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Been using my flyer emblem team first in TT to grind HM and I managed my first perfect run with them! Despite not being fully built, I'm surprised by how effective they are and they can usually get to the 4th or 5th map before ranged units (mainly archers or Merric) ruin their day but they can sometimes reach the final map

As for their builds so far




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23 minutes ago, Symphonica said:


That's pretty awesome. I've been using pure 5* units with very little thought needed behind them, so it's great to see a team like this being used (especially since I adore Subaki, Narcian and Palla for all the work they've put into flier quests for me, and Cordelia has given me some help in this TT on the occasions my first team has failed to slaughter Celica). Just a shame about the bonus unit. You actually get more points for having the bonus unit than you do for not dying, so it might be worth doing the whole fielding a bonus unit and then surrendering thing, despite only grinding for HM with that team. More points can't hurt, after all, despite you being way about me xD 



On my side, my Reinhardt has continue to put in the work. I know, I'm using lazy girl tactics but eh. The points are mounting, and Alm is slowly gaining SP where he can, so all's good here ^.^''

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I have to say that this TT has been great for helping my SP grind a new Priscilla I decided to start building. As well as healing it's also handy for giving her kills on weakened opponents.


38 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

I have to say, these Tempest Trials are incredibly more easy and relaxing. I might even get to the maximum score this time. Hopefully the rest of the tempest trials will be like this.

I agree - for whatever reason this one is more enjoyable and feels less grindy than the previous one.

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Pretty much running 2-3 teams:

Team 1 (lol BONUS DUCKS!): 4*+1 +Atk/-Def Mae, 4* Donnel, 4* Legion, 5* +HP/-Def Ryoma

Team 2 (carry): 5*+1 +Spd/-Res Bride Lyn, 4*+1 Olivia, 5* +Spd/-HP Tharja, 5*+1 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt

Team 3 (if team 2 gets wiped on map 7): counterpick based on remaining enemies

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This time I was able to do 7 battles with no problem if nothing weird happens, but since I don't have that much time to play, I have only made 6,000 points in 2 days... At least maybe I can win that 5* Tobin at this rate...


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Did It!


I have officially joined the cool club. After consistent A/B runs I've finally gotten my first perfect tempest run. A/B would be great and I would have been content with that but after the first couple of tries when I got to the final stage with this team it looked like I could beat it, then they started irritating me. Now that I've achieved it I can rest easy. I doubt this will become common but an A/A once in a blue moon is nice with Faye of all units on my team. Now let's talk about how we made it happen. The team!



I thought she would end up being dead weight but after outfitting her Faye really ended up proving her worth. She oneshots all but the bulkiest of magic users and some squishy infantry. She can kill almost anyone with a dance due to New Moon and Poison Strike. She's also incredibly bulky with +DEF/-SPD so she can actually survive a round or two of combat even on EP. Kinda feels like a mini B!Cordelia using her. Excites me to think of what the latter can do when she's finally outfitted. Faye devoured a Gordin, Hawkeye, Clarisse, Laslow and Palla in order to become usable. Annoys me a bit how much I poured into her just to make her NOT dead weight, but it's worth it. The trials are pretty easy and Faye plays a big part in that. She can also 2 round Celica, but she has to be full health in order for that to happen.


Not waiting to put this on the real Marth worked out incredibly well. Combat Medic M!Marth is invaluable to my team, keeping everyone afloat while fighting and oneshotting a lot of foes even though she's missing Fury 3 and Luna/Moonbow. Also shoutouts to putting Reposition before realizing I needed Resp Aid and wasting my last Selena! But yeah couldn't make this work without her. Not having to run a healer is fantastic. She's also a red alert Celica killer.


Dancer of course. Don't let the WoM fool you, I just gave her that, she was running R-Tomebreaker 1 before my last run. She does very little outside of dancing but she helps others kill things and all that good stuff. However she's a bit too squishy and is becoming of a hassle to keep safe. I'm going to find a good A skill for her and promote her before too long if Azura doesn't show up. She deserves it.


Everyone's favorite cute little ball of death. Even without Fury 3 she's a powerhouse. Being +RES/-DEF and the RES Seal actually makes her a pretty ridiculous magic duelist. Everyone likes +ATK or +SPD but I'm pretty happy right now. She kills things that Faye can't and then some.

Biggest annoyance is probably that Faye could likely OHKO Celica if she had R-Tomebreaker but I gave my only Odin to Olivia for R-Tomebreaker during the BHB so she could survive a round of combat against: wouldn't you know it? Celica.

Pretty much proof any unit can shine with SI, Faye's pretty terrible normally but she definitely pulls her weight here. What these trials have shown me however is that I really need an Azura to round out my teams because when I deploy Olivia I still have to usually take a sword unit to do the actual fighting. Oh well, I'm content. Let's blaze through these trials.

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Finally I managed to get my first perfect Score in this TT.



Unlike the last TT, Speed is a lot more easy to get perfect, they made the limit for A extremely lenient this time. I think I only ever got B once up until now. Survival on the other hand has proven to be extremely difficult for me to get, as my Team just can't handle the final map, or more specifically Celica the Witch at all. Without major luck for the right enemies, my Team gets completely destroyed here. Still getting 676 points almost every Run is solid enough I guess.

Faye has proven to be more useful than I ever thought in replacing Klein, so I guess it's just fair that she has the honor of killing the Witch herself for my first perfect Run. Go girl, get rid of that competitor of yours!




 @Zeo Congratulations for your first perfect Run aswell. Also your Faye looks quite nice, I wish mine had that 29 Def aswell. Would protect her a lot better than the 22 mine has, considering I have to leave her in enemy Range more than I'd like to.

