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Three series mysteries solved?! (Theory)


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I think I may have solved three separate mysteries regarding the lore of the 3DS games. These mysteries are Corrin's canonical spouse, Robin's canonical spouse, and the reason why Hoshido and Nohr are well-known myths in Ylisse. Please don't be turned off by me mentioning canon spouses (and by extension canon avatar genders)- the evidence is clear as day.


First of all, what do we already know about the connections between Ylisse and the world of Fates? The Shepherds (specifically Chrom) mention that everyone knows the story of the mythical kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr. This, combined with the fact that Felicia calls Ylisse another world, has led most fans to believe that Fates takes place in a completely separate universe than Shadow Dragon, Gaiden/Echoes, and Awakening. These fans have been misled. I will now present my theory.


Corrin and Caeldori are canonically married, and therefore Corrin is canonically male. Robin is canonically married to Cordelia. Corrin is actually Robin in a past life, and the same applies to Caeldori and Cordelia. The other Fates characters who look like Awakening characters are also their lookalikes in a past life. I might sound like a Cordelia fanboy, but I'm not. I don't even like her character much. I have simply stated what Intelligent Systems has suggested, and now I will try to prove it.


The basis of all of this comes from two major sources: Caeldori's confession scene and the Before Awakening DLC battle. Many of you will already know this, but this is Caeldori's confession quote:

"Our love is eternal; somehow I just know it. If we cross paths again in a distant future... promise me you'll remember me."

There's the biggest evidence for Caeldori reincarnating (along with Corrin) in the far future. How do I know that it's referring to Awakening, and that Robin is Corrin reincarnated? It all comes down to Fates' Before Awakening DLC.


For Caeldori, if she talks to Chrom, she'll claim that she didn't expect him to talk to her suddenly like that, but he does seem rather charming. This sets up Cordelia's future love for Chrom, and sets in stone that Caeldori and Corrin meet eachother again during the events of Awakening. How do we know who Corrin becomes? It involves the end of the DLC, which directly coincides with the beginning of Fire Emblem Awakening. In fact, the battle ends when Robin first awakens! What's important to note is what Corrin and Chrom say to eachother before the Fates characters return home, as well as the perfect timing of it. Here's what they say:

Chrom: "If you get the chance, come visit us again sometime. I'd like to talk more about our respective kingdoms

Corrin: "I'm sure if you wish it, we'll meet again someday. Just hold fast to your beliefs."

Chrom: "I will. I'll look forward to the day our paths cross again."

Corrin: "Thanks, Chrom. I hope to spend time together again someday as well."


After that final exchange, Chrom remarks that he doesn't think it's the last time he'll see the Fates characters. Lissa was impressed by Corrin's battle tactics, and Chrom claims that the Shepherds could use a tactician like him. At that EXACT moment, Lissa spots Robin unconsious on the ground. The implications are clear, combined with what we know about Caeldori and Cordelia. Corrin and Robin are mirrored in an additional way- their initial bonds with Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick. They both get along very well with Chrom, and become friends very quickly. Lissa is kind and welcoming to both of the avatars as well. Finally, Frederick is suspicious of both Robin and Corrin when they first appear. 


Now that there is little doubt that Caeldori is Cordelia and Corrin is Robin, how do we know that they married each other in both lives? This once again takes us back to Caeldori's confession quote in Fates. She claims that she knows their love is eternal before mentioning meeting eachother in a distant future. Intelligent Software's intentions are clear. They have intentionally and cleverly given us an answer to who the avatars canonically marry, while further connecting two masterpieces. This certainly makes Tharja/Rhajat more interesting: she's obsessed over Robin/Corrin and stalked him throughout TWO lives.


I currently believe that what I discussed above is as close to hard canon as it can possibly be, based on the evidence provided. However, here's where my theory looses direct evidence. Fates and Awakening are now known to be in the same world, but Fates takes place LONG before Awakening, explaining why it's events are considered mythical. Where are Hoshido and Nohr- or at least their continent- during the time of Ylisse? Nowi is stated to have come from another continent to the west. This suggests that Archanea, Valentia, and Jugdral are not the only continents in this world. The Fates continent is never seen or mentioned in other games simply because it is far away from, and generally unrelated to, the focus continents.


That's all for now. Feel free to discuss this in replies. In the words of Matthew Patrick- that's just a theory, a game theory.

Edited by Denomon3144
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Nobody in the whole Fire Emblem series has a canonical spouse except the (few relative to the series' cumulative cast) people who either come pre-paired together or whose endings unavoidably place them together. It's not a failure to define something that "needs" to be defined, it's deliberate. Video games are an interactive, nonlinear medium and often do not work like other artistic mediums do in regards to canon.

Whoever you wanna ship is fine, but there doesn't need to be a "canon" pairing for any given MU or character at all whose love interest is variable. There doesn't need to be one "right" answer, and a lot of times, there not being one is a deliberate, conscious choice.

These are four such instances.

Edited by Topaz Light
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I personally subscribe to the reincarnation theory, but Corrin x Caeldori being canon is a bit of a stretch. To me, it's just a possibility of how it can turn out. If you marry both Tharja and Rhajat, or both Gaius and Asugi, then the same thing happens but in a different way.

I didn't really think much of Chrom knowing about Hoshido and Nohr, because as it currently stands, Awakening has already been chronologically locked to being the last possible thing that happens in whatever an FE timeline looks like (while Fates is very likely the very first thing in this timeline), since the continents and heroes of every other FE game prior to Awakening are well-known legends already.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Yeah, what's been said above. There are no 100% canon pairings in Fates or Awakening and there isn't a 100% canon gender for Corrin or Robin either. Ship who you want, but there is no solid proof. Only the player's choices and speculation.

Besides, the Outrealm Gate is a thing and basically makes everything canon. Plus, I feel like Silas is the most "pushed" for female Corrin, and apparently Azura is the most "pushed" for the male.

As for Robin, he/she doesn't really have a "pushed" pair. You could argue Chrom, but he has Sumia pushed for him regardless of Robin's gender, and he treats both Robins exactly the same outside of supports anyway. The Robins also interact with Frederick, Lissa, and Lucina a fair bit. So assuming Sumia is meant to be Chrom's "pushed" spouse regardless of Robin's gender, that would make Frederick female Robin's, and Lissa AND Lucina for male Robin. But it's pretty iffy because interactions aren't EVERYTHING and even I wouldn't ever say Frederick x female Robin is the most canon pairing, as much as I ship it. It's not. :P

(Oh yeah, and I forgot about Tharja, but it's really only on her end. Robin doesn't interact with her outside of supports)

Edited by Anacybele
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