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Can the world fuction without the thrid world


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Assuming that's what he means, I'd say no.

In order for there to be a prosperous nation, there have to be victims. I'm not justifying it though.

This is my response to the topic title as well. I guess perfect communism would be a possible exception to this, though.

I still have no idea what you meant by the post itself, Doom Dragon...

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I interpret the opening post to mean the following (obviously you should correct me if I'm wrong, Doom) -- Consider a world in which no country can be classified as a third world country because all countries are relatively wealthy. Could the world maintain economic or political stability in this scenario?

This is a complex question (or perhaps I just don't know enough regarding the subject) and I'll have to think about it for a little while before I post a response.

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Assuming that's what he means, I'd say no.

In order for there to be a prosperous nation, there have to be victims. I'm not justifying it though.

That is what I was thinking.

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International economy, fwee.~

Anyways, I don't think the world can function without the third world. Almost everything is based on balance, and for every super-insane-mega-absurdly rich country, there has to be a counterweight for it. On a speculative note, for all the third-world countries to gain relative stability, another wealthy country would most likely have to sacrifice. Unless said third-world country finds a gold mine or something. That would be nice. But, it will all balance out in the end, yup.


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After reading Wist post

I don't think we can survive without it. Most of those countries make clothes and shoes and other stuff. We depend on them for many other things, Although don't get me wrong i don't approve it.

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Third World countries will rise in power in time. China is a fine example of this... It's growing amazingly fast, economically and financially.

China is nothing it's a first world on some cities but its a dump in most parts

It's not an economical threat to U.S or a power when it comes to Military China will fall in the next 10 years

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I interpret the opening post to mean the following (obviously you should correct me if I'm wrong, Doom) -- Consider a world in which no country can be classified as a third world country because all countries are relatively wealthy. Could the world maintain economic or political stability in this scenario?

This is a complex question (or perhaps I just don't know enough regarding the subject) and I'll have to think about it for a little while before I post a response.

Yes you got it right

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Third World countries will rise in power in time. China is a fine example of this... It's growing amazingly fast, economically and financially.

When has China ever been a third world country?

China is nothing it's a first world on some cities but its a dump in most parts

It's not an economical threat to U.S or a power when it comes to Military China will fall in the next 10 years

Those populated areeas are more than well off enough. You don't measure a nation's presence on the international stage by the condition of it's worst off, except maybe morally.

Also, we're billions (trillions maybe? I don't remember) of dollars in debt to China and import from them WAY more than we export to them. They're at least equals economically.

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Ever studied Rostow's Model?

Never heard of it. Enlighten me. :)

EDIT: Upon some quick research:

" 1. Traditional society

2. Preconditions for take-off

3. Take-off

4. Drive to maturity

5. Age of High mass consumption"

It doesn't look like third-world country is required anywhere in here. The idea of a third-world country really hasn't been around for more than about half a century.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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Never heard of it. Enlighten me. :)

EDIT: Upon some quick research:

" 1. Traditional society

2. Preconditions for take-off

3. Take-off

4. Drive to maturity

5. Age of High mass consumption"

It doesn't look like third-world country is required anywhere in here. The idea of a third-world country really hasn't been around for more than about half a century.

I see. I was basing the fact that Third World countries are generally around stage 1 or 2 of that model. China is currently around stage 3, while Europe and America, amongst others, are in stage 5.

It was a mistake of mine to say China used to be third world, but now, they are really starting to pick up the pace.

But, I do believe Africa needs to be more independent and learn to stand on it's own two feet, instead of receiving all this aid, which the majority of is going towards the government.

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All the aid is doing is helping Africa rise from it's Third World status quicker, but it's still going nowhere fast. If they continue this, then they will soon expand and grow, which will be bad for richer countries.

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