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Is it just me or do Laguz suck in FE:RD?

Sushi God

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After playing RD on an emulator and learned about their rework, I was a bit worried that they'd suck compared to in PoR, and I was right. I don't know if its only from my experience, but their gauge takes so long to fill up, and the only way to get it filled up quickly is for them to take hits, however their stats untransformed are so bad that they get doubled by generals and killed easily. To top it off, all the non-royals with the exception of Volug start off with 0 points in their gauge, compared to them starting with either 4, 12, or 16 like in PoR. This means that throughout 30-50% of the fight they just stand their using their grasses or just waiting for it. Not only this, but it's also very possible for them to untranform during enemy phase which would very likely get them killed. I don't know, this is just from my experience. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. But I'm mostly curious as to what you guys have to say about this, because I accidentally put 5 laguz in Hawk's team and I'm skeptical if I'll even finish his part :b.

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I've managed to make good work out of Volug, Ulki, and Janaff (especially Ulki because he can dodge reliably when untransformed) but generally if you're not a royal or a refresher you're pretty bad as a laguz.

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The Laguz have poor growths, need to transform to do anything (and then have to waste turns burning Olivi Grass while shifted to stay that way), while shifted earn EXP at a snail's pace, and quite painfully lack 1-2 range. 

I liked the deviation of the Laguz from the shapeshifting stone approach of the older and more recent games, but it does hamstring them.

All this said, the Royals of course are brokenly strong in RD, and the Herons are pure utility goodness. But among the rest, there isn't that much good- Volug and Mordecai (b/c he has giant Defense when shifted) plus the Hawk duo, Skrimir, and maybe Ranulf are all decently usable. The Dragons would be too if they didn't join so incredibly late and the first two massively underleveled with one having terrible stats even when trained.

Having almost finished a draft where I've been using Mordy as one of my few units, I will say that if you're using just one or two Laguz, you do get enough Laguz Stone uses in RD to last you the whole game with some moderation. On a non-draft, you shouldn't have many scenarios where your Laguz fights to point of being unshifted on the enemy phase and you desperately need to shift back into fighting form with a Stone. Pop 'em when you really need turn 1 enemy phase/ turn 2 player phase (without being able to spare your Heron for 2x Olivi + shift over those first 2 turns) combat.

As for PoR, Lethe and Mordecai, particularly the former, have some solid midgame potential, and Muarim and Ranulf can carry on where the two prior beasts left off to a degree. The Hawks are particularly lacking vs. the Beorc fliers though, and the Dragons while strong, lack that lovely 1-2 range like all Laguz do and one of them comes underleveled. Not to mention the absence of Strike ranks keeps them locked to Steel weapon power when Beorc eventually get Silver access to outdamage the Laguz.

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8 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

i find them to be better than in PoR.

In what way? Because honestly, I fail to see what RD did for them as anywhere near enough to make them better than in PoR, especially in the face of their leveling speed being slower than molasses. The hawks are the only ones I can say are improved.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Non royal Laguz took some nerfs in FE10 by having poor growths, no combat durability while untransformed and limited combat availibility due to fast drop of the transformation bar. Especially cats are really bad because their transformation bar drops faster than of any other Laguz.

However some Laguz are still usable like Volug who will serve as a wall and dodgetank in part 3 when he can get rid of wildheart. He's the only one who can take more than one hit by a tiger (aside of BK) and is fast enough to double all the Laguz. No endgame material but still good enough when you have him around in the DB chapters.

Skrimir is a iion, and lions have terrific stats. With his bases he can trivialize 4-1.

Janaff and Ulkie are also pretty good with their bases and being mobile. Ulkie is almost invincible with his personal skill.


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