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Will Warriors Banner Happen?


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23 hours ago, Korath88 said:

But even if there's a banner with the warriors OCs, will anyone actually roll for the lemonheads?

One, I like lemon. If we're at a restaurant and you get a glass of water with a lemon wedge, I'll gladly take it and immerse it in mine; bacteria be damned, I have an immune system. I drink sour lemonade like hot cup of Turkish coffee- slow sip by slow sip (but sometimes I rush it). There is also one place I know with a wonderfully zesty glazed lemon poppy scone, every bite packs a kick.

Two, after an initially chilly reception, I'm starting to warm up to the OC protag duo a bit. Sure they'll have rather generic movesets and personalities, but what else is new in FE or the world of JRPG protags? Rowan doesn't seem all that appalling now, his hair reminds me of a boddhisattva for some reason. Lianna still needs hair dye though.

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On 17/09/2017 at 8:49 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

A few non-OC variants, namely Bolt Axe Lissa and Tome Elise, could fluff things out too. Just no marginally different Warrior redesign Lucina, Xander, Tiki and the like (but we could use a horse tome Leo with an altered stat spread I concede).

To be honest, I'd like them to do an alternate weapon choice for certain characters like Caeda and Lucius. 

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