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Kemono Friends Mafia - Game Over


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I'm here, I'm back, I'm around. Apologies for not being around at the end of last phase, I was having dinner with my visiting family, although it looks like my absence changed nothing in the end anyway.

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It's defintely stand to argument though that my vote could have gone on DB and then Rex wouldn't have been lynched as consolidation may have been moved at that time towards DB.  Anywho back to other thoughts.

I like the poor vote train on me though.

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I can't but help noticed that Marth didn't vote Rex and even though he stated multiple times he was okay with a Rex lynched he disliked all of the cases for Rex.  Gonna bring up his Day 2 posts for everyone to see.

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On 10/24/2017 at 8:46 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Going to claim this to avoid dumb confusion about it but I targeted Boron last night as I didn't expect her to be killed. Won't claim my role but that NK effectively ruined my action.

I'm gonna re-read now.

I think this is a pointless thing to say and I dunno why you said it.  If you're town you only give scum more info and you are smart enough not to do this.  This realistically seems like a scum post that is made to seem like a helping town.

On 10/24/2017 at 10:09 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Tbh I'm waffling hard on this. On one hand, Arc's results aren't really useful as of now, and being RNG'd to Rapier the night Rapier asks to be scanned and he claims Insomniac is suspicious. On the other hand, I kind of don't like the people who encouraged an Arc lynch on the principle of getting rid of the noise because it feels out of context of what's happening.

Like, Mack, Faerie Knight was in the same position in the last game and you know that he was Town Colour Cop, a not-so-good version of a normal cop, so it feels weird that you were pushing the Arcanite lynch yesterday given the experience with dealing with cop claims in the last game.

No information of substantion importance in this post.

On 10/25/2017 at 7:30 AM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Tbh I feel like YOLOing and voting Rex again.

Okay? so why not do it? Why would you state you feel like doing something then not do it? You could always vote him and then take your vote off of him later.

On 10/25/2017 at 9:12 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:


The last two posts have been non-committal towards any sort of scumread, but the bold over here is scum logic.  You were fine with lynching Arcanite yesterday despite their cop claim. Why do you have a 180 on them today? What is so trustworthy about them today that you're willing to lynch their scan target to test their sanity? And what determines 'scum vibes' coming from them? This is the kind of logic that could line up mislynches and it looks scummy.


Not having any concrete stance on GC/Michelaar also looks bad since you've still got their entirety of D1 content even if you think the D2 content is lacking, so there has to be something more here.


Then he votes defaultbeep and drops everything about Rex????  Also his reasoning for DB is pretty weak in my opinion here.  A beginner wanting to test cop claims is one of the first things a beginner would probably think of, I can understand it being scummy and normally that's bad but we also have to realize that we can't ONLY lynch people for making newbie mistakes.

On 10/25/2017 at 9:57 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

You can call me MI or Blue or Marth.

This isn't scummy or town, it's just a post. I only have it here cause I quoted all his posts for his ISO.

On 10/25/2017 at 10:29 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

oh right to clarify I saw people claiming Arc was cop and was paranoid about mislynching the cop so I voted Bart at phase end. I came on at 5 min before deadline so there wasn't much I could read or respond to at that time.

The reasoning for this is fine but it also doesn't really bring anything to the table on day 2.  I'm also pretty sure you could have stated this same exact line when you dropped your vote on Bart at the end of day 1. It's like two sentences.

On 10/25/2017 at 11:50 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

I would say the Scum!Shinori being a thing makes less sense. Boron was like his only major content in D1, and while no one bought his case on her, no one outright said that they found her to be townie. Why would he NK his only scumread and leave himself with very little to fake for the next phase?

Reasoning as to why I'm not scum.  Boron was my biggest scum read also boron wasn't reading me as scum, so if I was scum why the fuck would I shoot this person?  I would probably shoot someone who actually had something to say about me, or some player who I figured would be able to catch me being scum, someone who knows my scum meta more than Boron does.

