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Scorched Grand Hero Battle: Valter, the Moonstone


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1 hour ago, Marston said:

Are you prepared for the grand madness that is my infernal clear?

I didn't really change my team, but I gave them a few Skills. In retrospec, the Escape Route on Nino was not necessary. But yeah. Took me 3 or 4 stamina pots, but I did it.

That's wild, especially Azura the wall.

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

That's wild, especially Azura the wall.

Things I did for this to actually work:

  • Teach Nino Escape Route 3 (which was unneccessary, I could have killed the mounted red mage first and then move Nino to Azuras position)
  • Teach Azura Def+3 instead of her usual Spd+3. However, that didn't work since the Firespeed Flier moved beneath the red Cav instead of behind -> he attacked Azura and killed her
  • ...so I teached her Sol instead, so she could survive with 1 HP

The other things, like Drag Back on Cordelia were already there before. But those things were just for this mission. Well, it worked in the end! xD

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Good riddance.

Beat this one with Ursula (she's 5*, totally worth it), Azura (Moonbow's nice, Hone Atk is a must), Leon (Brave Bow+, DB3, Bowbreaker, Hone Atk), and Alm (neutral Fury nonsense that is somehow competent, also has Hone Spd).

Azura was necessary to tank the red flier.  Leon needed Bowbreaker to quad the bow guy for the kill.  Ursula was able to double and kill the initial horse guy, and donated a lot of chip damage elsewhere.  Alm's Fury was necessary towards the end, because he was left at 1 HP when all was said and done.  This was hardly a good strategy, but it worked, somehow.

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On 8/24/2017 at 0:09 PM, Kaden said:

And there's this strategy with 5* Camus, +Spd, -HP 4* Klein, neutral 4* Olivia with Ruby Sword, and 5* Xander: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEqsQ3C1TFM.


Thank you for this! I finally beat Infernal- thank goodness I pulled a 4 star Neutral Klein long ago and never sacked him for Death Blow inheritance (he needed the Atk+1 seal though to defeat one sword cavalier). Had to finally give Camus his AoE special and Grani's shield, and Xander his AoE special as well since those buff red mages just need to die asap. 

Now to try this on my other account- the only different is Klein is +Atk/-Res and 5 star, so hopefully the enemies don't vary their movements too much.

edit: okay managed to do it, despite messing up a bit and Valter moving towards Xander instead. Thank goodness my units can tank at least 1 hit of when needed (Thank you Swordbreaker Klein!) Olivia also managed to tank a hit with only 2 HP left. In the end, everyone except Camus was at single digit HP and even then , Camus was at 40% HP- which made 'winging' the strategy with Olivia's Wings of Mercy possible.

Edited by mcsilas
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Nowadays when a GHB frustrates me to no end, I just stick to the Hard lvl and call it a day. Admittedly, I was the same for Michalis before his reboot, which only then was I able to do so and now have 3 of him lying in wait

Even then though, I don't think I'd use him. Nice to have, I suppose.

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33 minutes ago, Astolfo! said:


This was sooooo frustrating! But like, in the end it still feels good hehehe

Thank goodness I pulled Delthea in time cause I tooootally wouldn't have been able to do this

@Rezzy @GuiltyLove @Legion! @SatsumaFSoysoy

We beat Infernalses on the first attempt the same day it came out UWE HEE HEE

Why does the Bowses not have 50 Atk, hmm? Good for Escape Route spam, we thinks! Uwe hee hee!

Edited by Legion!
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27 minutes ago, Legion! said:

We beat Infernalses on the first attempt the same day it came out UWE HEE HEE

Why does the Bowses not have 50 Atk, hmm? Good for Escape Route spam, we thinks! Uwe hee hee!

What did you use, Bridelia?

Beat Infernal with yourself

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11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

What did you use, Bridelia?

Beat Infernal with yourself

Bride Cordelia / Ninian / Minerva / Reinhardt

We need that stamina for Chain Challengeses 11+12 Lunatic though. Uwe hee hee.

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.....This bloody GHB is a bleeding nightmare.

It took too much effort to get Normal with overlevelled units, and Hard is beating me like a cheap accordian as is. The best I've done so far is with Xander, Gray, Azura and Sonya, and even then I've snagged.

Any recommendations for a player without Rein, a brave bow user who isn't -Att or severely underlevelled 3* Gordin or a good lance flier (Catria's also undelevelled)?

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@mcsilas, no problem. Now I'm wondering if SniperYGS was able to beat Infernal Valter with -Def Klein and -Def Olivia.

