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Your stats are terrible! But I love you anyway.

Chad Radwell

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Edit: title references this song, give it a listen while you read this thread if you like brain-cell-killing club beats B)

A conversation I've had with most of my Fire Emblem-playing friends is "I love this character so much...but they're an awful unit." It's probably fair to say that almost everyone has at least one of these, whether it's their personality, their design, or their relationships that drew you in - only to find that they're a mess on the battlefield. (Obviously stats aren't the only thing that can make a unit hard to use; coming in at a bad time, weird personal skills/quirks, or just being overshadowed by someone better can all contribute too.)

For me, this guy is definitely (Fates) Arthur. He's a beautiful soul, and I trust him and wish for the best for him, but god damn is his personal skill a weird one. On top of that, I h a t e the point where he joins in Revelation. Ah yes, give me Arthur and Effie in a chapter where they can barely get anywhere, and in the same chapter where I also get Benny and Charlotte. Awesome. Yet, I love the guy so much that goddammit, if I have to pump stat boosters into him like steroids into a gym rat, I will, waifus be damned.

What characters are precious to you, even though you know they're hard to use or underpowered? Do you try to take them to endgame anyway, at the cost of their teammates? This is important stuff, the CIA needs to know.

Edited by Chad Radwell
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sothe in fe9

he's a super shit unit and there's literally 0 reason to use him aside from like... maybe you want multiple thieves on one map at a time

but for some reason i really like the dude

he's kinda cute and also a really cool character in his support with astrid, and he has a really neat conversation with ike at the end of the game about what it was like living in daein

on both my fe9 playthroughs i leveled him all the way up to 20 (his growths are super good because of his skill) gave him a stiletto and let him kill shit it was great

for one who's less useless but doesn't even have decent stats like sothe, nomah. 

i dont know why but i find him really funny and I decided on my second playthrough (i actually didnt get him on my first one) i'd use him no matter how shit he was. i gave him every single stat booster i got after recruiting him and i let him drink from almost every water i got to. he can be useful even without trying to use him like I did since he can heal people, but he's not even like sothe where his stats can get really good if you level him up, hes just bad. 

i haven't actually finished that playthrough (i'm on alm's last dungeon though so celica's parts are all done) but i think i did give him stuff to the point that he could actually fight people and it was pretty rad. i took him to duma tower and hes totally gonna be on the final map whenever i do it

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My list is:

  • Maria: Lena is so such better than her. Nice design.
  • Athena: Compared to Narvarre she's weaker, but more enjoyable, plus the accent.
  • Ilyana: I find her gag to be fun, weaker compared to other mages in the Tellius games.
  • Vika: She in the game for four levels, comes back near the end of the game. Love her design.
  • Lyre: More fun than her sister, hit like a wet noodle.
  • Astrid (RD) : You were one of the best in PoR, now your're mediocre, loving a scumbag.
  • Nyx: Being a mage in a game where there are anti-mages everywhere is difficult.
  • Peri: Being a squishy cavalier is a game where tanky units are the best is hard.
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I always try to use Marty when I play Thracia 776.  Even though his Skill and Speed are awful, I still like to make use of him, buffing him with Crusader Scrolls.

True, anyone in Thracia 776 can become strong through Scroll Abuse, but can any of those other characters get 20 Build as reliably as Marty can?  I doubt it.  (Well, MAYBE there's Dalsin, but he's an armored unit in a game that hates armored units.)

But really it's just because playable Brigands are cool.

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Every Binding Blade playthrough, i always use Sophia. She's my main Shaman every time. Actually, she's the only Shaman i use in Binding Blade. Raigh and Niime are objectively better units but Raigh's a bitch and Niime is extremely forgettable. But i like Sophia's character, so because of that, i use Sophia every time while benching Raigh and Niime every time (though i do use the latter occasionally if a need an extra staff user).

I also like to use Nino in Blazing Blade though i do find her a bit harder to train than Sophia.

I also use Amelia in Sacred Stones. I like making her a General because the concept of a speedy General is hilarious.


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Off the top of my head, units in Armored classes in too many games, most recently in Echoes. A lot of the time I tend to use characters in rare classes among the player army. Such as Largo, the only Berserker in the player's army in Path of Radiance.

Darros in Shadow Dragon is pretty bad, but I still like to use him. In New Mystery, he's one of the better pre promotes, but is still average, I use him anyhow.

