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Presidency to be determined tonight


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Check this out:

* 2004: Redskins lose to Green Bay Packers 24-10.

President George W. Bush beats Mass. Senator John Kerry. STREAK ENDS.

* 2000: Redskins lose to Tennessee Titans 27-21.

VP Al Gore (incumbent party) loses to George W. Bush.

* 1996: Redskins beat Indianapolis Colts 31-16.

President Bill Clinton (incumbent party) beats Kansas Senator Bob Dole.

* 1992: Redskins lose to New York Giants 24-7.

President George H.W. Bush (incumbent party) loses to Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton

* 1988: Redskins beat New Orleans Saints 27-24.

VP George H.W. Bush (incumbent party) beat Mass. Governor Michael Dukakis.

* 1984: Redskins beat Atlanta Falcons 27-14.

President Ronald Reagan (incumbent party) beats former VP Walter Mondale.

* 1980: Redskins lose to Minnesota Vikings 39-14.

President Jimmy Carter (incumbent party) loses to California Governor Ronald Reagan.

* 1976: Redskins lose to Dallas Cowboys 20-7.

President Gerald Ford (incumbent party) loses to Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter.

* 1972: Redskins beat Dallas Cowboys 24-20.

President Richard Nixon (incumbent party) beats South Dakota Senator George McGovern.

* 1968: Redskins lose to New York Giants 13-10.

Senator Hubert Humphrey (incumbent party) loses to California Governor Richard Nixon.

* 1964: Redskins beat Chicago Bears 27-20.

President Lyndon Johnson (incumbent party) beats Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater.

* 1960: Redskins lose to Cleveland Browns 31-10.

VP Richard Nixon (incumbent party) loses to Mass. Senator John F. Kennedy.

* 1956: Redskins beat Cleveland Browns 20-9.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower (incumbent party) beats former Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson.

* 1952: Redskins lose to Pittsburgh Steelers 24-23.

Illinois Governor Adlai (incumbent party) loses to General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

* 1948: Redskins beat Boston Yanks 59-21.

President Harry S. Truman (incumbent party) beats New York Governor Thomas Dewey.

* 1944: Redskins beat Cleveland Rams 14-10.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (incumbent party) beats New York Governor Thomas Dewey.

* 1940: Redskins beat Pittsburgh Pirates 37-10.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (incumbent party) beats Wendell Willkie.

That's right. The presidency is determined by the Washington Redskins game directly before the general election. It's 16 and 1 in determining who's going to come in, with only the most recent election going against it.

If the Redskins win, McCain will be the new president. If the Steelers win, Obama will win on Tuesday.

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Steelers trounced the Redskins, 23 to 6.

Considering it's supposed to be the closest thing we've had to a Landslide since Reagan, I won't be surprised if Obama wins tomorrow by a lot.

At least my team won, even if it's at the cost of who I'm voting for tomorrow losing the election. ;_;

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Steelers trounced the Redskins, 23 to 6.

Considering it's supposed to be the closest thing we've had to a Landslide since Reagan, I won't be surprised if Obama wins tomorrow by a lot.

At least my team won, even if it's at the cost of who I'm voting for tomorrow losing the election. ;_;


Well, can't say we didn't see it coming. I mean, Obama pretty much has hold of the entirety of the media and Hollywood. All McCain has is WABC and Fox.

Of course, it could be the one time the formula is wrong, but considering all the hype and brainwashing that went on for Obama, I can't say I doubt he's gonna win.

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I have no sympathy for the American elections. In Canada(where I live), we for some reasons care about your elections IDKW. <_<

Because as different as Canada wants to be from the US, and this isn't meant to sound as antagonistic as it does, but Canada wouldn't survive very well without US support. It's the same reason the Canadian economy got sucker punched worse by the recession.

If it helps at all, the only thing that makes Mexico better off is a decent language barrier.

As for the topic, I've haven't had much faith in the skins lately, so I saw this coming. But I'm kind of hoping for a McCain upset myself.

Edited by bunny
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