20 minutes ago, Dayni said:

.....This bloody GHB is a bleeding nightmare.

It took too much effort to get Normal with overlevelled units, and Hard is beating me like a cheap accordian as is. The best I've done so far is with Xander, Gray, Azura and Sonya, and even then I've snagged.

Any recommendations for a player without Rein, a brave bow user who isn't -Att or severely underlevelled 3* Gordin or a good lance flier (Catria's also undelevelled)?

Assuming you have Camus and Ursula as 5* units and Olivia as a 4*, if you can get Gordin to level 40, then you could try this strategy.

All Gordin is there for is to kill the fliers and that's pretty much it. Camus and Ursula do everything else. You could try it with the other Brave Bow archers even if they're -Atk, but I'm not sure how the enemy would react since other than Leon, all the other archers have average to low defense and along with Faye, Gordin's the slowest archer, so they might do different things.

Another strategy used 4* Gordin with 4* Donnel, 4* Olivia, and 4* Ursula: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGmCJsdRGGs, but there are strict requirements: neither Gordin or Donnel can be -Def and if Donnel is =Def, then he needs to inherit Def +3. You could replace Gordin with =Def 5* Leon or +Def 4* Leon with a Brave Bow and Donnel with either Lukas with a Brave Lance and someone did it with Ephraim with a Brave Lance. Also, Gordin can be -Atk, but I think he needs to inherit Lancebreaker and I don't know how else the person in the comments section did it. Still, despite the requirements, it's not that demanding when it's an 4* units-only strategy.

Of the infernal strategies I've glanced over to see their teams and that had lance fliers, Cordelia and Tana were used in a couple, but I wouldn't try since they were kind of specific and you would need someone who can cover for the archer. Catria could probably work, but I don't know how you would do it with her or anyone who isn't Est or Hinoka since they have high attack. Otherwise, there are a couple of strategies using 5* Valter, but if you don't have the feathers, you don't care for him, and you don't have the time, then don't invest in Valter just for infernal.

Aside from searching on YouTube for strategies, you could check here: http://yaycupcake.com/feh/.

Edited by Kaden
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2 hours ago, Astolfo! said:


This was sooooo frustrating! But like, in the end it still feels good hehehe

Thank goodness I pulled Delthea in time cause I tooootally wouldn't have been able to do this

@Rezzy @GuiltyLove @Legion! @SatsumaFSoysoy

Congrats, just in time, too.  Does Narcian's reboot start in a day or two?  I wonder if I should promote my 3* Narcian or just train up the 4* Narcian we'll probably get with the new difficulty(s) added.

2 hours ago, Legion! said:

We beat Infernalses on the first attempt the same day it came out UWE HEE HEE

Why does the Bowses not have 50 Atk, hmm? Good for Escape Route spam, we thinks! Uwe hee hee!

First try?  Did you go in blind, or look at strategies first?

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

.....This bloody GHB is a bleeding nightmare.

It took too much effort to get Normal with overlevelled units, and Hard is beating me like a cheap accordian as is. The best I've done so far is with Xander, Gray, Azura and Sonya, and even then I've snagged.

Any recommendations for a player without Rein, a brave bow user who isn't -Att or severely underlevelled 3* Gordin or a good lance flier (Catria's also undelevelled)?

Who DO you have?

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

.....This bloody GHB is a bleeding nightmare.

It took too much effort to get Normal with overlevelled units, and Hard is beating me like a cheap accordian as is. The best I've done so far is with Xander, Gray, Azura and Sonya, and even then I've snagged.

Any recommendations for a player without Rein, a brave bow user who isn't -Att or severely underlevelled 3* Gordin or a good lance flier (Catria's also undelevelled)?

I beat Lunatic with Horse Emblem of Xander, Ursula, Camus, Titania.  The first 3 are freebie GHB units, albeit I promoted them to 5* and they have SI.  Titania is the only one there who isn't easily obtainable, but you could switch her out for Cecilia probably, or even Frederick.

If you have Ursula and Camus, I'd raise them to make a good core Horse Emblem team.  I've been able to beat pretty much every Lunatic map with them.  Infernal, not always, but getting Lunatic is enough, most of the time.

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8 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Who DO you have?

...Sorry, I was probably assuming that there were some other units who were considered consistently good when I initially posted. Probably should have gotten to that first.