On 10/25/2017 at 11:57 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

@Anime27Arts @Greencapps @Michelaar


What do you think of my Defaultbeeps case?

Do you have thoughts on any others? Or is DB your only thought here? What happened to that yolo Rex thing I thought you liked?

On 10/26/2017 at 9:09 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

@SB. I ignored the wall post he made after my vote because it didn't really change my opinion of him. Voting after I prodded him only made him look worse to me but I didn't want to pin him down like that and wanted to give more room for discussion before I shared more thoughts on him.


I feel like the self-consciousness coming from DB is really, really bad.Like yes you can have reads based off of people interacting but you don't need to ask second opinions before voting, because that shows a lack of conviction in your own opinions. Mafia want to blend in and not post anything that brings a lot of attention to themselves, so they're more likely to ask and vote on second opinions to avoid attention.


I don't support a Green lynch; I never did. Throwing a pity party for himself is bad but I believe the frustration he's having wrt not being ready for a different mafia playstyle. Fwiw I have played the kind of mafia games that he has been mentioning, and its a lot different from these kind of games so I can see where he is coming from. Also he has still been very active in discussion. Can't believe we needed a fake dayvig play to test his reactions.

Rapier/Arc aren't good lynches today either but I'm all for Rex/DB lynches. Shinori, please say something soon.


First paragraph is just responding to SB. Second paragraph is more DB tunneling. Third/fourth paragraph are why he doesn't wanna lynch other people.  Oh hey he mentioned Rex again and said he was fine with a Rex lynch but then chose to not state reasoning why?  This is also the second time he mentioned him this day phase with zero sort of follow up.

On 10/26/2017 at 9:50 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

I probably should have worded it better. Its not really just votes but your reads look like they need to see where the flow of the game is going to make a concrete stance(when this doesn't always have to be the case) rather than making conclusions that you can easily change later on as you get new information, but it is espeically apparent in one of your recent posts where you ask anime27arts whether your read on her is non-committal or not which really looks self-conscious. 

Wording things better so people understand what he already said.

On 10/26/2017 at 10:00 PM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

hnnggggg I'm going to have to think over this.

Okay waffle.

On 10/27/2017 at 11:30 AM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

@SB. I'm fine with a Rex lynch but the cases on him are basically about his inactivity which I don't feel is as strong as what I've had on DB but I've been feeling weird about DB insisting that he will play passively, like I'm not sure if that would come from scum. I'd vote Rex for the reasons I gave D1 but the inactivity reasoning feels weak IMO. I'm not sure who else I'd vote, tbh the activity hasn't been great today and I feel like I need to rethink my reads.

Fine with a rex lynch but doesn't vote him and doesn't come back at all for the rest of the day phase, he obviously didn't actually intend to vote Rex but rather just wanted it to look like he was fine with it. Leaving near the end of the day phase with his vote on DB forces town to vote DB if enough people aren't on to vote swap to Rex.  He would vote for Rex for day 1 reasoning while ignoring any of Rex's Day 2 posts. this is also very poor and stinks of scum.


Marth was fine with a Rex lynch all day apparently yet constantly attempted to draw pressure towards DB and even left near the end of the day phase while saying he was okay with a rex lynch while leaving his vote on DB, this potentially means if anyone else had gone on DB near the end of the day phase the wagon probably would have gone towards DB instead of Rex.  This is a classic move of attempting to look townie if Rex gets lynched but also attempting to pigeon-hole town into lynching DB.

