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What do you do with your grand heroes?

Prince Endriu

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Recently had to send some units home because my barracks was almost full and I want to gradually expand my barracks.

I didnt send any of the grand heroes home because they are rare. But now I am thinking about what to do with them. They take up a signifant amount of space and as of now I dont want to promote any of them to 5*. Well, maybe ArvisĀ  but I am not sure about it, and of course wI am waiting on Xander and Camus. So I thought maybe I should get them all up to 4* and merge them and save some space.

What do you do with your grand heroes? Especially the ones you dont want to promote. Which ones have you promoted?

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You should definitely look into Arvis. He's a great support unit (heals and debuffs) and his offensive potential is good, if not quite as great as Tharja's or Celica's. His fantastic resistanceĀ helps in both regards.

As for your question, I always keep at least one of each around and fodder off spares, even Berkut and Navarre. Sometimes I like a unit so much that I'll keep their copies around and merge them (Arvis, BK).

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I had sent some home early on. Never again, I have been hoarding most of them since.

Eventually might pass inheritance if I get enough of them and can spare the feathers.

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Well I have promoted most of them the last one I need to is Valter.Ā Ā Normally I SI the spares I collect since I am not that big in to merges.Ā  Arvis is a really good mage and is my most powerful one, since I am F2P and have not had good luck pulling mages and he has been saving my TT runs.Ā  Ursula helped me a lot before I pulled Reinhardt and Michalis is my best axĀ flier since his sister refuses to let me pull her.Ā  Camus and Xander are both linchpins in my horse emblem team.Ā  It is up to you what you do with your units, but I do recommend keeping one of each unit since you never know when you might need them for a map.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Grand Hero Battles are Hero Battles that are grand, not battles against grand heroes.

They sit in my box taking up space.

Yeah, they are not THAT great most of the time and thats the point preventing me from making them 5*. Why should I promote Valter if I have promoted Cordelia - no offense but I think she is just plain better, just as an example.

So I am a little bit on a fence, they take up space but I am not inclined to do something with them, on the other hanf since they are rare I dont really want to send them home - at least not yet.

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I have a 4* or 5* version of every one of them leveled up to 40. What I do to my spares depends a bit though. I keep units that have rare skills (like Narcian), but I don't really have a problem with sending others home (unless I might want to merge them later, but I don't see that happening to anyone other then Camus).

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I used spare Navarres, Ursulas, some Robins, one Michalis, one Narcian and one Berkut for SI. I merged Xanders and Camus' first copies at 4* to save SP, sadly not doing the 5* merge in retrospective.Ā 

The rest is doing a picnic in my barracks.Ā 

/Edit: I have 5*ed Michalis, Valter, Camus, Xander, Ursula and Arvis. Next one will be Robin.Ā 

Valter is doing fine in TT btw, @Prince Endriu. Tana and Cordelia have maxed HM.Ā 

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Keep at least one version of the character for my collection, my Arvis, Camus and Xander are 5 star and the rest are 4 star. Xander is a staple on my horse team so he gets used the most.Ā  My Cecilia replaced Camus at the moment. I might promote someone else to 5 star in the future, no hurry to do so.

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5 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Yeah, they are not THAT great most of the time and thats the point preventing me from making them 5*. Why should I promote Valter if I have promoted Cordelia - no offense but I think she is just plain better, just as an example.

So I am a little bit on a fence, they take up space but I am not inclined to do something with them, on the other hanf since they are rare I dont really want to send them home - at least not yet.

Zephiel is the only one I use on a regular basis. Most of the others I've promoted a copy to 5-star rarity and leveled to level 40. The duplicates just sit there, though.

Valter has the specific niche of being able to run Cursed Lance with Fury and his huge physical bulkĀ to easily enter Desperation and Brash Assault range.

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I level them up to 40 and have promoted the majority of them to 5 star at this point. They're often my favorite characters, since so many are units you could never take control of in the main series. I don't send them home, but I've used Narcian and Ursula as skill inheritance when I had no other options back when skill inheritance became a thing. Keeping so many around is a strain on my barracks, but it is so cheap to extend them. The price of yet another Virion or Est is equivocal to 25 more character slots. My current size of 415 is proving more than enough.

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Basically I hoard them unless they're good enough to be promoted to 5* with the exception of Valter, he's great but I have Tana and a bunch of blue fliers so there's little reason to use him.

Also I use a few of them as SI fooder (Narcian, F!Robin and Valter) but I make sure to have 1 copy of them at any time.

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My Units from GHB usually get 5 Stard and merged together, if they are good. Arvis, Zephiel, Xander, Camus, Ursula and Valter are examples of my merged 5 Star Units. the others usually lump around as a 3-4 Star unit and sometimes get used for skill inheritance.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Zephiel is the only one I use on a regular basis. Most of the others I've promoted a copy to 5-star rarity and leveled to level 40. The duplicates just sit there, though.

Valter has the specific niche of being able to run Cursed Lance with Fury and his huge physical bulkĀ to easily enter Desperation and Brash Assault range.

So you're keeping Zephiel around instead of using Black Knight? I instantly jumped on BK because I never got a DC to slap on Zeph lol.

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I level a copy of each to 4* lv 40 for the occasional revival mission or when I need an arena bonus unit. Arvis is the only 5*, and it was for the current tempest trial. The rest I've held onto for emergency skill fodder, but I still have most of the extra copies.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

So you're keeping Zephiel around instead of using Black Knight? I instantly jumped on BK because I never got a DC to slap on Zeph lol.

Zephiel's Res stat actually exists. All of my main armors are already fully built, so Distant Counter on the Black Knight doesn't make that much of a difference to me, and having an open A slot doesn't matter when I don't have any spare copies of Ike to give him Steady Breath.

I don't have a built Amelia yet, so I can't really make good use of a player-phase build on the Black Knight, either.

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I keep one copy of each.Ā  Very few multiples (Camus, Xander) are kept for merges, and the rest are used as SI fodder (I don't send any GHB units home).

I treat TT reward units the same way, although I'm going to merge all 5* copies of them of course.


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I always keep at least one copy around, and the extras, should I happen to have any,Ā go straight to the SI fodder list.

If I like the character or unit enough, I'll promote them. So far Zephiel, Clarisse, Michalis and Arvis are myĀ 5 Star GH units.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Zephiel's Res stat actually exists. All of my main armors are already fully built, so Distant Counter on the Black Knight doesn't make that much of a difference to me, and having an open A slot doesn't matter when I don't have any spare copies of Ike to give him Steady Breath.

I don't have a built Amelia yet, so I can't really make good use of a player-phase build on the Black Knight, either.

Welp, Arden exists anyway, so player phase BK would be a bit pointless maybe...

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