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Games You Played, and Then Replayed Much Later

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I bought Paper Mario on my Wii U recently, and I haven't played it or TTYD in years. Yet PM is a game I fondly remember growing up playing, and now that I was fully mature, I wanted to see it again with opened eyes.

For better or worse, my memory has retained much of my reading the Nintendo Power guidebook over and over, so outside of the minor things like hidden panel Star Pieces, I still remember most of the game. This said, and barring my increasingly dysfunctional left control stick on the Wii U Gamepad (I so don't want to send it for repairs, but alas, I might have to) ruining some of my action command inputs, I'm enjoying the game. It's baby's first JRPG easy, but I can put up with that- the game is beautiful and the world is nice (Shooting Star Summit made me want to cry nostalgia), and there is plenty of advice available for guiding a blind player too if they just talk to every NPC.

My major gripes are that the music loops too soon, and the characters are flatter than I remember. The Star Spirits lack any individuality in personality (Skolar, Muskular- I still adore the both of you), and all the Partners but Goombario (because Tattle) go 100% mute after joining (Bow doesn't until C3's end). I guess being an imaginative kid or prolific fanfict writer is really needed to get the most out of the characters. I haven't replayed TTYD yet, but I know that the Partners no matter how small the improvement are certainly better off. And I'm feeling PM C3 > TTYD C4, C4 is cool, but much more tedium.


So, anyone have similar experiences with different games? 

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Ocarina of Time. Had the VC port and dropped it. Played the 3DS version when it came out and still couldn't get into it. Bought it and played it again around a year ago and just got hooked. Beat it from beginning to end. Guess I was just impatient as a teenager.

Edited by Ronnie
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I found apparently Pokemon Blue is a bit more of a slog than I remembered it being - maybe it was the fact that my original copy would occasionally glitch out and play the game in a photo-negative color scheme that looked like Halloween...

Melee also falls into this category - now that my brother wants to be a fancy shmancy tourney player, it's become satanic to play with him because he has all the technical stuff down and I play Roy so I literally only have DashDance->Grab and WaveDash->FSmash available to me.

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Recently enjoyed Metroid Prime through the Trilogy version via Wii U VC. I played the first two games a lot when they came out, but never beat them. In MP1, I never discovered the Ice Beam, in MP2 I don't think I even got far enough for the Dark Suit. My inability to beat either game left me embittered. And I made attempts at MP1 numerous times since. But this version of the game is so good it's no surprise I got through to the end. You can move and aim independently. The combat didn't really need improving, but looking through and scanning your environment is much more seamless. The Morph Ball comes with Spring jump. So I spent a lot more time in it, only coming out when a door needed a particular beam. Doors open with virtually no loading, making back tracking and artifact collecting much less frustrating.  Running past enemies was as viable of an option as in the 2D games. This is what I always wanted out of Metroid Prime, cut out all the down time. Metroid Prime for GC is the absolute slowest FPS game I can think of, even slower than 007 Goldeneye which runs averages 12 FPS. But the Trilogy version is what allowed me to come around on the game and see its competent level design.

Speaking of, earlier this year I played through and beat Goldeneye. Pretty sure I never got to the end without cheats as a kid, so it was quite the refresher. I forgot the game was so heavy on objectives rather than just getting to the end of the level.

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Ocarina of Time. Had the VC port and dropped it. Played the 3DS version when it came out and still couldn't get into it. Bought it and played it again around a year ago and just got hooked. Beat it from beginning to end. Guess I was just impatient as a teenager.

I didn't play OoT until I was 21 when I bought my 3DS, the part about Link having a pure heart really hit me and if I had played it as a kid I don't that the story line would have had as big of an impact on me as it did.

As to the topic, I would honestly have to say FE SS because while I liked the moment I bought it I had a lot of real life problems come up for several years that caused me not to play it again and when I picked it back up it was more fun then I remembered. 

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