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Ahoy, maties! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Rex Glacies

Shiver me timbers!  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Arr?

    • Arr!
    • Yarr!
    • Ahoy!
    • Ho!
    • Aye-aye, captain!

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Avast, landlubbers of the Forest! It be "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" on ye 19th of Septembeer! So, arr! Put on ye best eye patches! Find yer best exotic birds to place upon yer shoulder! Speak in yarr best swashbuckling accents! And ignore the historical inaccuracies and celebrate with a bottle of rum and a walk off the plank! Arr!

I be celebrating with me greatest pirate jokes, here to share with ye blumbering landlubers. Avast, here be a few:

What has eight legs and eight eyes?


Eight pirates! Arr!

Why couldn't the pirate play cards?


Because 'e was standin on the deck!

Why are pirates called pirates?


Just because they arr!


I be addin more in the future, but just remember to add yer "arrs" and "aye-ayes" to ye casual conversations!

And anchors away! Arr!

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Raise the sails and pull the anchor lads, we're off to scrounge up some fine booty!

Give the landlubbers a gutting if they try to stop you!


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9 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

This be me favorite day evarrr!

Why couldn't the pirate preschooler see the movie?

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Because it was rated arrrrrr!


Shiver me timbers! Ye be stealin me jokes! But avast! That is pirating, is it not, matey? Arr!

And @Armagon! Ye have good taste in music, matey!

But enough talkin. It be time for more of me authentic pirate humor!

How did the pirate acquire a cheap ship?


It was on sail!

What's a pirate's favorite restaurant?


Arr-bys! (Arbys.)

What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?


Ya think it be "Arr" but it really the sea!

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Avast, me hearties yo ho! I be back with more of me comedy!

What do you call a pirate with two eyes, two legs, and two hands?


A beginner!

What grades did the pirate get in school?


High Cs! Ahahahah!

Where does a pirate shop for hooks?


At a second hand store!


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Away the anchors and host the mast! I be back with more of me jokes and befuddlements!

What's the Kraken's favorite food?


Fish and ships!

Why does it take a pirate so long to complete the alphabet?


'Cause they can spend years at C!


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Ahoy, me ship be sinkin and the day be yonder. But whilst a good capt'n be goin' down with his ship, I have me last jokes to occupy me heart:

What are the ten letters of a pirate's alphabet?


Aye-aye, arr, and the seven seas!

Why do we need algebra? Finding X is only important if you're a pirate.

Where does a one legged pirate go for breakfast?




And away mates! I hope ye be enjoy'n this holiday as much as I!

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