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New trailer: Warriors' Awakening

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Also, who else thinks Freddy needs to say "Pick a god and pray!" for one of his moves? He didn't get it in Heroes, so this game really needs to give it to him! It's the greatest line in Awakening, imo, and adds badassery to Frederick's bunch of characteristics!

I'd be flabbergasted if he DIDN'T say it. It's, like, his most iconic line. That and him gagging on bear jerky.

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8 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

I'd be flabbergasted if he DIDN'T say it. It's, like, his most iconic line. That and him gagging on bear jerky.

Yeah, I totally agree! And that bear meat scene was absolutely hilarious! His hatred of bear meat is always teased at too. lol Both regular Freddy and Summer Freddy mention it in Heroes (regular Freddy in one of his voiced dialogue, Summer Freddy in his lv. 40 speech) and practically every fan knows how much he dislikes the stuff. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Huh, it may just be their choice of location and editing, but it actually looked like Robin will be meeting Lucina as "Marth" in wherever that is. Considering Lucina was in two locales, but only unmasked in the blue room, she may not join for some time.

Edited by Arthur97
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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I totally agree! And that bear meat scene was absolutely hilarious! His hatred of bear meat is always teased at too. lol Both regular Freddy and Summer Freddy mention it in Heroes (regular Freddy in one of his voiced dialogue, Summer Freddy in his lv. 40 speech) and practically every fan knows how much he dislikes the stuff. XD

Maybe if he has a support with Takumi (who more than likely in) they can have a support about Bears. 

Edited by Fireball260
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Just now, Fireball260 said:

Maybe if he has a support with Takumi (who more than likely in) they can have a support about Bears. 

I'd be fine with that. :P Freddy's also been associated with bears in general a few times. A support with Henry has him giving him a big hug and Henry calls it a bear hug. lol And there was that one official comic that had Frederick making friends with a bear while trying to get over his bear meat problem and OMG IT WAS THE FUNNIEST AND CUTEST THING EVER. XD It's in a set of manga-style comics that were translated a long time ago. Fans also have drawn him with bears before. lol

And I agree, Takumi is surely in the game.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I'd be fine with that. :P Freddy's also been associated with bears in general a few times. A support with Henry has him giving him a big hug and Henry calls it a bear hug. lol And there was that one official comic that had Frederick making friends with a bear while trying to get over his bear meat problem and OMG IT WAS THE FUNNIEST AND CUTEST THING EVER. XD It's in a set of manga-style comics that were translated a long time ago. Fans also have drawn him with bears before. lol

And I agree, Takumi is surely in the game.

Bears are the reason that Frederick is my favorite character in Awakening. FreddyxBear is the only real OTP

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1 minute ago, Fireball260 said:

Bears are the reason that Frederick is my favorite character in Awakening. FreddyxBear is the only real OTP

That's an unusual reason to like him, but I guess I'll take it. lol Sorry that my OTP is a lil' different though. :P

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Just now, Anacybele said:

That's an unusual reason to like him, but I guess I'll take it. lol Sorry that my OTP is a lil' different though. :P

There are a lot of reasons to like Frederick(many of which you have already pointed out) but I guess the main reason that I feel in love with him was because I assumed he would just be a generic stoic knight the bear support was first time I saw him break character in a way. It basically was the catalyst that showed me how much there actually was to him as a Character. 

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19 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Huh, it may just be their choice of location and editing, but it actually looked like Robin will be meeting Lucina as "Marth" in wherever that is. Considering Lucina was in two locales, but only unmasked in the blue room, she may not join for some time.

The location looks sorta like the area where Morgan's paralogue takes place. Though it's a trailer-- stuff is re-cut and shuffled around.

What I do find interesting is that Frederick actually seems to be able use lances as well as axes (1:03, right before his pre-fight animation).

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Just now, The DanMan said:

The location looks sorta like the area where Morgan's paralogue takes place. Though it's a trailer-- stuff is re-cut and shuffled around.

What I do find interesting is that Frederick actually seems to be able use lances as well as axes (1:03, right before his pre-fight animation).

I think that's just an axe that has the head out of frame.

As for cutting, it's possible, but Robin actually gave a surprised reaction which seems odd for a beginning/ending animation.

