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Serenes Presidential Poll


Who will be our president  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Obama or McCain

    • Obama is yo mama
    • McCain is down for pain

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It's not so much that he was in a war, it's that he was fighting for his country. Willingly. He even spent five years in a POW camp, and still never lost his sense of pride and love for his country. (bolded to show the point)

If you don't respect that, then I weep for you.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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How does being a war hero show you will be a good president


You need a president who is intelligent and can make imparital decisions. I think America needs a president who can handle the pressure and time to stop worrying about other countries <_<

Honestly sometimes I get the feeling the Amercian government do alot worse then good when it comes to International disputes.

Edited by Luxord
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You need a president who is intelligent and can make imparital decisions. I think America needs a president who can handle the pressure and time to stop worrying about other countries <_<

Honestly sometimes I get the feeling the Amercian government do alot worse then good when it comes to International disputes.

Stop worrying about other countries? When did America start caring about other countries? American government is based off money, period. If you can't realize that, I'm sorry. When America is nice to a country, its to get other ones off our backs, the only large ally we have is Canada.

Obama is taxing people who make $250,000 a year to help the poor, that's a man I want for president.

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Biden's been a senator for 30+ years or something, yet he's laughworthy. just throwing that out there without any idea behind it

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Then what's the point of foreign affairs?

Well why does America get involved in other countries business. They seem to do more damage then good. If there is a country which has direct conflict with Amercia fine thats different.

But no point getting involved in other countries problems when they make the matter worse :/

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You need a president who is intelligent and can make imparital decisions. I think America needs a president who can handle the pressure and time to stop worrying about other countries <_<

Honestly sometimes I get the feeling the Amercian government do alot worse then good when it comes to International disputes.

Stop worrying about other countries? When did America start caring about other countries? American government is based off money, period. [Not talking to anyone directly] If you can't realize that, I'm sorry. When America is nice to a country, its to get other ones off our backs, the only large ally we have is Canada.

Obama is taxing people who make $250,000 a year to help the poor, that's a man I want for president.

POSTED AGAIN: The answer to what Sage just said.

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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McCain isn't a bad man, he just isn't the right one for presidency.

I dunno. Maybe he isn't. But he's better than Obama I think.

-Obama is friends with Ayres. An unrepented terrorist. AND his preacher Jerimia Right(Or whatever.) Publically said: "God Damn America! The USofKKKA."

-Obama has very socialist/communistic views. Which goes against the principles this country was founded on. And we've been fighting communism for over 50 years.

-He wants to sit down with other terrorists and dictators and try to reason with them? Er....Erm....You can't really tell someone: "STOP HURTING PEOPLE!!!!" and they'll do it. We learned that from Hitler.

-There's currently a democratic congress. And a democratic judiciary branch. If the president is democratic, every republican value will be thrown out. No checks and balances.

-It's not a great reason, but there's that whole biblical prophecy that states pretty much: "When the world has gone to shit, the devil will emerge in the form of an extremely charismatic politician.

WORST CASE SENARIO: (The likelyhood of this however is like nothing, but still.) Obama is Satan, and he will team up with the terrorists, take over the world and will enslave the human race.

While the worst case Senario with McCain is just that we stay where we are. Not great, but better than Satan rulling over us.

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Well why does America get involved in other countries business. They seem to do more damage then good. If there is a country which has direct conflict with Amercia fine thats different.

But no point getting involved in other countries problems when they make the matter worse :/

I meant as a whole, especially commerce. Importing and exporting is a big part of our economy, let alone the whole worlds economy. We need to be on the good side of other nations.

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Obama is taxing people who make $250,000 a year to help the poor, that's a man I want for president.


Ignorance ftw.

Notice how Obama's own people have been dropping the price on that lately. It went from 250k to 200k. Then it went to 150k. Then it went to 120k.

When he doesn't deliver as promised, kick yourself for me, please.

Look, no offense to you guys from different places, but you can't vote here, so your opinion on my politics means absolutely nothing to me.

Anyway, voting took me all of 3 minutes. Other states should adopt our polling practices. It's quick, easy, efficient, and electronic so you don't have to deal with paper errors.

