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It feels like Tempest Trials accentuates every single one of Selena's strengths and hides all of her weaknesses. Her bulk means she's the 'go-to' front liner if you need someone to tank a turn, her speed tier means she doesn't need QR, breakers, what whatever, meaning she goes renewal for infinite sustain, a real edge amongst bulky units, and keeping special charge across combats means that her mediocre offenses turn crazy because of how much damage Ignis does (which she charges very fast thanks to her speed tier).

41/41 offenses sure feels bad when you realize she has a Atk 1 seal on her, though. (Not that it matters, she doubles everything, killing most mages, and Ignis kills everything else.) Still waiting for a weapon significantly better than Silver before I change her out of Armor slayer, though. (Wo Dao+ isn't as good when you're running Ignis---2 Atk a hit less than silver adds up with how fast Selena is.)


Ironically, the Seal Atk I inherited onto her is useless because she's killing everyone before it manages to trigger. Maybe I should look for an Atk Ploy instead, 31 res catches most physical units and a fair amount of mages.

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On 04/07/2017 at 0:04 PM, wizzard of soz said:

that's true, i was kinda thinking about that. Sword Breaker sounds like a great idea, and i recall Tharja being able to double some things that weren't just axes so i don't think Mae will be too much of a one trick pony (hopefully). yeah Blarowl's base damage is pretty mediocre and having to have 2 adjacent units to make up for it's discrepancy vs Blade Tome...mm, eh. Blade tome on her + the Olivia Hone Atk will be pretty great i'm sure, and +Atk boon for Mae is nothing to sneeze at. glad my input could be a bit useful, whatever you end up doing i hope it works out!

So I went with Bladetome, Moonbow, +ATK3 and Swordbreaker + Spur Def Seal. It is working out well! This game has too many Swordlords. XD




Tiki is neutral with Reposition, Luna, QR, Spur ATK and Quickened Pulse.

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I'm at 12k score, but I got bored around 7k.

In the first Tempest Trial, I got bored around 35k but ultimately pushed to 50k for the Quick Pulse seal.

It really boggles my mind how people can get to 100k so fast, when I'm bored out of my mind not even 1/10 of the way there.

It's going to be a real struggle to force myself to repeat this enough to just get 40k, if I decide to even try for it.

I completed the mode on Lunatic 7 in my first attempt. Having to repeat it 60+ more times to get all the unique rewards is hardly intellectually stimulating. I like GHBs a lot more... complete them once and you're done, even if it might take a bit to figure out some of the Infernals.


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@Xaos Steel Wing I feel you there. I'm at 15k because I started a day late and I'm bored out of my mind just like with the last TT. I stopped after 50k last time and I'm most likely stopping after 40k this time too. It's not hard, it's just repetitive.

Then again, that's gacha for you so I guess it can't be helped.

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45k, still going because Nino doesn't have 2000 HM yet.

RTB Celica leaves her evil twin with single digit HP when placed on the top right defense tile at turn 1 (counterattacks ignore distant Def). A charged special should fix that.

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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Xaos Steel Wing I feel you there. I'm at 15k because I started a day late and I'm bored out of my mind just like with the last TT. I stopped after 50k last time and I'm most likely stopping after 40k this time too. It's not hard, it's just repetitive.

Then again, that's gacha for you so I guess it can't be helped.

That's exactly it.

I love difficult games that challenge me. Games that really make me think, make me strategize, plan, learn from my mistakes, have me step my game up.

Fire Emblem on the higher difficulties, or playing ironman, does that. That's why I like the gameplay of the series. That's why I loved Lunatic Conquest so much, and why I play the easier games like Gaiden and Echoes ironman no-rest style. I like my games to either challenge me, or to have really compelling and interesting stories.

Repeating the same simple actions over and over just to increase stats or obtain rewards really isn't my thing.

That's why I like GHBs. They're like puzzles you have to solve.

I also like Arenas, they require perfection and some matchups you face you really have to think your way through.

Tempest Trials... are just a grindfest. And if we actually had good rewards like the first time around, it might actually even be worthwhile. Phantom Ace and Tobin... not exactly good rewards. Sure, there's feathers... but it takes way too much time of mindless repetition to rank highly. There's no skill to the ranking, only time investment.


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Just got 5* Tobin. Admitedly, I've been kind of slacking on doing TT runs and haven't used a single stamina potion yet. I still have a couple of runs left for today though and I'll probably do some intense grinding to raise my score at one point.