Roshea in Shadow Dragon is pretty bad, but I have good memories of him in Mystery and he can make a serviceable sniper or Swordmaster. Vyland is bad in all games, but he's still part of Wolfguard.

Ulki isn't a great unit, but he's pretty cool. Same with Muarim and Kyza.

Meg in a game where Armor Knights are good is bad, I use her just because I like the character's unique design.

2 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I always try to use Marty when I play Thracia 776.  Even though his Skill and Speed are awful, I still like to make use of him, buffing him with Crusader Scrolls.

True, anyone in Thracia 776 can become strong through Scroll Abuse, but can any of those other characters get 20 Build as reliably as Marty can?  I doubt it.  (Well, MAYBE there's Dalsin, but he's an armored unit in a game that hates armored units.)

But really it's just because playable Brigands are cool.


Also Brigand/Warrior animations are great.

I also try to use Dalshin and raise his lance rank even though the game does it all it can to dissuade his longterm usage.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Hinata. Lord, Hinata. Why are you so adorable but your stats are absolute ass?! How are you a Samurai but have the growths of a Oni Savage, dude? And, not even in a good way. Are you and Rinkah related? Like, sometimes RNGoddess blesses you to have decent speed and strength during playthroughs, but I don't blame people that choose Hana and Ryoma over you. It's okay, though. I still love you and will restart any chapter for you if you fail me, and I'll pair you with a nice lady that will give you and your child the right treatment (and stat boosts) that you deserve. Hell, I plan on marrying you to my summoner and probably Ephraim in Heroes, so you know you'll be awesome with us behind you.

Look, Makalov. Everyone hates you and, to be honest, you deserve it. Even the game developers hated you because they made, like, 4+ cavaliers available before you that are better than you. You have a pretty bad design, too, so there's that. But, you know what? I like you, Makalov. I like your pink fro and your tacky orange armor - you remind me of sherbet ice cream, really. And, while I don't condone any of the your lousy ways, I'm glad that you exist because I find your unlikableness likable. You're different because you're a horrible person, Makalov, and I think FE needs more people like you.

Nyx? Nyx. Nyx, I have something to ask you. You claim that you were a prodigy, but why are your stats garbage tier? Did age really take its toll on you? Are you punishing yourself? Are you punishing ME!? But, it's fine. It's okay. Don't worry. You may not love yourself, but I still love you. I find your design adorable; your squeaky voice cute; and all your supports make me die from fluffiness. It takes a little work and training for you to get back into your prime, I know, but together we can make it through, all right? You're not just pair up fodder to me; you're a real unit. So remember that.

I'm just gonna say it, Kyza. You're a terrible Tiger. Ranulf probably left with Ike, because you were such a trash subordinate. I personally would not blame Ranulf for dropping you or Lyre because you guys are always in his ass but without the stats and growths to justify it. Every time I play RD, your strength is subpar, Kyza. You ALWAYS end up being speedy and bulky but doing zero damage. It's pathetic, and I deserve better. But I won't drop you. And I never will. You know that. Every time I play RD, who's the first laguz I train and baby? It's you. Who do I neglect others for? You. Muarim? Mordecai? I don't need them when I have you, Kyza. I know you can be someone worthy. And that's why I train you. I take you to Endgame and you fall behind everyone, but I bring you along. Because I love you.

(I had too much fun with this, I swear.)

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32 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Ulki isn't a great unit, but he's pretty cool. Same with Muarim and Kyza.

Kyza I get, but I've never had trouble making use of Ulki or Muarim personally? Huh, maybe I've been lucky. Still, agreed on all three counts though.


28 minutes ago, saisymbolic said:

Look, Makalov. Everyone hates you and, to be honest, you deserve it. Even the game developers hated you because they made, like, 4+ cavaliers available before you that are better than you. You have a pretty bad design, too, so there's that. But, you know what? I like you, Makalov. I like your pink fro and your tacky orange armor - you remind me of sherbet ice cream, really. And, while I don't condone any of the your lousy ways, I'm glad that you exist because I find your unlikableness likable. You're different because you're a horrible person, Makalov, and I think FE needs more people like you.