Units at level 40:

5*: Alfonse, Gray, Eirika, Xander, Sharena, Azura, Camus, Hinoka, M!Robin, Springcina, Anna, Hector, Michalis, Sonya, Elise

4*: Navarre, Roy, Lloyd, Olivia, Selena, Zephiel, Stahl, Lilina, Wendy, Oboro, Donnel, Est, Mae, Odin, Ursula, Barst, Legion, Titania, Cherche, Camilla, Fae, F!Robin, Clarisse, Lissa, Felicia

Units at least level 35:

5*: Azura, Peri 

4*: Eliwood, Ogma, Virion, Gunter, Lachesis, Kagero, Arthur, Raigh

Bit stupid of me to not have gotten something together I assume?

Just now, Rezzy said:

I beat Lunatic with Horse Emblem of Xander, Ursula, Camus, Titania.  The first 3 are freebie GHB units, albeit I promoted them to 5* and they have SI.  Titania is the only one there who isn't easily obtainable, but you could switch her out for Cecilia probably, or even Frederick.

If you have Ursula and Camus, I'd raise them to make a good core Horse Emblem team.  I've been able to beat pretty much every Lunatic map with them.  Infernal, not always, but getting Lunatic is enough, most of the time.

Well, I'm pretty close that that actually: Thing is that Ursula and Titania are 4*, Titania is +Spd/-Def which likely would matter and I'm still working on skills for the most part as well, especially for those two. Camus and Xander are both 5* and I've got quite a bit of SI on both (Camus has Vantage 2 and Luna at present, though I'm likely to change those, while Xander has Swordbreaker 1 and Harsh Command)

Regardless, pretty poor of me so far. I'll try some other strats I've found and see where they go.

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17 minutes ago, Dayni said:


Well, I'm pretty close that that actually: Thing is that Ursula and Titania are 4*, Titania is +Spd/-Def which likely would matter and I'm still working on skills for the most part as well, especially for those two. Camus and Xander are both 5* and I've got quite a bit of SI on both (Camus has Vantage 2 and Luna at present, though I'm likely to change those, while Xander has Swordbreaker 1 and Harsh Command)

Regardless, pretty poor of me so far. I'll try some other strats I've found and see where they go.

+Spd-Def is actually a great nature for Titania, one of the best.  She should go nowhere near Reds, and Emerald Axe keeps Blues from hurting too much.  Mine is -Def+Res.

Ursula is borderline broken with Blarblade and Horse Buffs.

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22 minutes ago, Rezzy said:
43 minutes ago, Dayni said:


+Spd-Def is actually a great nature for Titania, one of the best.  She should go nowhere near Reds, and Emerald Axe keeps Blues from hurting too much.  Mine is -Def+Res.

Ursula is borderline broken with Blarblade and Horse Buffs.

Didn't think it was bad for her, just one that might affect her relevance for this map.

So I managed to get Lunatic, then said "Fine, might as well spend a veritable gold mine of crystals to get Gordin ready." ONLY TO FIND OUT HE'S MINUS ATTACK  AS WELL WHEN HE'S LEVEL 40 AFTER THE SPLURGE. I AM NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW, HE'S USELESS FOR THE MAP. 

Moral of the story: Check your boons and banes carefully!

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21 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Didn't think it was bad for her, just one that might affect her relevance for this map.

So I managed to get Lunatic, then said "Fine, might as well spend a veritable gold mine of crystals to get Gordin ready." ONLY TO FIND OUT HE'S MINUS ATTACK  AS WELL WHEN HE'S LEVEL 40 AFTER THE SPLURGE. I AM NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW, HE'S USELESS FOR THE MAP. 

Moral of the story: Check your boons and banes carefully!

Do you have Death Blow available?  That should make up for his Atk bane.

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Just now, eclipse said:

Do you have Death Blow available?  That should make up for his Atk bane.

1: Not really, no.

2: Could Virion make use of his Brave bow? Debating using him instead.

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8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

1: Not really, no.

2: Could Virion make use of his Brave bow? Debating using him instead.

If that Virion is at least neutral Atk, then yes.  You'll want to get him up as high as possible, though.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

If that Virion is at least neutral Atk, then yes.  You'll want to get him up as high as possible, though.

Good thing he's +Att then. He's also pretty close in level.

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Okay, I've ground Hinata back up to level 38. 5* this time, of course, but it should be the same. Time to see if I can replicate this for posterity.

Units used:

Nino, 5* Lv. 40+1, +Spd -Def, Gronnblade+/Draw Back/Draconic Aura/Resistance +3/Desperation 3/Hone Atk 3, HP +3 seal.

