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how do you find motivation to work on papers


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man i have a giant paper thats due tuesday and its largely finished but i can not find any motivation to keep working on it. its just finishing up two sections and then formatting and adding proper references, but im getting distracted by everything under the sun because i just do not want to work on it

the worst thing is the topic is actually super interesting but the process of writing is killing me slowly





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if you can't even bother to finish a paper that's basically done then the only logical solution is to delete the file, turn off your computer, and cry.

Edited by Ronnie
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the best thing is that when all these replies fed in i'd already wrapped up what i needed to get done for the day (like 200 words lmfao.) given up for the night 8]

today's mostly formatting though and i came to campus of my own volition so it's going better

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i guess if im not being a tool the answer is a hell of a lot of persistence

sure i probably spent more time doing completely fuck all then actually writing but by the deadline i had a complete and not terrible quality paper. bursts of energy and all that

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