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What could be interesting for a site?


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I mean, I wanted to make a FE one, but I see that there are quite a few of those already outthere. I see no reason why I should join the FE community, it would be hard to get fans in there since they already are attached to these other FE sites.

So, perhaps a videogame site would be nice, or a writers site especially for just writing lovers.

Do you have any ideas that could help me out?

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Don't make an Eragon forum. There's already one with lots of members (surprising, seeing as the books aren't that great). Though last I checked, that place has gone to hell. Only thing I got out of the site was inspiration for my username...which I now use at every forum I go to. But that's a another, slightly long, story.

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I have decided that I will mainly be focusing on a writing site that will feature role playing, FE art submission, fanfics, stories, story submission for criticism and helpful tips and perhaps a little of contests and the such.

Wish me luck as I will start tomorrow Sunday with the project.

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By saying start I meant to start on the project, of course. ^^

Anyways, Tino, I studied html and css again, and I got something going, I'll show later, when I publish the site.

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