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To be honest, I don't give a crap about who is Obama is friends with. If he did have insane ideas, then there wouldn't be millions of people following him :/

Plus McCain = war

War sucks, it does damage to both sides.

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To be honest, I don't give a crap about who is Obama is friends with. If he did have insane ideas, then there wouldn't be millions of people following him :/

Plus McCain = war

War sucks, it does damage to both sides.

And Obama invading pakistan doesn't mean war?

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It's not so much that he was in a war, it's that he was fighting for his country. Willingly. He even spent five years in a POW camp, and still never lost his sense of pride and love for his country. (bolded to show the point)

If you don't respect that, then I weep for you.

I respect and commend him for it

But it has nothing to do about president

Also Mac, Biden isn't bad at all. Palin is a dumb shit on the other hand

Lyle that is war agaist AlQueda the paki thing

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Look, no offense to you guys from different places, but you can't vote here, so your opinion on my politics means absolutely nothing to me.

True...but the Amercian government has been causing so many problems for people to other countries. Of course we can't vote but usually the decisions America makes affects other countries alot.

The current American government love to to get involved in other countries problems <_<

Of course its going to concern people from different countries, since they like to step in.

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To be honest, I don't give a crap about who is Obama is friends with. If he did have insane ideas, then there wouldn't be millions of people following him :/

Plus McCain = war

War sucks, it does damage to both sides.

Millions of people followed Adolf Hitler. Not saying that Obama is Hitler, just saying.

Also, Obama = War. Voting one guy in over the other isn't going to change that. In fact, voting in Obama is going to get even more people killed if he's stupid enough to withdraw now that we're kicking ass in Iraq. How stupid do you have to be to think that setting a withdraw date is a good idea? That's letting the enemy know your plans, which is a fantastic way for them to plan around you and gain the upper edge. We set a withdraw table, the insurgents sit on their laurels until we're gone then throw a coup and take over the Iraq government, meaning the soldiers who've already lost their lives overseas did so for abso-fucking-lutely nothing, including 3 of my good friends from JRTOC in high school.

I will not accept that. War sucks, but we as a people should have thought about that before getting involved in the first place. Entering a war with the stupid idea that people aren't going to die is pretty retarded.

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I respect and commend him for it

But it has nothing to do about president

Also Mac, Biden isn't bad at all. Palin is a dumb shit on the other hand

Lyle that is war agaist AlQueda the paki thing

Pakistan doesn't want us in there. Obama is gonna force our troops in. Pakistan isn't gonna like that. That means war.

And that thing about the VPs isn't biased at all. <_<

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I dunno. Maybe he isn't. But he's better than Obama I think.

-Obama is friends with Ayres. An unrepented terrorist. AND his preacher Jerimia Right(Or whatever.) Publically said: "God Damn America! The USofKKKA."

-Obama has very socialist/communistic views. Which goes against the principles this country was founded on. And we've been fighting communism for over 50 years.

-He wants to sit down with other terrorists and dictators and try to reason with them? Er....Erm....You can't really tell someone: "STOP HURTING PEOPLE!!!!" and they'll do it. We learned that from Hitler.

-There's currently a democratic congress. And a democratic judiciary branch. If the president is democratic, every republican value will be thrown out. No checks and balances.

-It's not a great reason, but there's that whole biblical prophecy that states pretty much: "When the world has gone to shit, the devil will emerge in the form of an extremely charismatic politician.

WORST CASE SENARIO: (The likelyhood of this however is like nothing, but still.) Obama is Satan, and he will team up with the terrorists, take over the world and will enslave the human race.

While the worst case Senario with McCain is just that we stay where we are. Not great, but better than Satan rulling over us.

Good Points

1. Its worth a try. 2. I believe it'll be much, much more complicated than that.

You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Plus, it can't happen, 1 man can't delete an entire party. The executive branch isn't more powerful than the other branches, there are Republicans every where in government, just because Obama is a Democrat, doesn't mean he will try to take away the Republican party. Bush didn't.

That could be a politician anywhere, not just America. America isn't the center of attention. Plus, already knowing a terrorist isn't Lucipher's style, I think he will appear as a humble politician, a man who will be loved by the ignorant beings of the world, thus, resulting in our downfall. Hitler was a man of trickery, as is Satan. But you may be right, I'm not doubting that.

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