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Feels like the best use of 5* Tobin is to feed him to 4* Alfonse for the Armorslayer+. 1 extra Atk, slightly better Arena rating, and you never know when armors are creepin.

Or I guess I could just keep him around, he ain't hurtin nobody.

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My current plan is to get a few thousand points each day, get 5* Tobin in time to train up him and Zephiel with the weekend SP bonus, and then scale back to really just doing three runs per day for the quests which should be enough to hit 40k by the end. I'd rather put most of my stamina into the Chain Challenges, since they have the same type of cool gameplay but without being grindy and repetitive.

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Wellp got 5* Tobin! I spent the majority of my afternoon on the TT, and between the hero merit I managed to grind up and the arena rewards I scraped together enough feathers to promote Boey! I'm going to wait until Friday to train him for that sweet sweet double SP. I'll train up Tobin then too while I'm at it. 

Alm has really been pulling his weight, but I'm glad I'll have a second good bonus unit for some variety for at least the last couple of days. 

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

Are you not running a blue?

At the very least, you should have someone to bring in on a later team.

My primary team is Fayedelia/Nino/Olivia/M!Marth.

As a whole reds honestly aren't a big issue. Faye blows up every mage but Henry and some of the squishier redswords and of course the fliers. Nino takes care of almost everything else and for the tricky stuff I can throw M!Marth at it to soften it up with Olivia keeping things tight. But with Ike there's nothing. If Nino can't oneshot him, the run is over. My 2nd team is the mop up team of Xander/Soren/B!Caeda/Wrys who pretty much just finish the run. That being said, my main team usually blows through all 6 runs fairly easy. But Nino doesn't always have desperation ready, if Ike happens to show up on the first stage, I'm screwed.

That being said, was close to another A/A run. Everyone but Marth is maxed on HM now. Might switch my team up when I get into the 70s or 80s just for the sake of feathers on less used units.

Edited by Zeo
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1 hour ago, Clogon said:

So I went with Bladetome, Moonbow, +ATK3 and Swordbreaker + Spur Def Seal. It is working out well! This game has too many Swordlords. XD




Tiki is neutral with Reposition, Luna, QR, Spur ATK and Quickened Pulse.

awww yes, nice! yeah lol there are so many swordies, i wish i had spare Swordbreaker for mine T^T


yeah i prefer things like the GHB and Bound Hero puzzles rather than a grind. running through the TT while listening to a podcast is pretty relaxing though, do recommend.

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53 minutes ago, a bear said:

Feels like the best use of 5* Tobin is to feed him to 4* Alfonse for the Armorslayer+. 1 extra Atk, slightly better Arena rating, and you never know when armors are creepin.

Or I guess I could just keep him around, he ain't hurtin nobody.

My armor team for the monthly quests is going to love eating both copies for Pivot fodder honestly.

Just...anything would have been better than Armorslayer of all swords. Why not Silver Sword? Or  Killing Edge? Or even a new weapon? Tobin is a huge downgrade in quality from "Marth" in the last TT.

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4* Tobin got!

Man, I don't really care about the rankings nonsense, I'm just taking my time with this, doing the daily Tempest missions and getting what points I can with my normal stamina. I'll burn my Stamina Potions on the last day or two.

Now then, what to do with this bowless punk... Ruby Sword+ Fury 3, and... I dunno, Windsweep Phantom Speed combo? Shame there aren't enough skills that take advantage of speed, but then again imagine what would happen when they reveal a skill that boosts damage based on speed.

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I'm sticking with Hard difficulty. The pace is decent and the units aren't inflated. The seals aren't that interesting so I think I'll stop at 30k for the 5* Tobin. I'll try to do two different builds for the two Tobins. One of them will be a pseudo-tank. 

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I've finally gotten all of the non-orb rewards. Hoping to average about 6k a day though I may push myself to finish up this weekend, so I can focus on other things. (And then after that I can do 3 runs a day for the double rewards and start hoarding stamina potions again!)

I maxed out HM on Ursula and Sanaki already. Faye, Katarina, Nowi, Lucius, Reinhardt, and Camus are all on track to do the same. Man...so many feathers. I'm up to 73k now. I'm going to have to get really creative with my team compositions if I manage to max out all of those guys.

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4 hours ago, Xaos Steel Wing said:

I'm at 12k score, but I got bored around 7k.

In the first Tempest Trial, I got bored around 35k but ultimately pushed to 50k for the Quick Pulse seal.