HELL YEAH! Makalov is a bro. I mean, he's a terrible person, but he's special in his terribleness. I love this paragraph. (It's actually amazing that so many people hate him unironically, without giving him any credit whatsoever for that being totally the point. Bad person =/= bad character.)

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5 minutes ago, Chad Radwell said:

Kyza I get, but I've never had trouble making use of Ulki or Muarim personally? Huh, maybe I've been lucky. Still, agreed on all three counts though.

Ulki and Muarim is more in Path of Radiance. Janaff and Mordecai respectively outshine them.

6 minutes ago, Chad Radwell said:

HELL YEAH! Makalov is a bro. I mean, he's a terrible person, but he's special in his terribleness. I love this paragraph. (It's actually amazing that so many people hate him unironically, without giving him any credit whatsoever for that being totally the point. Bad person =/= bad character.)

Path of Radiance Makalov is actually a good unit from my experience both in game and in tier lists.

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13 minutes ago, Chad Radwell said:

HELL YEAH! Makalov is a bro. I mean, he's a terrible person, but he's special in his terribleness. I love this paragraph. (It's actually amazing that so many people hate him unironically, without giving him any credit whatsoever for that being totally the point. Bad person =/= bad character.)

I actually made a post where I explained that Makalov was actually a decently written character, and there should be more like him in future games. He's an alcoholic gambler that pushes his debts onto his sister and uses people's pity for his own gain without remorse. All he needs is a backstory that explains why he acts this way (as I can't remember if there is) and he would be even more of a pretty interesting character, in my opinion.

11 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Path of Radiance Makalov is actually a good unit from my experience both in game and in tier lists.

Yeah, he turns out fine. But usually people have already invested into Kieran/Oscar/Titania by that point.

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18 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Ulki and Muarim is more in Path of Radiance. Janaff and Mordecai respectively outshine them.

To be fair, Janaff and Mordecai are both perfect, divine beings who outshine everything in their path. I would - I would buy them a mocha. I would befriend the little bird man and hold hands with that sweet cat.

I'm very tired.

4 minutes ago, saisymbolic said:

I actually made a post where I explained that Makalov was actually a decently written character, and there should be more like him in future games. He's an alcoholic gambler that pushes his debts onto his sister and uses people's pity for his own gain without remorse. All he needs is a backstory that explains why he acts this way (as I can't remember if there is) and he would be even more of a pretty interesting character, in my opinion.

His younger sister is a bizarre mix of Ellen Page and Jinkx Monsoon who uses "crackers" as an expletive, and he's probably met Tanith at some point. That's enough to make anyone drink.

(Just kidding! Marcia, at least, is cool. Tanith...)

I would love to see more characters like him; even if you don't like or use him, you have to admit he does add colour and a new perspective to the world around him. It's a shame that there's so much backlash whenever a character is deliberately written to be heroic yet unlikeable, though, because those characters are so fresh in terms of character tropes in the series. 

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12 minutes ago, saisymbolic said:

I actually made a post where I explained that Makalov was actually a decently written character, and there should be more like him in future games. He's an alcoholic gambler that pushes his debts onto his sister and uses people's pity for his own gain without remorse. All he needs is a backstory that explains why he acts this way (as I can't remember if there is) and he would be even more of a pretty interesting character, in my opinion.

Yeah, he turns out fine. But usually people have already invested into Kieran/Oscar/Titania by that point.

I believe Makalov has a gambling addiction and this got him kicked out of the Begnion military, also getting his sister disgraced. So we don't know how he got addicted to gambling, but we do know a reason for his fraudulent behavior.

Thats true, though in the tier list I just said he was in top tier, only below god tier. Being a Paladin is big advantage in Path of Radiance!

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6 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

I believe Makalov has a gambling addiction and this got him kicked out of the Begnion military, also getting his sister disgraced. So we don't know how he got addicted to gambling, but we do know a reason for his fraudulent behavior.

Eh, I don't think we need to know much more than that. We don't know why Ilyana is so hungry, why Heather is so thirsty or why a solid third of the Greil Mercs are as dumb as a brick on fire, but we love 'em regardless. Besides, it's good fuel for fanfic and interpretation, if you're into that kind of thing. 

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Arden and Dew from FE4:

The former's got low move and the latter can barely damage anyone until he's promoted. But still, I like using them. I don't really care for movement anyways so I always use Arden, who's not that bad at combat, at least against early axe users. Oh and his face doesn't make me extremely annoyed, unlike Alec's. As for Dew, I just like using thieves, and besides, after he promotes, he becomes extremely good at combat.

