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Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!


Voting Gauntlet: Short-Haired Ladies vs. Long-Haired Gents!  

248 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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  • Poll closed on 11/12/2017 at 05:00 AM

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Like how I don’t like for being perfect and never allowed to grow as a character. I’m fine as long as I’m not pushing my opinion on the others (which I hope I’m not).

The censored name probably helps. XD But yeah. I've disliked characters because of a single support conversation...but I've also liked characters for the same reason. Trash-talking can suck, and it's easy to get caught up in the moment, especially if the discussion gets heated. I just kind of chalk up all of the VG talk to sportsing mentality.

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If Takumi loses, but Amelia wins, then team Amelia. If both Takumi and Amelia lose, than team Shanna. As much as Soren seems like he could have a good personality, he seems way to prickly and if I get him, I'll probably just send him home for feathers. Atleast with Shanna, I've found a fun build I want to do with her. And she has some good skills when it comes to skill inheritance.

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If Takumi loses, I'll probably go with team Soren. Nowadays, I don't dislike him as much as I used to back when I first played PoR. I also have no emotional attachment to either Amelia or Shanna. As units ... well, although I have all three of them Amelia is an armor and I don't like using armors, my Shanna is still 3-star and missing several important skills, while Soren is at least decently built up.

That said, I'm not totally okay with certain parts of his fanbase. But then again, I can say that for pretty much every character. At least I can fight on the same side as my IRL friend.

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

The censored name probably helps. XD But yeah. I've disliked characters because of a single support conversation...but I've also liked characters for the same reason.

Ouch, I somehow missed typing the name. Oh well, it’s still obvious by the post belonging to me that I was talking about Ike, so no big deal.

I don’t like smack talk in Heroes because it works against the intended goal of the game, to unite the fans of the whole series in a mega-crossover fanfiction. Making us to choose sides is not cool.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Ouch, I somehow missed typing the name. Oh well, it’s still obvious by the post belonging to me that I was talking about Ike, so no big deal.

I don’t like smack talk in Heroes because it works against the intended goal of the game, to unite the fans of the whole series in a mega-crossover fanfiction. Making us to choose sides is not cool.

XD I figured it was him or a small handful of other characters I could think of.

Yeah. It's kind of troublesome. The FE fanbase as a whole (not pointing out individuals or specific groups or saying ALL) is a little scary at least in my experience when it comes to defending or bashing characters. (Or maybe forums just bring out the worst in people? Who knows? My irl convos about FE tend to be way more tame despite huge differences in opinion.) And the gauntlet just seems to make that even worse. XD It's like...IS took the whole Nohr versus Hoshido issue and made it waaaaaaay worse.

But if you ignore the internet, there's not toxicity. So there is that.

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

XD I figured it was him or a small handful of other characters I could think of.

Yeah. It's kind of troublesome. The FE fanbase as a whole (not pointing out individuals or specific groups or saying ALL) is a little scary at least in my experience when it comes to defending or bashing characters. (Or maybe forums just bring out the worst in people? Who knows? My irl convos about FE tend to be way more tame despite huge differences in opinion.) And the gauntlet just seems to make that even worse. XD It's like...IS took the whole Nohr versus Hoshido issue and made it waaaaaaay worse.

But if you ignore the internet, there's not toxicity. So there is that.

I think the fanbase in general can be divisive- even in things like which game is better

at least with Heroes it intoduced me to other older games and appreciate the characters i would have never know

wow i sure hope they don't do a Hoshido vs Nohr VG now, that's one of the most divisive things i've seen in the fanbase lately

anyway if Shanna loses i might have to go Takumi in my main and Amelia in second, since those are the only units i have in each account. Not looking forward to level 40 battles with a 1 move Amelia though :(

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

at least with Heroes it intoduced me to other older games and appreciate the characters i would have never know

This is what I like about the game the most. :) To quote a friend, it "breathes life into older characters" especially with new art and voice acting. I love getting to know the Jugdral characters. And I'm excited to hear what characters like Canas or Rhys might sound like.


5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

anyway if Shanna loses i might have to go Takumi in my main and Amelia in second, since those are the only units i have in each account. Not looking forward to level 40 battles with a 1 move Amelia though :(

If Soren loses... It's difficult to say. I have a Takumi, but I really don't like using him since he's -SPD... Amelia is my fave, so I'd likely go with her. If It ends up Shanna versus Takumi, IDK who I'll pick. At least I'd be able to set Merric as my lead. :3 How the teams perform on their next multipliers will determine everything.