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41 minutes ago, SakuraFish said:

 @Zeo Congratulations for your first perfect Run aswell. Also your Faye looks quite nice, I wish mine had that 29 Def aswell. Would protect her a lot better than the 22 mine has, considering I have to leave her in enemy Range more than I'd like to.

She feels like a Bulkier B!Cordelia. If her skills (and Bow) were maxed, her player phase nuking wouldn't match hers, but she would have a far better enemy phase. At +DEF and naturally high res, few things can instakill Faye without a skill proc. At the end of this I'll probably have an archer for just about every situation. I still have 2 Vanilla Takumi's sitting around. Watch the next TT be Fates and Takumi be a 40% unit.

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There's a couple maps I don't care for, like the mountain choke map, but I've found that these seem a lot easier to get an A rank for Speed.  I think I've gotten A speed just about every time, even the time I got a D for survival.


I managed to not only get an A for survival, but a completely deathless on the run, which was cool.


A couple funny shots from the last map.  Merric, your time has come.



Celica has assembled her Red Army.  I almost Solo'd it with Azura.


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4 minutes ago, r_n said:

Did they make the survival ranking more lenient as well? I thought it knocked points off if anyone died, but I did a perfect run with 2 people dead.

Survival always only cared how many teams you use. Even in the original, it would still let you get an A rank if you lose part of your first team as long as you don't lose the whole team.

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4 minutes ago, r_n said:

Did they make the survival ranking more lenient as well? I thought it knocked points off if anyone died, but I did a perfect run with 2 people dead.

there was never a penalty for having people on a team dead, it's only if a whole team dies.

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Oh we're sharing perfect runs now?

I finally got started with TT today after building a Celica counter, and this team got a perfect run on its first two attempts, so it looks like I'm set for the remainder of the event.





Not bad considering my only bonus unit is Lukas who gives 20%.




Missing a C skill but he's pretty fat and gets Ignis off on just about everything, compensating for his Atk. I'd much prefer running Nino instead since Nowi and bulky ranged greens give my team trouble with him on board.



Delete Button 1. Having Moonbow ready at the start of the map has been incredibly relevant in so many situations that I can't see myself running anything else. Luna maybe? Also, designated Celica killer.



Delete Button 2. Takes one hit and warps all over the map. Fun.



Obligatory Dancer with some *very* random skills thrown together as a byproduct of SI. I decided against running Ninian to avoid having 3 blues.

Faye is admittedly mediocre but I'd much prefer having her instead of Lukas because of the no-counter utility she provides. Thoughts?

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8 minutes ago, Othin said:

Survival always only cared how many teams you use. Even in the original, it would still let you get an A rank if you lose part of your first team as long as you don't lose the whole team.

Huh! Must have been misremembering last tempest then...most runs weren't perfect anyway

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51 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Faye is admittedly mediocre but I'd much prefer having her instead of Lukas because of the no-counter utility she provides. Thoughts?

Faye didn't do a lot for me as a chipper. 90% of the time you need things to die immediately in tempest, especially if you're not running a healer. As soon as I turned her into a makeshift B!Cordelia my runs started getting a lot smoother. Then again when you have 2 delete buttons (One of them being the actual B!Cordelia) on your team instead of one you don't really need that sort of thing, Lukas seems to suit your team better than Faye. Faye herself definitely is better for the bonus obviously. You in particular though? You'd probably want Alm. Then you could swap out Olivia for Ninian and round your team out.

I want a blue dancer too darn it.

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55 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Faye is admittedly mediocre but I'd much prefer having her instead of Lukas because of the no-counter utility she provides. Thoughts?

That Ignis on Lukas though is REALLLLLLY gonna hurt. Man. I'm totally jealous. :3 

As for Faye, I think I've finally gotten the hang of using her for the tempest. I really wish there was a way to give her two breaker skills, but alas...that's not the case. Mine is +ATK -HP. I gave her Deathblow 2 and Bowbreaker 3 (changed from Swordbreaker), Iceberg and Draw Back. Bowbreaker has been incredibly useful because my team is Katarina, Nino, Nowi, and Faye. Nowi's kind of bulky, but I don't want her taking unnecessary damage from bows (especially brave bows) and daggers, and my mages can't always safely take out archers without desperation active. 

Faye can take out most of the trouble archers like Klein and Takumi, but she needs a buff or her special active to get rid of Virion. Setsuna has bowbreaker as well, so no matter what she won't be able to take him out. 

Other than that, I use her for repositioning which has proven to be more valuable overall. I think she's supposed to be mage bait, but she's so slow, and her RES and HP pool aren't great enough for the inflation of the Tempest. 

Overall, I'd say the Firesweep bow has actually been useful. I definitely won't be using her outside of the Tempest, and she's kind of a pain to work around, especially when I'd much rather have a dancer, but it is what it is. 

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I think I take back what I said earlier about the map selection being less stressful this time around.  I didn't realize just how cramped many of the SoV maps are, and I've been put in too many situations where a bait unit has to take multiple attacks due to annoying formations and nowhere to move.

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1 minute ago, DLNarshen said:

I think I take back what I said earlier about the map selection being less stressful this time around.  I didn't realize just how cramped many of the SoV maps are, and I've been put in too many situations where a bait unit has to take multiple attacks due to annoying formations and nowhere to move.

The worst one I've found is that mountain map with the single choke point to the east.  If there's a cavalry or ranged unit at the north, you'll be taking 3 units.  And if you don't have anyone in range, you'll just sit there forever, because they don't advance on you.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Reinhardt.

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