Wendy from FE6: 

Wendy has extremely low base stats that makes it extremely difficult to train her. But I did train her anyways, and I don't regret it. She became my most powerful unit (although I guess she got blessed most of the time, but still...). 

Amelia and Ewan from FE8:

Given the fact that grinding exists in this game, Amelia and Ewan can easily catch up with the others and be rather useful. I like them both, and their low base stats due to being trainees doesn't actually bother me that much. Oh, and they're pretty good in combat after having a base class (we call them base classes right? You know, the usual classes of most FE units)




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8 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

but can any of those other characters get 20 Build as reliably as Marty can?  

Hicks can. I actually bothered to grind Hicks to 20/20 with all his stats 20. Build was one of the first.

I feel guilty about that, but still. Couldn't even use him in the end because E swords.

I have plenty of units who I use despite their being poor/bad for ranked/LTC/whatever comes next. The last one took quite a few lines and there are quite a few listed, so I'll leave it in a spoiler.


Boah: Sure, you're terrible. Didn't stop me from using you in MotE, and you were worth it. Shame Wendell's the only prepromote mage in the second book, slowed my interest in playing on.

Tanya: Last time I played Thracia, I somehow got a Tanya with 20 in most stats (not magic or build sadly, bit easy to get) and 10 move (by the way, she didn't get much chance to abuse the Dain scroll, if at all). That 10 move was hilarious. Sure, probably not worth it, but still.

Cyas: Well, he's bad compared to Sety. Who isn't though? He still can use staves very well in Thracia. Good enough for me.

Dorothy: A GBA archer. A GBA archer who can turn out great though. Not used as much as the other two for this game, but still would use over the other archers.

Treck: Probably the worst of BB's cavs. Still love using this guy, he's turned out great for me too often.

Gonzales: Terrible Skill and low axe accuracy making you a crapshoot? Don't care, favourite axe user in BB.

Rebecca: An archer in BS. Too many times have I heard why archers suck, and she's no exception. Still a fast attacker, though I can see her getting attack screwed and ruining her chances of use.

Neimi: My default Nidhogg choice over Innes. Go figure. She can also get a horse. Go figure.

Ewan and Amelia: I know they're inefficient. I know they've got terrible bases, and their growths aren't that great. Ewan as a druid is still great, and Amelia can get away with being a general (not great at tanking the damage, but she won't be as likely doubled late on. But at that point, just go with one of the other classes for her)

Jake: Ballasticians suck. They are slow, their bases are bad and their attack is not much good. Still used Jake. Still had fun with him.

Donnel: Seriously, guy with a pot on his head goes to fight for glory and you want me to hate him? Even after he's shown up too much in Heroes for my liking? I know he's horrendous in his start, but still.

Rinkah: She can actually be a defensive unit in Birthright. I don't care if you attack is mediocre. It's fine I swear.

Setsuna: Her strength is iffy. Her skill can be concerning. She still has that breakneck speed in her favour.

Mozu: So people say you're not worth it. Well, who else in Conquest can get Profiteer? Who tends to always turn out well irregardless of the campaign?

Kliff as a mage: WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY HE'S AWFUL? I mean, I get wanting to use his high base res elsewhere. I get he has to get Excalibur later. I get Tobin gained Physic. But to say he's an awful mage and never should be one has always seemed like a bad argument to me. He can actually use his stats very well for it, he has a good deal of options for offence (though if they'd replaced Aura with Seraphim or a white magic spell it probably would have been fine) and has the stats to use them better in the long run. If you're on about grinding forever for Thabes, sure you'll want him as a merc. If you want him to be a cav or an archer, I can see why. But saying his ability as a mage is bad has always seemed off to me.


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6 hours ago, saisymbolic said:

I actually made a post where I explained that Makalov was actually a decently written character, and there should be more like him in future games. He's an alcoholic gambler that pushes his debts onto his sister and uses people's pity for his own gain without remorse. All he needs is a backstory that explains why he acts this way (as I can't remember if there is) and he would be even more of a pretty interesting character, in my opinion.

Yeah, he turns out fine. But usually people have already invested into Kieran/Oscar/Titania by that point.

