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1 minute ago, Hitori said:

omg ur not crying i am









i realized that i got that backwards just before i hit "submit reply" but i like my mistake


imagine me hugging you

or don't if it makes things worse

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things i should be doing
- my ap psych homework

things i am doing instead
- shitposting
- crying over animal crossing and dream villagers i will never have

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7 minutes ago, Hashuni Mei said:

every army should have a lyric appreciation for outro: her and really reflect on the work they put into being these "perfect angels"

inb4 i call them perfect angels tomorrow

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preface: im, like, obviously too young to fully appreciate the lyrics but i will appreciate what i CAN and try to think about it as if i were his age, except thats hard bc im bad at changing and also im only seventeen (i only got a few dollars)


[phone conversation]
yeah. yeah i’m on my way, i said i’m on my way.
yeah ok, are they all really drunk?
(laughs) i didn’t finish til 2, what am i supposed to do about it?
i’ll get there in a bit.
yeah. ok.
don’t drink too much.

OK FIRST OF ALL THE PHONE CONVERSATION IS SUCH AN INNOVATIVE WAY TO ADD FLAIR INTO THE SONG WOW, along with the chill music and sound effects it starts off the song with the vibe that jonghyun is driving really late during a rainy night which is kinda already sentimental in a way and also it's clear that he's talking to a good friened and sets the mood that...u kno.....wow hey hes happy and relaxing and nostalgic and about to have a good time. maybe the phone conversation is a bit odd to hear if ur just listening to music on shuffle but the atmosphere of the song wouldn't be right w/o it and imo it was very clever of jonghyun to add it at the beginning

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is this a new record? 

it was daylight when i started this broadcast and now the sun is gone and im still stuck on rapmon talking about the album help

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