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Scorched Grand Hero Battle: Valter, the Moonstone


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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

No, because you had Reinhardt. :P:

Be fair: he's a pretty boring Reinhardt compared to other people's.

And yes, I know I used a dancer, too. But look! no archer!

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The strat doesn't work without the defence of Gordin. So it's a bust.

Think I'm going to wait for a replay, where Brave Lyn might shatter it.

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FINALLY beat it today, I'm almost crying! Reinforcements in  GHB are the worst thing on this game, I swear.

I went with:

-5* Klein

-5* Xander

-5* Spring Lucina: Gave her Draconic Aura so she could do extra damage. Linde could work here as well. I do have a Reinhardt as well, but Lucina always does much better for me.

-4* Olivia with Ruby Sword and Wings of Mercy (Wings of Mercy is the best SI I have ever done, Palla's sacrifice was worth it)

For the first turn moved Xander to the reach of the pegasus and archer, and moved Olivia, Klein and Lucina slightly to the left. Xander took down the flying axe and damaged the archer. Second turn finished the archer, WoM Olivia danced him out of danger. On the other hand Klein and Lucina took down the lancer, and let Lucina on the range on the Red Mage. Next turn Lucina took down the archer and Klein killed Valter. Bottom of the map was kinda empty by then, so after was mostly a matter of taking down the reinforcements of units coming closer. Can't remember exactly how I did afterwards, but tried to get rid of the mounted units first, and let Klein take care of the flying ones as well. Fortunately Lucina can take a hit from a Red Unit, and Xander and Olivia can also tank the green ones without much trouble.It was really stressful but I managed to do it without suffering a lot of damage.

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  • 5 months later...

Completed the Valter mirror quests in 1 go using Valter on my Fliers team (PA Azura, Elincia, Blarblade+ Corrin) on Lunatic. Got pretty tense towards the end though Corrin managed to not ORKO boss Valter and weakened him enough for my 4* Valter to finish off.

Completed the Sharena vs. Valter and all infantry quests in 1 go using 5* Sharena, PA Azura, Bride Cordelia, and Olivia on Lunatic. Wings of Mercy 3 (on Olivia and Azura) and Escape Route 3 shenanigans (on Cordelia) ensue.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Got the Sharena part, and doing the infantry only one on Lunatic took me a stamina pot's worth of tries to get right with Brave Lance Oboro, Ike, Parthia Jeorge and Azura.

Anyone want to do that on Infernal lol? Without Brave Bow.  Normal Bows or Prf Bows are free game.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Gods! I got the Sharena and Infantry part first try and now I've wasted like 4 stamina pots trying to make Valter kill himself!!! The bastard is super bulky and has Luna at 1 CD so I can't beat him without my 4* Valter dying first!

That's it! I'm waiting for AA having mercy on me and bringing weaponless Valters to clear that quest because no way I'm promoting that psycho into 5* just for 1 orb.

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Yay, I nailed it this time. Note that in the first turn whether Olivia has a weapon or not doesn't change the outcome of the whole battle (what I mean is, with my strat the peg that attacks her dies in one blow from Bridelia no matter what even at full HP as long as it's not killed first in that turn since she is Panicked), sooo... technically this is a solo? I think? 


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Luckily weaponless Valter showed up in AA after just one reset so I got it done the lazy way. I'd forgotten the spawn pattern of the GHB so even Lunatic tripped me up a little. My 4* Valter doesn't even have all his vanilla skills learned yet so he couldn't take himself down even with full flier buffs (and I couldn't chip with Airzura or Summer Corrin because they kill him outright instead).

EDIT: Just did a full run of 7 single-opponent AA fights. Five of them were Valter (four of them unarmed) so people have gotten onto it quick, always lovely to see. I wish I could pay it forward and usually do, but I don't have a defense win yet this week sadly.

Edited by Humanoid
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3 minutes ago, Metakirby said:

Damn I give up about sharena killing valter, it's so annoying for one 3 stars valter. 

As people have hinted above, you can fish for a lone Valter in arena assault. Just send out a single unit of your own to AA, and keep resetting until it's Valter.

If you have difficulty getting him to show up, it might be because of the points value of your lone unit. Easiest way to force it would probably be to take your own Valter first. All subsequent fights on beginner in that run will have an equal chance of being Valter so you can use Sharena in one of the later fights in the sequence.

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That was fun!

Flier emblem (Nowi, Corrin, Azura, Valter) cheesed the Valter mission, but the remaining three missions were another thing. I tried some units until I found the key piece: 

My BH!Ike (+DEF/-SPD, Reposition, Close Def Seal) could bait everyone (except the mage) on turn 1. He was buffed by an Fortify DEF, (Sharena) Hone ATK and Hone SPD (Olivia) and got panicked by Valter. He survived nearly with full health, leaving Valter alive for Sharena to finish. Olivia (Ruby+/Moonbow) and Jeorge (Brave+) did their work too, so it was not too difficult. Most tricky part was to not get Ike killed by the mages. 

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

As people have hinted above, you can fish for a lone Valter in arena assault. Just send out a single unit of your own to AA, and keep resetting until it's Valter.

If you have difficulty getting him to show up, it might be because of the points value of your lone unit. Easiest way to force it would probably be to take your own Valter first. All subsequent fights on beginner in that run will have an equal chance of being Valter so you can use Sharena in one of the later fights in the sequence.

Oh really? Didn't know that would work, thanks then! 

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...This map hurt me last time.

It's still doing so, haven't gotten Infernal yet and failed to use the Askran trio for Sharena's quests, though I still got it while not getting the infantry quests. Valter killing Valter I had to redo because I forgot to actually do it the first time.

To be blunt, Valter is an awkward GHB for me do and I've already spent multiple Stamina potions doing this and some other quests. I've had to do everything more than once and nothing stuck. This is still hurting me 6 months later.

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Last time Valter was here I couldn't even get through Lunatic, but this time I got through Infernal first try, something I don't think I've done before (okay so maybe I cheesed it with flier emblem but still). It's interesting seeing how much better your teams are during the reruns.

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