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5 minutes ago, Fireball260 said:

There are a lot of reasons to like Frederick(many of which you have already pointed out) but I guess the main reason that I feel in love with him was because I assumed he would just be a generic stoic knight the bear support was first time I saw him break character in a way. It basically was the catalyst that showed me how much there actually was to him as a Character. 

Yeah, I feel he's overlooked because of what you just said, people assume he's just a generic stoic knight and that he's not good enough to use because he's a Jagen. His character truly shines in his supports and stuff! I was so surprised to find that he actually HATES training when he tends to mention how important it is. He even calls it torture! This is part of what makes him amazing to me. He's willing to do something he considers torture for the sake of helping others, and that's on top of how polite and soft he can be at times. He's a real sweetie at heart he is. :3

I think I liked him from the moment I first saw him though. When Awakening was still in the trailer/development phase, and he was shown a couple times, I thought he looked cool and handsome! Then I saw in the demo that he doesn't trust Robin right away. I thought it'd be funny if they eventually got married in a little ironic twist of fate and then the rest is history. XD

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6 minutes ago, Folt said:

Frederick is probably my second favorite Jagen, so I'm happy he's in. The Jagen archetype needs representation in this game, and Frederick provides it.

I'd be surprised honestly if Jeigan doesn't appear even as just an NPC at the least as well.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

That just makes Robin more sociable and likable as a person, imo, not necessarily better at tactics and strategy. But eh. xP

That in itself says why he would be because he is more sociable and likable in having the time and wanting to know about others is precisely why he would win in a actual army vs army war. Soren could probably win against Robin in a game of say chess similar to that of Virion, however the issue would be that people are not chess pieces they will not execute your plans just because you say them or even if they do agree to your plan they can end up not following through with it like @omegaxis1 suggested with Skrimir in which Soren isn't or rather cannot think ahead of what his soldiers will do or even sacrifice themselves for it to prevail. The reason why Soren's plans are obeyed and are trustworthy is because they come from Ike giving him the benefit of the doubt that his plans will succeed with everyone else following his lead. 

The advantage that Robin has that would ultimately allow him to prevail in a battle of tactics and strategy is his foresight in knowing the state of mind and details of his soldiers to thus see ahead knowing that his soldiers will do what they were ordered to do when he informs them of their job.


Just in my personal opinion while Soren is a good written character considering his back story and how he is now if Ike had not existed he would have been dead a long time ago and to live one has to either change or in luckily his case find someone, that one person to console in that's worth living and fighting for, however that in itself could be one method of Robin winning if he manages to corner Ike and take him hostage (while certainly would be hard he's still human). Robin is character who has changed, who has grown to live and become stronger.


I'll point out this here what two people brought up before about him:

"Robin has some serious issues when it comes to self esteem and self worth: due to his amnesia he really doesn't feel like he has a strong identity. This comes across in his supports, where he often gets shut down or talked after and in general not being all that assertive. The thing is Robin actively tries to hide these issues and appear outwardly confidant. He had to look like he is completely sure of himself if he's to get people to look to him for guidance. He is actively hiding his depth, but it is still there. You see it at a few moments of doubt in the story, in his supports, and a few maps like the Wellspring of truth."

"The way he acts between the first gen supports and the second gen supports show him becoming more confidant and in control. Then the finale too shows growth, where it's honestly the one moment in the game where Robin really seems to embrace his role and become the hero of the story. He manages to resist and overpower Grima, and you really get the sense that he actually genuinely feels sure of himself (after the power of friendship pep talk)."

Overall because Soren is stagnant as a person where as Robin is able to change, to progress as a person this means there's more possibilities stretched out for him. Possibilities that give him the name deserving of the High Deliver and especially God Tactician. (if that was translated correctly). 

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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8 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I think that's just an axe that has the head out of frame.

As for cutting, it's possible, but Robin actually gave a surprised reaction which seems odd for a beginning/ending animation.

He has a one-handed axe in his intro animation, and Lissa has a two-handed one. Both have metal handles. In the shot Frederick was holding a two-handed weapon with a long wooden handle.

Yeah, looking back Robin did seem a bit surprised. Huh.

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3 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Overall because Soren is stagnant as a person where as Robin is able to change, to progress as a person this means there's more possibilities stretched out for him. Possibilities that give him the name deserving of the High Deliver and especially God Tactician

(if that was translated correctly). 

When was he ever called that?

2 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

He has a one-handed axe in his intro animation, and Lissa has a two-handed one. Both have metal handles. In the shot Frederick was holding a two-handed weapon with a long wooden handle.

