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What games would you like remakes or remasters of?


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Brigandine - Many of you may not know this game. Many of you may have not even been born when the game was first released for the Playstation 1 in 1998. For many of you who most likely don't know, (and honestly, since the game is one of the most obscure titles out there, I wouldn't blame you), is a tactical RPG that centered around the world of Forsena, a land plagued by war and populated by knights with the ability to gather monsters into their armies. Fairies, unicorns, dragons. You name it. These knights were called 'Rune Knights' and they basically shaped the entire war.


There are 5 kingdoms which are playable (6 if you know how to unlock the overpowered, broken, evil empire. ;)) and all of them have different strengths, weakness, and knights under their command. Each kingdom has a ruler, who is usually the most useful of the entire nation. Each knight has a certain amount of 'Rune Power' which they can use to add monsters to their army. The stronger the monster, the more 'Rune Power' it costs to put on your knight's team. You are given a certain amount of castles to defend, which are all different depending on which kingdom you decide to play, and your opponents are played by the computer players.

This game was a highlight of my childhood for many years and was the first real tactical RPG I ever played. It was long before the years of Fire Emblem consumed my life and made me into what I am today. The game from my memories was a lot of fun and I remember spending weeks, even months playing it.

However, it has not aged well at all. The game is split into 2-D sprite graphics that make up the maps and the over world units that fight in battles, which actually don't look that bad, but they're not the detailed either. And 3-D graphics during combat between individual units which only look slightly better than this.




Not to mention, you have to sit through a long sequence of the two individual LEGO characters batting each other with sticks until the attack ends. This can take as long as 20 to 30 seconds of game time. And the monsters and heroes only have one attack animation each, so after seeing it once, you'll most likely never want to see them again. And there are usually anywhere from 40 to 50 units on the field at a time. This means sitting through each attack animation for each attack. This isn't like Fire Emblem, where at least the attacks are flashing and entertaining (And more importantly don't take twice the time it takes to cook a Hot Pocket to get through a single attack.), as they quickly become boring and repetitive.


Second, the AI is actually quite atrocious. They don't plan strategies very well and will often attack a city when there is little hope of winning. Even on the hardest difficulty. Many a time I will have them attack a city that is heavily fortified with dragons, lizard men, mermaids and the literal version of the Devil, with them having a goat and a sock puppet to attempt to take the fort.


While the game is still enjoyable, thanks to the vast number of summoned monsters and various classes of knights and heroes, the difficulty being insultingly easy and the waiting for each attack animation to end puts a huge damper on the experience as a whole and I could see why a lot of people would look down on it.


Funny enough, there actually was a re-release of the game in 2000. Brigandine: Grand Edition. It had tons of new features. Like Multiplayer Mode. Where you and five friends can figure out how to destroy your friendship the fastest when your monster gets turn to stone by a Roc the hundredth freaking time in a row. The cheat code, which I so cleverly discovered by going to GameFaqs and looking up the cheat, was now a added feature to the game as standard. Well, thanks for ruining my fun, game. All the 3-D animation that looks like something a 4 year old could replicate on the worst software in the world was replaced by 2-D sprite animations, which didn't look that bad actually and went by so fast, I barely had time to see them because I blinked.


And you want to know why I haven't played it? Because I don't speak Japanese. Yes, turns out the game was a Japanese exclusive. First the Japanese steal Roy from us and now this? Why is it all the games I love are denied to me? Perhaps it wasn't meant to be.


So, this isn't really a wish for a remake as much as a 'I'll pay the ransom Japan, just give my Brigandine back to me safe and sound.'

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Warcraft II and Warcraft III with updated graphics, maybe some new official maps and heroes/units too would be fun.

A remaster of Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn would be great.

A remake for the original Xcom UFO Defense. Dont touch gameplay outside of maybe some additions, but a graphical upgrade would be great.

EDIT: Agree with the person above me, a remake of Gauntlet Dark Alliance would be amazing. That is my childhood right there, along with Champions of Norrath Return to Arms.


Edited by Tolvir
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Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X2 - Both Mega Man Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X were amazing remakes (MHX expecially, easily making my top 5 games list), and it's a horrible shame that they didn't sell well enough to get more remakes. At this point, new remakes in the same style as PU and MHX are pretty unlikely, but it will always be a dream of mine.

Ys V and Ys VI - Ys V is next in line for a remake, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens sometime after Ys VIII is released. I liked Ys V more than most people seemed to, but I'd love to see an updated version (that isn't the PS2 version). Ys VI is the one I most want to see remade, though. It was an alright game, and it brought us Ys Origin and The Oath in Felghana, two of the best in the series, but Ys VI hasn't held up as well to me as they have. More balanced gameplay and better instruments for the soundtrack would both do it wonders. Also I just want more Geis please Falcom.

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Home Alone for the Game Boy should be remade

Nah, what I'd like to see is as mentioned, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn remastered. Another good candidate would be one of the earlier Zelda games being remade, as in one of the games before Ocarina of Time, but it's very unlikely.

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A remake of Fire Emblem Holy War and Thracia would be top of my list.

Other than that, I would happily murder for a Skies of Arcadia remake. I absolutely love that world, and would love to see it with better graphics while being bigger and better than ever before. Failing that, I would love a sequel. Just anything related to this game. It was so bright and colourful... just all round fantastic <3 

I also kinda want to see the original Digimon World remastered. They've given it a sequel, which I've been playing through and loving, but I'm a bit nostalgic for the original, since that game's protagonist appears in this one. It'd be nice to see it a bit updated. It's still very fun to play, regardless :)

Edited by Cute Chao
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On ‎14‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 1:44 PM, Lerandel said:

Home Alone for the Game Boy should be remade

Nah, what I'd like to see is as mentioned, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn remastered. Another good candidate would be one of the earlier Zelda games being remade, as in one of the games before Ocarina of Time, but it's very unlikely.

I wouldn't mind an updated remaster of Zelda 1+2 with a revamped story (like Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword onwards), actually.

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