Olivia, 4* Lv. 40, +Spd -Atk, Silver Sword/Dance/Knock Back/Hone Atk 3, no seal.

Reinhardt, 5* Lv. 40+1, +Atk -Def, Dire Thunder/Reciprocal Aid/Blazing Thunder/Death Blow 3/Vantage 3/Spur Atk 2, Attack +1 seal.

Hinata, 5* Lv. 38 (4* works), +Def -Atk, Ruby Sword/Pavise/Fury 3/Brash Assault 2, Squad Ace A 1 seal.

Starting positions: Nino below, then Olivia/Reinhardt/Hinata from left to right.

Turn 1: Hinata down 1 and right 1. Lance Cavalier and Red Mage line up south of Nino; Axe Flier and Bow FIghter attack Hinata. Sword Knight Pivots over Valter. Lance Flier spawns.

Turn 2: Reinhardt kills Red Mage from below Nino. Nino moves 1 down and 1 right and kills Lance Cavalier. Olivia moves down 1. Hinata moves back to starting position. Bow Fighter attacks Nino and dies; Axe Flier attacks Hinata and dies. Sword Knight and Lance Flier move up. Axe Flier and Sword Flier spawn.

Turn 3: Reinhardt kills Valter from the left. Nino draws Olivia down, so Olivia can dance Reinhardt. Reinhardt kills Sword Knight. Hinata moves south to safety. Lance Flier moves 3 east of Olivia, Axe Flier moves south, Sword Flier moves north of Olivia. Axe Flier and Sword Cavalier spawn.

Turn 4: Hinata kills Axe Flier 1 (thanks, Brash Assault!). Reinhardt attacks Lance Flier from the left. Olivia dances Reinhardt without moving. Reinhardt kills Sword Cavalier from above, then Nino moves between Olivia and Reinhardt to finish off the Lance Flier. Sword Flier moves south, while Axe Flier goes right. Red Mage, Axe Cavalier, and Red Cavalier spawn.

Turn 5: Nino moves south one and attacks Axe Cavalier. Reinhardt moves south one to kill the Red Cavalier. Olivia moves to his right and dances him, and he finishes off the Axe Cavalier, while being in range of the Sword Flier. Hinata moves south 2. Sword Flier attacks Reinhardt, leaving him with 1 HP. Axe Flier moves 4 north of Reinhardt; Red Mage advances as much as possible.

Turn 6: Reinhardt attacks Sword Flier, is danced, and finishes off Sword Flier. Hinata moves south 2 and is drawn to the left by Nino. Both enemies move south 2.

Turn 7: Nino draws Hinata left again, and he moves to her other side. Reinhardt moves to Nino's right, and Olivia moves out of range. Axe Flier quads Hinata for 0x4, heh. Red Mage moves above Nino.

Turn 8: Reinhardt destroys the Red Mage; either Hinata or Nino finishes off the Axe Flier.

End result: Everyone bar Olivia is at 1 HP, but victory is secured.

Notes: I forgot to switch Reinhardt's Goad Cavalry to Spur Atk 2, so that's unnecessary. Nino's Desperation is also unnecessary, since she never attacks a ranged enemy on PP, but Fury won't work, since she needs full HP (and a +1 merge! (EDIT: I think putting the Spur Def 1 seal on Olivia Reinhardt will also work)) to survive the Bow Fighter's Special. She also needs a Special skill of her own to ensure she kills the Bow Fighter (EDIT: I checked the stats, and it looks like she doesn't need her Special (Except she does, because of the Sword Knight's Panic Ploy. Darn)). Either Death Blow 3 or a different Special is absolutely necessary on Reinhardt to secure the kill on the Red Cavalier, but Reciprocal Aid was pointless. However, Reinhardt also needed the +1 merge to just survive the Sword Flier; -Spd over -Def would also be sufficient. For Hinata, Squad Ace A 1 is pretty much inconsequential; he only took non-Fury damage from the Bow Fighter.

(Do I get extra credit for using vanilla Hinata for this GHB?)

(EDIT: All in all, this strategy is pretty non-reliant on SI and merges - only Death Blow 3 and Nino's Special are truly integral to the clear. Nino's merge can be avoided with a Sacred Seal, and Reinhardt's by changing the nature to the best one. Not bad, not bad.)

Edited by Seafarer
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27 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

(Do I get extra credit for using vanilla Hinata for this GHB?)

No, because you had Reinhardt. :P:

Gotta love the GHBs - they can bring out a wide variety of units!  I have half a mind to read every last post in here, and make a compilation of the units used.

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