Yeah, looking back Robin did seem a bit surprised. Huh.

Look at 0:18.

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1 minute ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

"Godly Strategist Robin" Same thing, but yeah they changed it to Grandmaster Tactician Robin for localization from Treehouse.

No wonder I didn't know about it. 

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9 minutes ago, Jedi said:

I'd be surprised honestly if Jeigan doesn't appear even as just an NPC at the least as well.

I admit, I would be surprised, but not very, if Jagen and Gunter showed up as playable characters.

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Seriously? What would Gunter do that Frederick doesn't already? He'd be pretty redundant. Now if we're talking costumes, Gunter is definitely a possibility. But I'd want Freddy to get his summer clothes from Heroes first! Gimme dem abs in full 3D, Koei!

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Definitely want to see Jagen, him and his spikes are too good to leave out.

My predicted, realistic roster of about

SD: Marth, Jagen, Caeda, Tiki, Camus, Minerva, Merric and/or Linde, Gordin and/or Jeorge, Navarre and maybe Ogma.

Awakening: Chrom, Robin, Lissa, Frederick, Lucina, Cordelia, Tharja, Virion, Henry, Lon'qu, Olivia and maybe Gangrel or Aversa?

Fates: Ryoma, Xander, Corrin, Takumi, Camilla, Leo, Niles, Oboro, Kaze, Felicia and/or Jakob, Azura, Sakura, Elise and Hinoka.

Personally, all I want now are Caeda, Jagen, Tiki, Xane and Kaze, but we shall see.

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8 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Overall because Soren is stagnant as a person where as Robin is able to change, to progress as a person this means there's more possibilities stretched out for him. Possibilities that give him the name deserving of the High Deliver and especially God Tactician.

But Soren does change. It is outright stated in early Part 3 RD that he has worked on being more sociable, and you don't see him saying stuff like this in RD, only PoR:


So we shouldn't be surprised that she knows about Princess Elincia, right?

No, but it's extremely unusual for Begnion to send an envoy to meet a princess whom they do not even acknowledge.

What do you mean?

It is a complicated matter. You see, the envoy is essentially an extension of the empress herself. Both Crimea and Daein were once part of Begnion. Both nations have only
recently splintered from the theocracy. I can't fathom why the empress would extend the courtesy of an envoy to a nation she must consider somewhat beneath her. She must be planning something.

"Beneath her"? That is somewhat harsh, don't you think?

Harsh, perhaps, but it's true. Clothing it in sweet words will not hide its bitterness, will it?

Soren, even I would question the tactfulness of your words.

I will try to be more diplomatic.

Soren might be cold and governed by reason and logic, but he does realize others have emotions and that he has to work around them. As I stated before, if he was truly arrogant and immune to the emotions of others, he'd have forced negotiations on the Laguz Alliance after 3-3, he doesn't and instead compromises by preparing a new battle strategy, even though he realizes it'll be difficult to make one that works and that, apart from emotion, it isn't necessary. Also, Soren knows how to work with Aimee's emotions both in PoR and RD.

Again, the Zelgius challenge which hurts his reputation in RD wasn't exactly predictable, nor was Naesala's betrayal (and the strat for 3-2 wasn't even Soren's in the first place- the Laguz came up with it). And Robin's big mistakes- the Emmeryn rescue, the Grima halting, and the Fort Stieger attack were all beyond their ability to predict just the same.

As for the idea of taking Ike hostage, we'd have little idea of how Soren would act, but just because he's Ike-obsessed doesn't mean he'd burst into tears and be all illogical once Ike is gone. If he really cherished Ike he'd do his best to keep himself together and think of a strategy for freeing Ike, realizing that if Ike cannot be freed right away without an unnecessary cost, he'd delay it. Similarly if Ike died, he, I speculate, and that is all we can do, would seek to carry on in the vein of whatever Ike would have wanted until the conflict was over and then spend the rest of his life a hermit.

Robin surely is more charismatic and sociable, which would make them a better leader overall. But wit for wit, Soren could match them in strategy, and if Robin ultimately has a slight lead in a war of attrition, I'd curse them to oblivion for being a stupid avatar, as futile as it'd be, for I'd have to ultimately accept it the way I do Anankos as the strongest FE villain ever.

