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Well, today was...

Freohr Datia

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... pretty good I guess... overall pretty good and some of the times today were pretty cool!

1st period - French class: =o Two people of my class brought in French desserts. They were each of French bread and had chocolate. One was with chocolate inside rolled up bread. The other was just a slice of something like... idk... I guess the type of garlic bread that is flat (just without the garlic =D) and had chocolate spread out on top. It had a name, but I forget. The two girls who brought them in were Danielle and Danni (=D Danni's real name is Eva, though, she just doesn't like her real name). The first one had the best bread and the second had the most chocolate on it. I WANTED MORE SOOOO BADLY, BUT COULDN'T D= There wasn't enough.

2nd period - Animal Science: well, one thing I enjoy every day about that class is that there are two guys in there who are always real cute and make me smile (not without hiding it =D). They provided me entertainment today, I guess. Plus we are done learning in AS, so all we had to do was study. I just read The Scions of Shannara which was pretty entertaining.

3rd period - Geometry: This wasn't as good, but I did like how the assignment we were given was pretty easy. Tomorrow, our class is bringing in $2 each and we will not have lunch and replace it with Pizza Hut pizzas. =)

4th period - Journalism: We had a assignment that I thought would be hard, but it wasn't really as bad as I would've thought it to be, plus it's our final pretty much, so no finals on thursday like we are supposed to. It is due on thursday.

5th period - Adv. Computer Aps.: Always the worst class of the day... didn't get too much pleasure out of this besides the fact that school was almost over, and there was something I went to right after school

Public Library: I went to that Guitar Hero thing I signed up for! =) It was ok, but it turned out the only people besides me who went were all girls who were all on either Easy mode or Medium mode. So everyone was pretty surprised when they saw I went on Expert mode.

For dinner I had Tuna Helper, and then I got on here. Have studying to do later though.

I found out that there's a town called Truth or Consequences, New Mexico =D made me lol hard

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