It really boggles my mind how people can get to 100k so fast, when I'm bored out of my mind not even 1/10 of the way there.

It's going to be a real struggle to force myself to repeat this enough to just get 40k, if I decide to even try for it.

I completed the mode on Lunatic 7 in my first attempt. Having to repeat it 60+ more times to get all the unique rewards is hardly intellectually stimulating. I like GHBs a lot more... complete them once and you're done, even if it might take a bit to figure out some of the Infernals.


Current Sitting at 43K right now but I'm gonna keep going for the feathers not sure if you're referring to only the people that do it in like the first week but if your questions about people that actually make it all the way eventually and get all the reward if they anything like me they force themselves to do it because they want the feathers (or Orbs). I bitterly hated every moment past like 20 K in both tempest trails yet I desire those feathers a lot enough to torture myself. I wish this mode would die, I dread playing anymore of this crap their so many things I'd rather play yet I can't stop myself because I want the rewards. I'm afraid if they don't tone this thing down I'm gonna completely burn out this game. This mode is the complete opposite of the reason I play this game in the freaking first place I play it as a little distraction game to play in between actual games not a game that takes all my fetching free time. This mode is becoming way too demanding of my time and I'm gonna have to stop playing the game if it gets any more I hope the developers start to realize that.

Note:  Yes I am self-aware enough to know this is partially my fault, but knowing that doesn't alleviate any of the torture that the tempest trail is every single time it comes up. I want the feathers and if it keeps going on like this I'm just gonna stop playing this game because I'm going to destroy it for myself because of my compulsive need to get them.

All I'm asking is them to be more respectful of my time and not have this event be by its nature insanely time-consuming and let me have option to not spend the my bulk of the limited free time I have on a game that's not supposed to take much of it just to stay competitive.

Edited by Locke087
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I just got to 50k and I'm getting burned out... It's pretty surprising that I'm not even in the top 1k score at this time, like how crazy did people get this time around, it's been 4 or 5 days and everyone is around the 60-70k score while last time it took a week for many to get 50k. It seems the improvements IS has done to the Tempest Trials worked wonders.

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16,000 points right now... I'm definitivelly more quickly than previous trial.

I don't have stamina left and is very late, see ya later, I'm going to sleep after playing for a bit

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At around 55k, last I checked I was 672. Pretty crazy how 100s of people are in the 60k+ area after just a few days. I'm getting constant A/B runs and got an A/A earlier today so I feel like a boss but once my M!Marth has been maxed I'm going to start using other characters. My scores might start dropping to A/C but the HM and SP is worth it. I really want to just hit 100k and chill for the rest of the event. I may grind to get into the top 1k but the top 5k is all but guaranteed at this rate.

Guess I'm master race this time. And I'm that WITHOUT Reinhardt!

...Even if I'm using Nino... still Faye is doing 50% of the work.

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Finishing today off at 15,510 points, or exactly 22 perfect A/A runs.

Current team:

+10 Tharja [+Spd, -HP] (Raudhrblade+, Draw Back, Aether, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Hone Spd 3)
+8 Mae [+Spd, -HP] (Blarowl+, Draw Back, Draconic Aura, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Hone Spd 3, S Fortify Res 1)
+0 Cecilia [+Spd, -Def] (Gronnblade+, Reposition, Life and Death 3, Escape Route 3, Hone Cavalry)
+0 Elise [+Atk, -Def] (Gravity, Recover, Kindled-Fire Balm, Attack +3, Wrathful Staff 3, Hone Cavalry)

Tharja's Aether is a bit weird because she'll heal to full HP every now and then. I haven't yet encountered anything where that has messed me up yet, though. Maybe I should switch it out for Draconic Aura, though.

Mae is pulling tons of weight. If Celica doesn't get a Spd buff of some sort, Mae double attacks Celica for the kill due to Tharja's Hone Spd 3 and Blarowl's Spd boost. On the off chance I have Draconic Aura and Kindled-Fire Balm up, she can simply one-hit kill Celica, as well. S Fortify Res 1 is there to boost Tharja's rather pathetic Res stat and add a bit more damage to Raudhrblade+. I kind of really want to pull 2 more 5-star copies of Mae and give her S Speed +1 to guarantee a double attack against Celica even if she is buffed, but that doesn't seem particularly necessary so far.

Teleporting Cecilia is amazing. I should probably give her a special skill sometime soon. Probably Draconic Aura.

Elise kills things. It's pretty funny. Gravity has been pretty damned useful so far.

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