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Ike and Roy deconfirmed for FE Warriors


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The PR for this game as a whole was just one big mistake.

And it's a big, damn shame.

2 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

It's not even the roster I'm mad at, it's the idiocy they displayed trying to get people hyped for the game - the overseas audience got like 0.01% of the overall PR anything involved with this game, they contradicted themselves every other week, it's just straight-up ridiculous.

Pretty much how I feel about it.

I'm a patient man, and I try to keep a level head with things.  But all I can feel right now about the hype train is frustration and confusion.  They should've just stuck with gameplay trailers and character reveals, and stayed the hell away from these interviews where they seem to make their PR mistakes.

Then again, I feel people would be mad no matter what.  But the PR is not helping at all.

4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I guess people like me don't fit into their demographic anymore.  I'm 31 and have been with the series since FE7.  I may joke around, but I've never really gotten the hots for FE characters; I like them for personality.

I'm 22 and relatively new to the series (started with Awakening), but my tastes in games don't revolve around "dem tities" and ladies showing lots of skin.  I got into the games because I liked the characters for who they were and because I liked the unique nature of supports.  Also, I've been getting more and more into strategy games as of late.

I don't know how many teenagers would be into a strategy game just because of "waifus" and whatnot, but I guess that apparently it's a sizable enough crowd that they'd cater so strongly to them.

8 minutes ago, Neghis said:

Then I wonder what they meant when they said that they would listen to feedback for more dlc. More Fates, awakening and SD characters? The entire PR of this game leaves me completely baffled.

Maybe more Elibe/Echoes, with the exclusion of Roy?

I highly doubt the majority of fans will be asking for more from the focus games.  I mean, maybe more SD since that's a little underrepresented, but assuming that the DLC will be more fan-favorites and we get the NPCs through a free update, there's no way the rest of the Fates or Awakening characters will even make a dent in requests compared to the likes of Ike, Roy, or other protagonists.

3 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

I hope this will be another case of developers contradicting themselves, like they've done before.

It'd be nice if they were wrong...

Though I also have a feeling that if they receive enough backlash, they'll be forced to reconsider regardless.  There's only so far you can go with this sort of crap before you realize that maybe it isn't the right way...

... right?

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57 minutes ago, Jedi said:

TMS was super honest about its inclusions and people were still incredibly salty (thats not even counting people salty with the direction), quite frankly I don't think any spinoffs regardless of what they do will ever work fully for this fanbase. We're too divided.

I agree and disagree. On the one hand, would people have complained regardless? Probably, but those are the people who always complain. On the other hand, IntSys and Nintendo forcing arbitrarily narrow focuses on every non-Heroes spinoff (and even Heroes' representation isn't equal) to milk more money from Awakening and Fates is what's biting them in the hindquarters. 90% of people's complaints would have been assuaged if they had focused on five games (SD, one of the Elibe games, one of the Tellius games, Awakening and Fates are the ones I think would have worked best) instead of three for Warriors, expanded the roster size up to 30-35 and cut some of the dead weight in the form of the Fates siblings to make room for other characters.

Edited by Azure Sen
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32 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I guess people like me don't fit into their demographic anymore.  I'm 31 and have been with the series since FE7.  I may joke around, but I've never really gotten the hots for FE characters; I like them for personality.

This is purely a guess, but human females find virtual females more appealing too? Not sexually, but just in general in terms of being inviting and approachable?


45 minutes ago, Jedi said:

I still stand by the fact that FE:W is a very very good Musou game, but people are just going to pick it apart simply due to the roster, which is really a shame. I understand why people would react the way they have with the PR however. It's probably actually the most polished Warriors game I've ever played out of my 15 years of playing them, in terms of just how it functions, besides Orochi 3 and Samurai Warriors 4-II

It's not easy for me being in the position I'm in, because I want this game to be successful, alot of love and dedication went into it, however the marketing team and whoever was in charge of the PR was idiotic and they may have sunk this game much like how Earthbound tanked with a really bad marketing campaign.

I can understand this sentiment, because I'm an empathetic person who gets the issue of trying to moderate the chaotic debate. I heard of Earthbound's campaign strategy being catered towards juvenile humor and kids, despite the fact that the game is difficult for a young kid, a text heavy JRPG, and rather mature in content. 

It's interesting you praise the gameplay so highly, it's nice to it's not flop technically (3D models and transformation issues aside). Hopefully the sequel will play just as smoothly, and that even if it doesn't FEW will in a few years to come become archived as a solid Musou game, if not the best received one.


I'm okay with the 3 focus games approach, and can accept the 3 selected games. I was fine with TMS. I think the shoehorning of Lyn and Celica was a bad move though. Be open with what you plan to do, and don't contradict it, that is what I ask for.

What they should have done is dropped the Weapon Triangle that'd solve all sorts of issues. This silly mechanic has made us so upset, and is it even really that important in FEW? It just affects the chance of being staggered no? Good blocking/dodging and adequate mastery of a character's moveset should be able to compensate in 1vs.1 matchups (fighting multiple officers is always cluster turducken).


I'm hoping this illusive sequel happens eventually. But I think I'm going to skip the original until it has a few price drops. I'm just not going to fully enjoy it at full price even if the gameplay is good. I like SD, but it has a minimal character presence, Awakening's connection to me is lukewarm, and Fates, the game with the greatest share of the cast, I have superficial at best ties to.

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41 minutes ago, Neghis said:

Then I wonder what they meant when they said that they would listen to feedback for more dlc. More Fates, awakening and SD characters? The entire PR of this game leaves me completely baffled.

They are marketing for the Japanese audience only. As is often the case, the western audience is an afterthought for Japanese companies. So if theres anyones opinion they are going to listen too its the Japanese fans, not us.

Also, for everyone bemoaning no Ike or Roy, keep in mind if they were squeezed in they likely won't be part of the main story. Saving them for a sequel means we can see the story mode highlight their games. Which is cool..........if we get a sequel which depends on how the game sells in japan (I doubt they think this game will sell well overseas given the lack of marketing).

Edited by wissenschaft
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Okay do I think the devs are making a mistake, yes, do I think they've been idiots most of this production time, at least somewhat. Just keep in mind guys, we are the hardest fanbase to please, and due to this the devs want to make as much money possible and not directly care about fan opinions because we complain about everything. So they're going with what sells basically. Am I upset at them, yes, do I still want to play the game yes, as I feel not complaining about everything and giving genuine feedback will make this series greater and have them actually listen to us. I want to pull an example here, EA, known as one of the worse companies in gaming, made Star Wars Battlefront back in 2015, now the sequel game comes out in a bit over a month, an they've taken direct fan feedback from the first game and improved the game, better multiplayer, a campaign, balanced mechanics, free dlc, fan input on future content, more Star Wars in the game. I want to say if EA can do this amount of a turnaround with one of the biggest titles in cinema, then possibly with time IS/Nintendo will do the same to us, all we have to do is not complain about every little thing and constantly bury this series more.

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1 hour ago, Yexin said:


i've nothing to say

share your opinions, but please, don't randomly throw shit on the game also, inb4 eclipse's gonna close this topic anyway


please, someone tell me this is wrong... sincerely cries, and this is not a joke, i can barely see what i'm typing

I was going to leave this open until I read that last part.

Now it's going to be closed on the following grounds:

1. Thanks for telling me who's not in the game, in the topic title.
2. You have "nothing to say'.

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