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Interest check/planning: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles LP


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One of my favorite gamecube games! Really the only thing wrong with it in my eyes is not being able to save in the dungeons, and those tend to get longer the further you are in the game. I have found a gamecube launcher for wii homebrew called nintendont, and I think it might support save states, which will fix that problem. No more having to leave the console whirring and the TV off whenever I want to take a break and don't want to start the dungeon over from the beginning.

So this is an interest check! I have a few ideas so far:

Story of Dee Kat the selkie and her trusty moogle friend, Cheeto (I only do single player)

Polls will be made to decide what artifact I pick at the end of a dungeon. The options will always be:

Strength Booster

Defense Booster

Magic Booster

HP Booster

Extra Command Slot

Magic Ring

Dcat's choice

Simple, right? If the poll picks a choice that doesn't work, it will default to Dcat's choice, like if there are no Strength Boosters available at that time and that's what the poll picked. If Magic Ring wins and I have more than one of those I pick the one I get.

Images will come from...a 3ds sitting on a stack of books recording the TV. Sorry...that's my only option. Boss battles will be video recorded and the rest will be just screenshots of important moments.

Who's interested, and any tips?

Edited by Dragoncat
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I'm interested, lot of memories of this game. I mostly like it for the music and a couple of the more surreal levels. I played it all the way through Single Player twice, and multiplayer once. I's got to say that I don't really consider it a good multiplayer game, mostly because one player gets screwed out of actually playing due to having to carry the chalice (if mog was in MP it would be an okay experience even with the gimmicky GBA cables). 

My only suggestion is to fight the urge to spam charge shot (even though Selkie has the best one on the upgraded weapons), because even if it's the most effiecnt way to play the game, it won't be exciting for viewers, especially those who haven't tried it themselves, as if you mixed things up some more. 


Why aren't fire/ice/thunder/cure rings in the poll

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Yeah I totally agree with you there. Mog not being in multiplayer completely kills that mode.

I thought about putting the rings in the poll, but aren't they pretty rare? I guess I can put those under "dcat's choice?" Nah, I'll just include them I guess. Call them magic rings. If I get more than one and that option wins I'll pick the one that I get, sound fair?

Also, spamming charge shot. Does that mean focus attacks? The dual shooter is the best thing ever and I probably do spam focus attacks sometimes with it, but mostly just on the tougher enemies.

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