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eBay annoyances


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So this thread is to discuss any annoyances you've had with eBay in the past with sellers or scams or whatever. eBay is a great place to get some good deals compared to retail stores but it also houses some asshole sellers or Chinese companies passing off "real" merchandise.

Just today I found a game I wanted for $20 plus $2 shipping. The seller had a Make an Offer option so I tried using it while being generous and offering $19 instead. Seller declines. Um, what??? Why even have the option?

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Snipers are what really annoy me, I know I have had several items that I was bidding on for days only to have a sniper swipe it at the last minute.  I got lucky on a make an offer item that I really wanted, so I guess it depends on the seller and how long they have been trying to sell the item.  Right now I am more peeved with Amazon then Ebay though, since Amazon has yet to ship my Sanzo figure I ordered 2 months ago and they are giving me the run around when I ask for updates and just say it is back ordered and that I am at the top of the list for when they get the figure, I will never be ordering figures from Amazon again and the only reason I ordered from them in the first place was because the were the only site that had it still for sale.

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Oh boyo, I get to talk about my experiences. So before the wave 4 rare amiibo restock towards the end of 2016, I had ordered Lucina from Japan and Robin from Australia (alongside a copy of sacred stones from within the U.S.) Anyways Robin took over a month to arrive and was 2 weeks late, but when I messaged the company/seller they were actually kind enough to inform me of their customs having some issues and just overall informed me that it would be late. Lucina on the other hand, oh boy, first off took over a month to arrive, then when I opened it I found a Marth inside (quite ironic tbh), then it took two weeks to contact the seller and I was already about to start going through the refund process when they finally contacted me asking me to not report them, and that they would send my Lucina and let me keep the Marth, well over a month later Lucina finally comes in. I ended up giving the Marth to a friend as I already had him. I just find it funny that out of all my Fire Emblem amiibos, only two were not from America, with Lucina being Japanese and Robin being Australian. (So I imagine the rest of them are just having a casual conversation when Lucina bursts in going full Otaku and Robin is wrestling a crocodile or something)

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