You don't always need a reason to be an alcoholic gambling addict.  My mother certainly doesn't. 

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8 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Path of Radiance Makalov is actually a good unit from my experience both in game and in tier lists.


8 hours ago, saisymbolic said:

Yeah, he turns out fine. But usually people have already invested into Kieran/Oscar/Titania by that point.

True that. His bases, coming underleveled, and joining situation do him no favours, either.

Anyways, the main ones that come to mind for me are Hana (glass cannon unit in a game where glass cannons suffer, and more exact, she's a myrmidon in a game where myrmidons' merits as a class are questionable) and Amelia (trainee unit; thankfully for her, SS allows grinding. After her trainee session, she can get right onto a horse and contribute in earnest).

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

I also like to use Nino in Blazing Blade though i do find her a bit harder to train than Sophia.

You lost me here - how is Nino harder to train than Sophia???

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8 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

You lost me here - how is Nino harder to train than Sophia???

Because of the chapter set up. Both Sophia and Nino join in Fog-of-War maps, so i don't train them there. With Sophia, i train her in Ch.14x by surrounding the Eclipse-Druid (so he can't attack) and having Sophia slowly chip away at him. I do the same with the enemy archers. Ch.26x in Blazing Blade is similar to Ch.14x, but i find it harder to do the surrounding trick there. Then, Ch.27 comes along and that's basically Binding Blade Ch.21 except less bullshit because the Mine Glitch exists. 

Basically, Sophia only has to wait a chapter before i can actually start getting her levels while it takes Nino two chapters. It also helps that i play Binding Blade in Normal mode but play Blazing Blade in Hard Mode.

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4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Mozu: So people say you're not worth it. Well, who else in Conquest can get Profiteer? Who tends to always turn out well irregardless of the campaign?

Midori can get Profiteer as well. But frankly, I'm convinced Profiteer is a wasted skill slot - it just ain't reliable enough (at most your chances of having it work are marginally better than 1-in-3), and 300 gold is pretty paltry, to say nothing of it being useless after 7 turns. If I needed gold in Conquest, I'd just use Ghostly Gold instead.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Because of the chapter set up. Both Sophia and Nino join in Fog-of-War maps, so i don't train them there. With Sophia, i train her in Ch.14x by surrounding the Eclipse-Druid (so he can't attack) and having Sophia slowly chip away at him. I do the same with the enemy archers. Ch.26x in Blazing Blade is similar to Ch.14x, but i find it harder to do the surrounding trick there. Then, Ch.27 comes along and that's basically Binding Blade Ch.21 except less bullshit because the Mine Glitch exists. 

Basically, Sophia only has to wait a chapter before i can actually start getting her levels while it takes Nino two chapters. It also helps that i play Binding Blade in Normal mode but play Blazing Blade in Hard Mode.

I find neither of them to be well off in the chapters immediately after their recruitment because frankly, disappearing bridges are an irritating gimmick, especially when trying to catch up a drearily underleveled character. Anyways, Nino at least can actually hit enemies.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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6 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

disappearing bridges are an irritating gimmick, especially when trying to catch up a drearily underleveled character.

I find them to be less irritating in Ch.14x instead of Ch.26x.

6 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Anyways, Nino at least can actually hit enemies.

So can Sophia, once you give her some Skill Books. Because i honestly can't find someone else who needs a Skill Book more than Sophia.

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Trainee units (Amelia, Ewan, Marisa)

FE10!Sothe. I know he isn't bad for like 2/4 of the game, but he starts dragging around part 4. I still use him until the endgame.

FE10!Kurthnaga. He isn't exactly bad, but it takes a lot of babying to get him anywhere, and you only have 5 chapters for this feat.

FE7!Rebecca. I don't know why she was said to be a bad unit.


FE14!Hana. She'd be a good unit if she wasn't surpassed by Hinata (and then Ryoma) and if she didn't have such an abysmal def and HP, but I still prefer her (not over Ryoma, of course).

FE4!Tiltyu. Not a bad unit, but her join time is horrible and making her good is often redundant (because you already have a team of demi-gods doing her job but better) and hard.

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Oh, I guess Machyua from FE5 is considered outclassed by Shiva. I disagree. Machyua was a monster in my playthrough. She dodged everything and hit very hard. Shova didn't do a whole lot for me, and I benched him.

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