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I'm actually running short on flags, lol. With the multiplier being so fickle, it's really hard to guess when your team is going to get a multiplier. I tend to overuse early because I also have a habit of missing on multipliers in the late morning/early afternoon when I'm still sleeping.

Glad I saved up a few flags for the big end hour multipliers, though. Win or lose, though, I think my Takumi just wants to be done with this gauntlet.

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Wow, Amelia V Shanna is going to be really close. Depending on how Amelia's multiplier performs to Shanna's last two hours of multipliers it could go either way.

Hopefully Team Shanna has depleted most of their flags and one of the final two hours vastly under performs as people will choose one or the other.

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18 minutes ago, Res said:

Eek! Takumi is so far behind right now.

Multiplier tho. If this back and forth continues, which it probably will then Takumi wins because he'd get it in the final hour.

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This is intense! Hopefully Amelia will go ham as this is their last bonus hour and give Shanna two bonuses. Although I'll only do the 7.5x in that case but hey, it is what it is.

On the other side I wonder who's going to win between Soren/Takumi? Seems pretty crazy.

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I'm hoping Takumi goes all out on this multiplier so Soren can't catch up. I'm waiting to do my final vote for this round and then off to bed to hope I wake to good news. Really don't want to have to change teams since the rest just don't grab me like Takumi does... despite my Soren being max HM. I used him on the PoR TT since a green mage went well with my team ^.^'

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm hoping Takumi goes all out on this multiplier so Soren can't catch up. I'm waiting to do my final vote for this round and then off to bed to hope I wake to good news. Really don't want to have to change teams since the rest just don't grab me like Takumi does... despite my Soren being max HM. I used him on the PoR TT since a green mage went well with my team ^.^'

Takumi has to overperform, yes. That way, we give the multiplier back to Soren, and then he returns it to us in the final hour for us to win with!

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1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Well I still have 565 flags left, waiting for a desperation to kick in.

Exactly my point. You can only go all-out with 400 flags on one of the multipliers.

I'm guessing the 7.4x multiplier will under-perform by a lot, and the 7.5x multiplier won't be enough to do it.


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These last hours are crucial, definitely. If Team Takumi overshoots enough, they might end up giving us the last minute multiplier and we can secure a win!

I'm running low on flags... I have like 500 left... I hope they can make the difference and let my boy Soren win.

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27 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

With the multiplier being so fickle, it's really hard to guess when your team is going to get a multiplier.

I disagree with this. As a mathmagician, I have exactly the amount of flags needed to maximize my current run. :D

In all seriousness, with the amount of data that we have and enough math skills, you can accurately tell how many multipliers there will be. The difficult part is telling when they happen.

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8 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Exactly my point. You can only go all-out with 400 flags on one of the multipliers.

I'm guessing the 7.4x multiplier will under-perform by a lot, and the 7.5x multiplier won't be enough to do it.


Well, I have exactly 900 (100 leftover for the next 100 extra of the last round for a clean 200 points step) because I can anticipate with high probability (never secured of course with those crazy shifts in power), but I also doubt everyone plans the same way as I do.

Kinda also wanted to make a joke about how this will be a repetition of the Ninian vs. Corrin underperformance in the last hour with some jab into conspiracy theories, but seriously, who gives a damn about how this ends? Everyone should be aware of how asinine this entire mode is by now. I'll just enjoy the feathers. So far it's been going rather well for me and noticing the high-point bonus hours. Hopefully this will continue in the last round (also have Shanna, Soren and Takumi, so no worries on the bonus points as well)

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Soren multiplier.

This is the hour that determines it all! I think it's funny how the prediction tracker has already decided that Takumi and Amelia are the winners. Amelia and Shanna are so close that it's still anyone's game. Shanna surprised us last round for sure seeing as Hinoka wasn't able to catch up. If Soren underperforms, he could get 2 multipliers which might secure his win like it did with Ryoma last round. If he overperforms, Takumi will win.

That being said, I spent my last 100 flags. Hopefully my score gets me into the top 5k for rankings! ATM, I'm sitting at about 1200 in the army.

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-Checks rank

I'm 288 on Team Takumi. That's nuts. We'll see how this ends then. Team Pina Colada or Team Birthmark, place your bets!

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