And before anyone brings up Smash Brethren 3- that was a Soren Einherjar- not the actual Soren. The Einherjar are shallow copies of the individuals they portray, they lack the true depth of the human mind. Ergo, the Soren Einherjar is but a pale imitation of the real deal, therefore SB3 is in no way a true Soren vs. Robin contest.

And that Amiibo thing- bah! (Now I'm sounding like Petrine.) IS needed a grandiose title for Robin to hype him up and make people want to buy his amiibo for Fates, and came up with "Godly Strategist". If PoR and RD had been the breakout hits Awakening is, Soren would possibly be called "Great Wind Sage of Strategy" or something. They came up with the honorific "Young Lion" and "Sage-Lord" for Roy and Leif in Awakening, despite the former being more a lamb and a sage in Binding, and the latter relied on Dorias and August for strategy. Titles be questioned!

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But Soren does change. It is outright stated in early Part 3 RD that he has worked on being more sociable, and you don't see him saying stuff like this in RD, only PoR:

  Reveal hidden contents

So we shouldn't be surprised that she knows about Princess Elincia, right?

No, but it's extremely unusual for Begnion to send an envoy to meet a princess whom they do not even acknowledge.

What do you mean?

It is a complicated matter. You see, the envoy is essentially an extension of the empress herself. Both Crimea and Daein were once part of Begnion. Both nations have only
recently splintered from the theocracy. I can't fathom why the empress would extend the courtesy of an envoy to a nation she must consider somewhat beneath her. She must be planning something.

"Beneath her"? That is somewhat harsh, don't you think?

Harsh, perhaps, but it's true. Clothing it in sweet words will not hide its bitterness, will it?

Soren, even I would question the tactfulness of your words.

I will try to be more diplomatic.

Soren might be cold and governed by reason and logic, but he does realize others have emotions and that he has to work around them. As I stated before, if he was truly arrogant and immune to the emotions of others, he'd have forced negotiations on the Laguz Alliance after 3-3, he doesn't and instead compromises by preparing a new battle strategy, even though he realizes it'll be difficult to make one that works and that, apart from emotion, it isn't necessary. Also, Soren knows how to work with Aimee's emotions both in PoR and RD.

Again, the Zelgius challenge which hurts his reputation in RD wasn't exactly predictable, nor was Naesala's betrayal (and the strat for 3-2 wasn't even Soren's in the first place- the Laguz came up with it). And Robin's big mistakes- the Emmeryn rescue, the Grima halting, and the Fort Stieger attack were all beyond their ability to predict just the same.

As for the idea of taking Ike hostage, we'd have little idea of how Soren would act, but just because he's Ike-obsessed doesn't mean he'd burst into tears and be all illogical once Ike is gone. If he really cherished Ike he'd do his best to keep himself together and think of a strategy for freeing Ike, realizing that if Ike cannot be freed right away without an unnecessary cost, he'd delay it. Similarly if Ike died, he, I speculate, and that is all we can do, would seek to carry on in the vein of whatever Ike would have wanted until the conflict was over and then spend the rest of his life a hermit.

Robin surely is more charismatic and sociable, which would make them a better leader overall. But wit for wit, Soren could match them in strategy, and if Robin ultimately has a slight lead in a war of attrition, I'd curse them to oblivion for being a stupid avatar, as futile as it'd be, for I'd have to ultimately accept it the way I do Anankos as the strongest FE villain ever.

And before anyone brings up Smash Brethren 3- that was a Soren Einherjar- not the actual Soren. The Einherjar are shallow copies of the individuals they portray, they lack the true depth of the human mind. Ergo, the Soren Einherjar is but a pale imitation of the real deal, therefore SB3 is in no way a true Soren vs. Robin contest.

And that Amiibo thing- bah! (Now I'm sounding like Petrine.) IS needed a grandiose title for Robin to hype him up and make people want to buy his amiibo for Fates, and came up with "Godly Strategist". If PoR and RD had been the breakout hits Awakening is, Soren would possibly be called "Great Wind Sage of Strategy" or something. They came up with the honorific "Young Lion" and "Sage-Lord" for Roy and Leif in Awakening, despite the former being more a lamb and a sage in Binding, and the latter relied on Dorias and August for strategy. Titles be questioned!

I don't accept Anakos as the strongest FE villain, but that's a rabbit hole I've already been down.

In any case, you seem a tad salty about Robin.

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