Followed by his only thing on day 3 is him saying we should mass claim when town is ahead is a terrible decision.  Town got a lynch on scum, town even got some sort of protection as there was no kill last night but he would rather mass claim at this state in time instead of just go with the fact that we are already winning and there is no reason to give the town information.  Claiming is bad as if the doc managed to save someone last night we DO NOT want them to claim.  Also there appears to be some sort of roleblocker, whether they are town sided or scum sided is unknown but I'm going to assume scum as they blocked our insane cop supposedly. The only reason someone would block Arc at this state in time is because they don't want any more information getting out to us town side. Had his investigation gone off today and come up as a scum read we could more than likely assume that his two investigations were town sided and not scum sided.  Because of this I'm gonna assume that the role block is scum sided and that Arc is insane and that Rapier is town.

All of this being said we should not mass claim as our doc could just be role blocked repeatedly, also Marth needs to answer for his poor actions and scumminess.

##Vote: Marth

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Oh yeah so hammer is required, which then brings up my first point:

Why the fuck would I kill my own teammate? Had I not shown up to and voted Rex, which if you back and check the end of day 2 I was the third person to vote Rex and also probably the catalyst for people swapping votes to Rex, Why in the world would I do that?  Why would I not just state "Hey I wanna lynch DB." Then it would have been like 4 votes on DB and only 2 on Rex, much more likely to lynch DB in that case.



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11 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

So now you start talking huh

Im going to bed so ill read this tomorrow....

Yeah a new game came out and I told yall I played the fuck outta that game. 36 hours straight playing it basically beat the game until raids come out though so I'm chillin now.

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Dude, cool down. 


a)I said that I'm considering massclaim, I'm not fully confident in that atm.

b)I am never pulling a bus on D1 and push my buddy as a counterwagon to an Arcanite lynch, as scum. Saying that I didn't vote Rex on D2 doesn't matter when I felt like DB case had stronger reasoning, plus the Rex case for most amounted to "he did nothing."

c)Look I'm looking at your vote as a bus on Rex, if that isn't the case, respond calmly instead of flaring up at me for voting you.

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I just wanna point out I am calm and my post was calm. I was channeling anger as I do sometimes. That post was pretty well thought out imo.

a) Considering it at all is pretty bad at this point in time in the game, town is ahead and at a clear advantage and there appears to be a scum role blocker or Green is ascetic.

b) You felt that the DB had stronger reasoning but then left when the game requires a hammer even though you stated you were still fine voting Rex.  If his posts amounted to nothing your's would be just as guilty, there was no actual content there in your posts outside of weak DB reasonings.

c) Once again, why would I kill my own scum buddy? Literally had I just voted DB Rex wouldn't have been lynched more than likely.  Or had I quite possibly not voted at all then there might have been a no lynch potentially.So unless you see a scum team of me/rex/DB my vote being a catalyst for Rex's lynch should be a bunch of brownie points.

Once again I want to iterate that I am calm and not flaring up, my brain just started working into overdrive noticing things that were scummy, at least to me.

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I left the game because my timezone is different from other people's and I honestly felt my DB case was stronger? Look, I spent the entire of day 1 trying to convince people that Rex was scum only for everyone to say that my reasoning was weak. Day 2 people literally vote him for being inactive which is worse than anything I had on him on Day 1. Like, why would I spend two phases doing the same thing when no one was agreeing with me?\


Idk about you killing off your buddy, I thought you were late on the wagon? I'll have to look back again.

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I was the third vote and the vote that was more or less likely the catalyst for people vote swapping onto it.

As soon as I voted rex there was the follow up votes of "So we are consolidating on Rex then?"

I need to reread your day 1 then.

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:


New role what dis?

Also while I do agree that pressure being put on Shinori is wise there's already three votes and atm I think DB looks worse. 

I think a massclaim now would be a bit too risky. Tomorrow when we might have only one mafian left sure but for now it's putting all our cards on the table too early.

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Okay seems my little gambit payed off, first an explanation I am town jailer, I decided to take arcanite under my wing tonight, there was also no kill tonight which confirms two things, 1-Arcanite is town, 2-scum has no roleblocker as if they did the ideal action would be to rb arcanite and kill someone else also nobody said they got roleblocker night one. 

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