stones has an atrocious story might be a bit unpopular, if the "How do you rank the FE stories from best to worst" and "How Important Is World Building to You in FE?" threads are an indication of popular opinion.

I think I might have made this observation before, but it kind of befuddles me every time.

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4 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Whenever I see Nowi as a human, I feel like a pedophile and look away in disgust. Is this an unpopular opinion?

No, it's a normal human reaction.

Same deal with Nyx.

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25 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Whenever I see Nowi as a human, I feel like a pedophile and look away in disgust. Is this an unpopular opinion?

No probably not.

If anything me thinking she's cute is.

Unfortunately this automatically makes me a pedo even though I have no sexual attraction to her.

Apparently cute things aren't allowed anymore.


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34 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Whenever I see Nowi as a human, I feel like a pedophile and look away in disgust. Is this an unpopular opinion?


I find to see a stone old manakete who shows their bellybutton simply despisable.

Her Halloween outfit in Heroes made my disgust to her even bigger.

Edited by Byakuren Hijiri
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I really like Pieri. I acknowledge that she wasn't written well, at all. But I did enjoy her character design + certain tidbits of her personality. She's really... cute? 

I think it would have made more sense, story-wise, for Garon to force Xander to hire Peri instead of Laslow. Having Xander voluntarily hire Laslow would have made more sense. Because from what we see in canon, Xander doesn't seem to be the type to hire someone of Peri's character. To be fair, Xander's writing was also a bit of a mess. 

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3 minutes ago, Freezerburn said:

I really like Pieri. I acknowledge that she wasn't written well, at all. But I did enjoy her character design + certain tidbits of her personality. She's really... cute? 

I think it would have made more sense, story-wise, for Garon to force Xander to hire Peri instead of Laslow. Having Xander voluntarily hire Laslow would have made more sense. Because from what we see in canon, Xander doesn't seem to be the type to hire someone of Peri's character. To be fair, Xander's writing was also a bit of a mess. 

I think Peri would work better if she had rumors about being a serial killer that were created by rival Nohrian nobles to discredit her house. Eventually she lost her status and wealth, she wanted to live up to people expectations because she has nothing left. Then Xander took a special interest in her to see if she can become a better person.

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1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I think Peri would work better if she had rumors about being a serial killer that were created by rival Nohrian nobles to discredit her house. Eventually she lost her status and wealth, she wanted to live up to people expectations because she has nothing left. Then Xander took a special interest in her to see if she can become a better person.

I like this. Perhaps having her become a more bloodthirsty person due to the loss of her status and wealth would have made more sense! It probably would have motivated her to learn how to fight and kill. Especially with the added trauma of her mother's death. Xander, seeing her skill, would take an interest in her because he values her skills and doesn't want to see them wasted, when they could be used for Nohr's benefit. Does that make sense?

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